
ISSN 2466-4073 – jun 2021. / June 2021 Air Serbia inflight magazine VAŠ PRIMERAK YOUR COPY TO KEEP Moskva, Krasnodar, RostovnaDonu, Sankt Peterburg Moscow, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Sankt Petersburg Hajde da letimo u Rusiju LET'S FLY TO RUSSIA

Choose ancillary services for a better travel experience at airserbia.com Izaberite dodatne usluge na airserbia.com kako bi Vaše putovanje proteklo još prijatnije PUTOVANJE SA KUĆNIM LJUBIMCEM KREIRAJTE SVOJ KOMFOR I ODABERITE DODATNU USLUGU PO SVOJOJ MERI CREATE YOUR OWN COMFORT AND CHOOSE ANADDITIONAL SERVICE TRAVELING WITH YOUR PET PRATILAC ZA NAJMLAĐE UNACCOMPANIED MINORS Kada letite Er Srbijom, Vaš ljubimac, pas ili mačka, može putovati zajedno sa Vama u kabini. Zbog ograničenog broja ljubimaca na letu, neophodno je da nas blagovremeno kontaktirate pre početka putovanja i uputite zahtev. Dozvoljena težina ljubimca je do 8 kg zajedno sa transporterom čije su dimenzije 40 cm dužina x 30 cm širina x 24 cm visina. Pre putovanja, obavezno proverite uslove za prevoz ljubimaca u datu zemlju, kao i potrebnu dokumentaciju. When you fly Air Serbia, you can take your pet, dog or cat, into the passenger cabin with you. The number of pets on our flights is limited, so please contact us and send your request before your travel date. The maximum combined weight of pet and container allowed onboard is 8 kg, with maximum container dimensions 40 cm (length) x 30 cm (width) x 24 cm (height). We strongly advise you to inform yourself before travelling about the conditions of carriage and required documents for pets valid in your country of destination. Pratnja za decu uzrasta od 5 do 12 godina dostupna je za putovanja unutar Evrope i između Evrope i Bliskog istoka, dok je za letove između Evrope i SAD-a, dostupna samo ukoliko su deca uzrasta od 7 do 12 godina. Karta i usluga pratnje se mogu obezbediti isključivo putem Er Srbijinog Kontakt centra, u Er Srbijinim poslovnicama ili ovlašćenim turističkim agencijama. Our staff is available to accompany children between the ages of 5 and 12 for travel within Europe and between Europe and the Middle East, and on flights between Europe and the US, only for children between the ages of 7 and 12. Tickets for unaccompanied children as well as the escort service can only be booked and purchased via the Air Serbia Contact Centre, in one of our offices or with authorized travel agents. THAT FITS YOUR NEEDS

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5 Reč dobrodošlice Welcomemessage STIŽE NAM LETO, SAMIM TIM I planiranje omiljenog dela godine za najviše ljudi – letnjeg odmora. I pored promenljive situacije i ograničenja u putovanjima, trudimo se da vam i ove sezone omogućimo što veći izbor destinacija za zasluženi odmor. Upravo zato odlučili smo da ponovo uspostavimo letove do određenih popularnih destinacija u našoj mreži, kao i da uvedemo novu liniju. Obnovili smo letove do Soluna, a početkom juna ponovo uspostavljamo letove do Praga, Sofije, Bukurešta, Sankt Peterburga i Krasnodara. Pored redovnih, ponovo pokrećemo i neke od sezonskih linija, i to ka popularnim letovalištima na hrvatskomprimorju – Dubrovniku i Splitu. Prvi put uvodimo letove do Rostova na Donu, najvećeg grada na jugu Ruske Federacije, koji je namapu naših destinacija trebalo da bude ucrtan još pre godinu dana, ali je pandemija prolongirala planove. U junu pojačavamo i frekvenciju ka postojećim destinacijama u našoj mreži, poput Tivta, Pariza, Larnake i Osla. Raduje nas što se obimsaobraćaja na nekimod najpopularnijih ruta polako vraća na nivo pre pandemije. Crnogorsko primorje je tradicionalno omiljena letnja destinacija, pa vamna letovima do Tivta nudimo i više od 110.000 sedišta u letnjoj sezoni. Svesni smo da su planovi ove godine najčešće last minute, imajući u vidu da su ograničenja u putovanjima i dalje lako promenljiva kategorija. Ipak, situacija se trenutno razvija u pozitivnompravcu i nadamo se da će se taj trend nastaviti. Sa ponosom ističemo da smo ove godine posebnu pažnju posvetili našimherojima – zdravstvenim radnicima. U saradnji saMinistarstvomzdravlja Republike Srbije, za zdravstvene radnike angažovane u kovid sistemu obezbedili smo 10.000 vaučera kako bi po povoljnijimuslovima otputovali na zasluženi odmor. Njihova nesebična borba za život i zdravlje svih nas podstakla nas je da pronađemo način da im iskažemo zahvalnost i poštovanje. Posebnu zahvalnost i poštovanje, kao i uvek u ovom periodu godine, iskazujemo našimprethodnicima koji su namsvojomvizijomutabali put. Jun namdonosi značajan jubilej – 94. godišnjicu od osnivanja Aeroputa, kompanije koja je preteča Er Srbije. Inspirisani hrabrošću pionira domaće avijacije, koji su te davne 1927. godinemorali da se suoče sa brojnimpoteškoćama, i mi – bez obzira na savremene izazove, sa verom i optimizmomnastavljamo dalje. Uživajte u letu i srećan put. DANKANNEJSMIT, GENERALNI DIREKTOR ER SRBIJE SUMMER IS COMING, AND WITH IT, the planning of the favourite part of the year for many - the summer vacation. Despite the shifting situation and travel restrictions, this season again, we are trying to provide you with a selection of as many destinations for your deserved vacation as possible. For that reason, we have decided to re-establish flights to certain popular destinations in our network, but also to introduce a new route. We have recommenced flights to Thessaloniki, and at the beginning of June we are resuming flights to Prague, Sofia, Bucharest, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar. In addition to scheduled, we are re-establishing some of the seasonal routes, such as to popular summer resorts on the Croatian coast - Dubrovnik and Split. For the first time, we are introducing flights to Rostov-on-Don, the biggest city in the south of the Russian Federation, which was supposed to be added to our map of destinations a year ago, but the pandemic had delayed the plans. In June, we are also increasing the frequency of flights to existing destinations in our network, such as Tivat, Paris, Larnaca and Oslo. We are glad that the scope of traffic on some of the most popular routes is slowly returning to pre-pandemic levels. The Montenegrin coast is traditionally a favourite summer destination, so we are offering more than 110,000 seats on flights to Tivat in the summer season. We are aware that plans this year are usually last minute, having in mind that the travel restrictions are still quite prone to change. However, the situation is currently developing in a positive direction and we hope that this trend will continue. We proudly note that we have paid special attention to our heroes this year - the medical workers. In cooperation with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, we have provided 10,000 vouchers to healthcare workers operating in the COVID system, so that they can have their well-deserved vacations at a discount. Their selfless battle for life and health of all of us inspired us to find a way to express our gratitude and respect. As always in this part of the year, we also feel special gratitude and respect for our predecessors, who paved the path for us with their vision. June brings us an important anniversary - the 94th anniversary of the founding of Aeroput, the company which is Air Serbia‘s predecessor. Inspired by the bravery of the pioneers of domestic aviation, who had to face numerous difficulties back in 1927, regardless of the current challenges, we are moving forward with faith and optimism. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip. DUNCAN NAYSMITH, CEO AIR SERBIA Dragi putnici, Dear passengers, Jun 2021. June 2021 Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia

6 | Sadržaj » Contents Sadržaj Contents NA LETU ON BOARD 10. Putujemo sa glumicom IvanomZečević / We travel with actress Ivana Zečević PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 12. Er Srbija vas vodi u Rusiju / Air Serbia takes you to Russia INTERVJU INTERVIEW 24. Gabrijel Bern: Vanzemaljci su metafora svega čega se bojimo / Gabriel Byrne: the aliens are a metaphor for everything we fear KULTURA CULTURE 42. Vojin Ćetković: Posle nekih uloga ništa nije bilo isto / Vojin Ćetković: After some roles, nothing was the same 50. Da li je 1971. bila najbolja muzička godina? / Was 1971 the greatest music year ever? 56. MAD about Hollywood: Madrid pamti filmske zvezde / MAD about Hollywood: Madrid remembers film stars ER SRBIJA VESTI AIR SERBIA NEWS 64. Srećna godišnjica: Pet godina veze Beograda i Njujorka / Happy anniversary: Five years of connection between Belgrade and New York 65. Ponovo letimo za Rim i Milano / We‘re flying to Rome and Milan again 66. Vaučeri Er Srbije za zdravstvene radnike /Air Serbia vouchers for health workers 67. Er Srbija povećava broj letova do Pariza i Osla / Air Serbia increases number of flights to Paris and Oslo MODA FASHION 70. Šareno, volim te, šareno: Ludi deseni za ludo leto / Colourful, I love you colourful: crazy patterns for a crazy summer U FOKUSU IN FOCUS 08. Specijalne pogodnosti za letove ka Crnoj Gori / Special benefits for flights to Montenegro

Contents » Sadržaj | 7 Broj / Issue No. 328 Naslovna strana / Cover Shutterstock The inflight magazine of Air Serbia Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SRID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 ©Air Serbia All rights reserved Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije/ Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik/ Design and layout editor AleksaVasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout IvanDžaferović, JovanaVelimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Mitar Mitrović, Zoran Lončarević, Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Đorđe Kojadinović Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevodna engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive AdvertisingManager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights DESTINACIJE DESTINATIONS 96. Najlepše plaže Evrope / the most beautiful European beaches 100. Dobro došli u Crnu Goru i njene bisere – Kotor i Perast / Welcome to Montenegro and its gems - Kotor and Perast 106. Ponovo letimo do Soluna, Praga i Sofije / We‘re flying to Thessaloniki, Prague and Sofia again 108. Hajde da putujemo u Dubrovnik, Split i Bukurešt / Let’s head to Dubrovnik, Split and Bucharest RITAMBEOGRADA RHYTHMOF BELGRADE 74. Hoakin Klerč: Dok u meni teče krv, vraćaću se u Beograd / Joaquín Clerch: while blood flows in me, I‘ll keep returning to Belgrade 78. Tan Husein Klark: Beograd proganja umetničku maštu / Than Hussein Clark: Belgrade haunts artistic imagination RITAMSRBIJE RHYTHMOF SERBIA 80. Srećan vam 29. jun: Pokaži mi gde Dunav ljubi nebo / Happy 29th June: showme where the Danube kisses the sky LAJFSTAJL LIFESTYLE 90. Dva Francuza i Britanac: Kokteli koji će vas oduševiti / Two Frenchmen and a Brit: cocktails that will delight you 92. Praktični minimalista: Oko sveta sa ručnimprtljagom / Practical minimalist: around the world with hand luggage Park u Krasnodaru / Park in Krasnodar Foto / Photo: Shutterstock

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia U Fokusu In focus SPEC I JA LNE POGODNOST I Z A L E TOVE KA CRNOJ GOR I UVEK VIŠE – PROMOTIVNA AKCIJA ER SRBIJE ER SRBIJA U OKVIRU NOVE PROMOTIVNE akcije za letove ka svojim destinacijama u Crnoj Gori – Podgorici i Tivtu, nudi 50 odsto popusta na kupovinu karte za decu od dve do 11 godina, 25 odsto popusta na kupovinu karte za mlade od 12 do 25 godina i 25 odsto popusta za putnike starije od 65 godina. Kampanja obuhvata i uslugu Dođi i leti , koja podrazumeva mogućnost zamene karte za drugi let ka Tivtu ili Podgorici tog istog dana, bez doplate, ukoliko postoji slobodno mesto na željenom letu. – Cilj nam je da putnicima pružimo što bolje uslove za putovanja u narednom periodu. Uvereni smo da će im naša nova ponuda značajno olakšati odlazak u Crnu Goru kako zbog povoljnijih cena, tako i zbog veće fleksibilnosti prilikom planiranja putovanja. Sigurni smo da će uz promotivnu akciju Er Srbije organizovanje letnjeg odmora ove godine biti lepše i lakše – izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije. Er Srbija je značajno povecala broj letova ka Crnoj Gori i ponudila više mesta na letovima kako bi svojim kupcima ponudila veći izbor. – Zbog povecane potražnje želeli bismo da podstaknemo naše putnike da planiraju odmor unapred kako bi obezbedili najbolje cene – dodao je Marek. Ovi popusti su primenljivi na sve tarife na letovima Er Srbije između Srbije i Crne Gore. Kampanja obuhvata i uslugu Dođi i leti , koja podrazumeva mogućnost zamene karte za drugi let ka Tivtu ili Podgorici istog dana

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9 SP EC I A L B ENE F I TS FOR F L I GH TS TO MONT ENEGRO “ALWAYSMORE” - AIR SERBIA PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN AS PART OF A NEWPROMOTIONAL campaign for flights to its Montenegrin destinations of Podgorica and Tivat, Air Serbia is offering a 50% discount on tickets for children aged from 2 to 11, a 25% discount for youngsters aged between 12 and 25, and a 25% discount for passengers aged over 65. These promotional air fares will be available until further notice. The campaign also includes the “Come and Fly” service, which enables the possibility of exchanging a ticket for a different flight to Tivat or Podgorica on the same day at no extra cost, provided a free seat is available on the desired flight. “Our goal is to provide our passengers with the best possible conditions for travel in the coming period. We are convinced that our new offer will make their travels to Montenegro significantly easier, both because of the more favourable prices and due to the greater flexibility possible when planning trips. We are certain that organising a summer break this year will be nicer and easier with Air Serbia’s promotional campaign,” said Jiri Marek, General Manager, Commercial and Strategy, Air Serbia. Air Serbia has significantly increased the number of its flights to Montenegro and deployed more seats to offer a broader choice to its customers. “Due to increased demand, we would like to encourage our passengers to plan their holiday well in advance, to secure the best value pricing options,” added Marek. These discounts are applicable on all Air Serbia fares between Serbia and Montenegro. The campaign also includes the “Come and Fly” service, which enables the possibility of exchanging a ticket for a different flight to Tivat or Podgorica on the same day 50%popusta Er Srbija daje na kupovinu karte za decu od dve do 11 godina discount on Air Serbia tickets for children aged from 2 to 11

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia NIKADA SE NISAM PLAŠILA AVIONA. PAMTIM VOŽNJE PO velikim oblacima ispod nas. Naravno, tu su udobnost i brzina, ali se najviše divim toj perspektivi sa visine. Gledati našu planetu sa distance je neopisiv osećaj Divna je vožnja po oblacima Na letu On board I VANA ZEČEV I Ć, GLUMI CA 2 1 5 I’VE NEVER BEEN AFRAID OF PLANES. I RECALL rides over big clouds belowus. Of course, there is also comfort and speed, but Imost appreciate that perspective from the heights. Viewing our planet from a distance is an indescribable feeling I VANA Z EČEV I Ć, ACT R ESS Riding on clouds iswonderful Kvalitetna hemijska je bitna, jer volimda pišem i crtam A good quality pen is important, as I like to write and draw. Dobra plej-lista je uvek sa mnom. Muzika mi mnogo znači, pogotovo na dužimputovanjima, kad imam vremena da se opustim i uživam I always have a good playlist with me. Music means a lot to me, especially on longer journeys when I have time to relax and enjoy myself. Bez knjige stvarno ne ulazim u avion, tada mogu lepo da se udubim i uživam u nekomdobrom štivu I really never board a plane without a book, as I am then able to nicely immerse myself and enjoy some good reading Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Marija Dimitrijević, iStock Minimum 100 grama čokolade uvek ponesem. Osim što je mnogo volim, dobro mi dođe kad polećemo i slećemo da mi se uši ne zapuše I always carry at least 100 gram of chocolate. Apart from the fact that I really love it, it also comes in handy for ensuring my ears don’t pop during takeoff and landing. Prazna sveska mi je uvek pri ruci. Volimda pišem o onome o čemu razmišljam, možda tako bolje razumem sebe, a i vrlo često misli uobličim u nekakvu malu priču ili crtež An empty notebook is always close at hand. I like to write down what I’m thinking about, and perhaps I better understand myself in that way, and I very often shape those thoughts into some kind of short story or sketch 4 3

Za ljubitelje pravog uživanja na planini. Luksuzna vikendica se nalazi na Torniku, okružena najlepšim delovima prirode! Panoramski pogled ka celom Zlatiboru! For lovers of real mountain enjoyment. Luxurious weekend villa located on Tornik, surrounded by the most beautiful areas of nature! A panoramic view of the whole of Zlatibor! IG: zlatiborluxurycabin mail: zlatiborluxurycabin@gmail.com contact: +381638062063 Spoj etno i luksuznog stila A blend of ethno and luxury style Mogućnost organizovanja poslovnih i privatnih događaja Possibility of organising business and private events

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia smarttravel Er Srbija vas vodi u Rusiju Air Serbia takes you to Russia Usled velikog interesovanja putnika iz regiona i same Rusije Er Srbija leti ka čak četiri destinacije u Ruskoj Federaciji, čime za putnike iz Rusije postaje glavna ulazna kapija za putovanja do našeg regiona i dalje. Ka Moskvi letimo sedam puta nedeljno, 4. juna obnavljamo letove do Krasnodara, a 8. juna do Sankt Peterburga. Osim ka Krasnodaru, 4. juna će avioni Er Srbije prvi put poleteti za Rostov na Donu, do kojeg će saobraćati dva puta nedeljno. Due to great interest among passengers from the region and from Russia, Air Serbia flies to as many as four destinations in the Russian Federation, and has thus become the main carrier of Russian passengers travelling to our region and beyond. We fly to Moscow seven times a week and are resuming flights to Krasnodar on 4th June and to Saint Petersburg on 8th June. Apart from flying to Krasnodar, on 4th June Air Serbia’s planes will also fly for the first time to Rostov-on-Don, which will welcome Air Serbia flights twice a week.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13 ROSTOV NA DONU / ROSTOV-ON-DON 170min. OD BEOGRADA: FROM BELGRADE: me scan Donski kozaci i kapija Kavkaza Rostov je grad na desnoj obali reke Don, koji nezvanično nazivaju kapijom Kavkaza i južnom prestonicom Rusije, u kojem, kao nigde u Rusiji, živi tradicija donskih kozaka. Mesta oko Rostova nisu ni sela ni naselјa, već stanice, od kojih je najpoznatija Vešenska, rodno mesto čuvenog pisca Mihaila Šolohova. Vorošilovski most je jedan od simbola grada, a zanimlјiva je i glavna ulica Bolјšaja sadova, u kojoj se nalaze gradska kuća i niz istorijskih objekata. Još jedna atrakcija Rostova na Donu je Hram rođenja Presvete Bogorodice — minijaturna kopija Hrama Hrista Spasitelјa u Moskvi. To je treća crkva podignuta na istom mestu: prvu je spalio udar groma, druga je oronula. Kad ste već tamo, svratite do rodne kuće Antona Čehova, koja se nalazi u luci Taganrog, oko sat vožnje od Rostova. Voroshilovsky Bridge is one of the symbols of the city, while it also has an interesting main street, Bolshaya Sadova, where the town hall and a series of historical buildings are located. Another Rostovon-Don attraction is the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos - a miniature copy of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. It is the third holy building to be constructed on the same site: the first one was struck by lightning and burned down, the second one fell into a state of disrepair. Stop in at the birth house of Anton Chekhov in the port of Taganrog, located about an hour’s drive from Rostov. Ovde je rođen čuveni pisac Tihog Dona Mihail Šolohov This was the birthplace of Mikhail Sholokhov, the famous author of Quietly Flows the Don Don Cossacks and the Gate of the Caucasus Rostov is a city that’s located on the right bank of the Don River and unofficially dubbed the gate of the Caucasus and the southern capital of Russia, where the tradition of the Don Cossacks lives on like nowhere else in Russia. The settlements around Rostov are neither referred to as villages nor hamlets, but rather stanitsa settlements, the most famous of which is Vyoshenskaya, the birthplace of famous novelist Mikhail Sholokhov.

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia smarttravel KRASNODAR / KRASNODAR 150min. OD BEOGRADA: FROM BELGRADE: Grad nasmejanih ljudi Krasnodar je već dugo na vrhu liste najboljih mesta za život u Rusiji. Njegova glavna ulica Krasnaja ima toliko zelenila da se čini kao da šetate kroz park! Grad je relativno mali i svuda se brzo stiže, ima mnogo sunčanih dana, zbog čega su njegovi ljudi stalno nasmešeni i nekako razigrani na ulicama… U restoranima se servira lokalna ekološki čista hrana, a brzim vozom se za samo dva sata stiže do obale Crnog mora. Nekada se „crveni poklon“, što Krasnodar u prevodu znači, zvao „Katarinin poklon“. Jekaterinodar je bilo staro ime grada, na koji su presudno uticale dve Katarine – Velika, koja je dala zemlju tamošnjim kozacima da podignu tvrđavu, i Sveta Katarina Aleksandrijska, koja se poštuje kao zaštitnica grada. Staljin me scan je 1930. pokušao da izbriše Katarine iz sećanja i promenio je ime grada u Krasnodar, ali su svuda podsetnici na istoriju, koju čuvaju ne samo kozaci već i ulice, koje nose nova, ali i stara imena. To je oduvek bio grad kozaka, koji se i danas pojavljuju kao čuvari tradicije – otvaraju muzeje, igraju i pevaju na svakom većem tradicionalnom festivalu… Možda ih nećete sretati na trgovima, ali ćete zato sresti veoma ljubazne domaćine, razne arhitektonske stilove, divne spomenike, među kojima je neobična skulptura na uglu centralne ulice koja predstavlja dva elegantno odevena psa u šetnji. Skulpturu je inspirisao čuveni pesnik Vladimir Majakovski, koji je Krasnodar nazvao „psecom prestonicom“ zbog broja pasa u gradu. Krasnodarski memorijalni muzej, koji je 1879. osnovao Jevgenij Felicin, kozački oficir, naAko psima protrljate nos, imaćete sreće u ljubavi, a ako impipnete šape, pratiće vas sreća na putovanjima If you rub a dog’s nose you’ll be lucky in love, while if you touch their paws you’ll have luck on your travels

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15 City of smiling people Krasnodar has long topped the list of Russia’s best places to live. Its main thoroughfare, Krasnaya Street, boasts so much greenery that it seems like you’re walking through a park! The city is relatively small and all parts can be reached quickly, while it also has lots of sunny days, which is why its people are constantly smiling and light-hearted on the streets… Restaurants here serve local, ecologically clean food, and you can travel by high-speed train to the Black Sea coast in just two hours. Krasnodar, which translates as “Gift of the Reds”, was originally called “Catherine’s Gift”. Yekaterinodar was the old name of the city, which had been influenced decisively by two Catherines - Catherine the Great, who granted the land required to the local Cossacks to build a fortress, but also Saint Catherine of Alexandria, who is considered the patron saint of the city. In his attempt to erase Catherine from memory, Stalin had the name of the city changed to Krasnodar in 1930, but reminders of the former history remain everywhere, preserved not only by the Cossacks, but also by the streets which have signs displaying both new and old names. This city has always been a city of the Cossacks, who still appear today as guardians of tradition - they open museums and dance and sing at every major traditional festival… You might not encounter them in the city’s squares, but you will meet very kindly locals, various architectural styles and beautiful monuments, including an unusual sculpture on the corner of a central street that represents two elegantly dressed walking dogs. The sculpture was inspired by famous poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, who dubbed Krasnodar the “canine capital” due to the number of dogs in the city. The Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Memorial Museum, which was founded in 1879 by local Cossack officer, scientist and historian Yevgeny Felitsin, is definitely worth a visit, and you also mustn’t miss out on a stroll along Krasna Street, which traverses the entire city. You will enjoy a visit to Victory Park, a green space filled with fair rides, outdoor cafes and flower gardens, on the picturesque peninsula on the Kuban River. The park’s central point is the Museum of Military Hardware, where you can check out World War II tanks and rocket launchers. However, wherever you go and whatever you do in this city, enjoy yourself and smile, as the smile is the main characteristic of this beautiful city. učnik i istoričar, svakako treba posetiti, a ne možete propustiti ni da prošetate Krasnom ulicom, koja preseca ceo grad. Na slikovitom poluostrvu na reci Kuban uživaćete u Parku pobede, zelenom prostoru ispunjenom zabavnim vožnjama, kaficima na otvorenom i cvetnim baštama. Centralno mesto parka je Muzej oružja, gde možete da vidite tenkove i raketne bacače iz Drugog svetskog rata. Ali gde god da idete i šta god da radite, uživajte i smešite se, osmeh je glavno obeležje ovog lepog grada… Ovaj divni park učiniće da poželite da se preselite u Krasnodar The pictures of this stunning park will make you want to move to Krasnodar

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia smarttravel MOSKVA / MOSCOW 165min. OD BEOGRADA: FROM BELGRADE: me scan Crvena raskoš prestonice Kad god da dođete i zbog čega god da ste u Moskvi, jedno je sigurno – nećete propustiti Kremlj i Crveni trg. Krenite od Aleksandrove bašte, vrta pod zidinama Kremlja, poznatog po arhitektonskim spomenicima, neverovatno lepim cvetnim baštama i istoriji. . Sada ste već pred vratima Kremlja, simbola ruske države, riznice neverovatnih relikvija i umetničkih spomenika, doma ruskih vladara, danas zvanične rezidencije predsednika Vladimira Putina. Tu je, između ostalog, Uspenska saborna crkva (posvećena Bogorodici), glavna moskovska crkva u kojoj su krunisani svi ruski carevi. Muzej oružja jedan je od najstarijih moskovskih muzeja, koji je, osim što se u njemu čuvalo oružje, bio mesto gde su pohranjene carske dragocenosti. Vremenom postaje dom mnogim muzejima, od kojih je najpoznatiji Kolekcija ruskih dijamanata sa najvećim brojem Faberžeovih jaja na svetu, ruskom carskom krunom i prestolom Ivana Groznog napravljenim od slonovače. Crveni trg vekovima je bio i još jeste srce i duša Rusije. Od 16. veka tu je Katedrala Vasilija Blaženog, ali i Lenjinov mauzolej. Na samom trgu nalazi se i jedan od najstarijih i najzanimljivijih trgovačkih centara u Moskvi: GUM je uvek bio i ostaje najveca prodavnica u zemlji. Red grandeur of the capital Whenever and for whatever reason you visit Moscow, one thing is for sure - you won’t bypass the Kremlin and Red Square... Set off from Alexander Gardens, the park beneath the walls of the Kremlin that’s famous for its architectural monuments, incredibly beautiful flower beds and its history. You are now already in front of the gates of the Kremlin, the symbol of the Russian state, treasury of incredible relics and monuments of art, home of Russia’s rulers and today the official residence of President Vladimir Putin. Among other attractions there is Uspensky Sobor (The Cathedral of the Assumption), the main Moscow church that hosted the coronations of all Russian tsars. The Museum of Weapons is one of Moscow’s oldest museums, which - besides preserving weapons - was also a storage facility for imperial treasures. It has gradually become home to many museum collections, the most famous of which is the Russian Diamond Fund, which possesses the world’s largest collection of Fabergé eggs, the Imperial Crown of Russia and the ivory throne of Ivan the Terrible. Red Square has been the heart and soul of Russia for centuries, and remains so to this day. Located there is the 16th century Cathedral of Saint Basil, which we’ve already presented, but also Lenin’s Mausoleum. On the square itself is one of Moscow’s oldest stores: GUM, which has always been, and remains, the country’s largest shop. Svaka epoha ruske istorije i vladari koji su ih obeležili ostavili su svoj trag u centru Moskve Every epoch of Russian history, and the rulers who marked them, left their traces in the centre of Moscow

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Peterhov je slika i prilika nekadašnjeg carskog sjaja, a zovu ga „Ruska prestonica velelepnih fontana“ Peterhof is a reflection and example of the former imperial splendour, while it is also dubbed the “Russian capital of magnificent fountains” smarttravel SANKT PETERBURG / SAINT PETERSBURG 165min. OD BEOGRADA: FROM BELGRADE: Zlatni grad sija u belim noćima Drugi po veličini grad u Rusiji osnovao je car Petar Veliki kao prozor u Evropu i time osigurao svoje mesto na Baltiku. To je najseverniji milionski grad na svetu, a geografska pozicija mu donosi fenomen koji očarava svet, a kojem je i Dostojevski posvetio roman. Ako želite da ostanete budni u belim noćima, jun je najbolje vreme da se uputite u carski grad. Ovaj prirodni fenomen događa se u nedeljama oko letnjeg solsticija (najduži dan i najkraća noć u godini, 21. jun). Gotovo poetična atmosfera kasnog sumraka i ranog svitanja u kojoj potpuni mrak potpuno izostaje, a nebo šaraju neobična svetla i boje, očarava i zaljubljene parove, pa matičari u Petrogradu gotovo ne spavaju od kraja maja do početka jula. Grad je menjao imena – Sankt Peterburg, Petrograd, Lenjingrad… Često se pogrešno misli da je Petar Veliki ovaj grad nazvao po sebi. U stvari, grad je ime dobio po Petrovom svecu zaštitniku. Po Lenjinu je ime dobio posle njegove smrti u slavu Oktobarske revolucije, čiji se najvažniji trag i dalje čuva kao dragocenost grada. Čuvena Aurora, sa koje je 1917. ispaljen plotun i poziv za napad na Zimski dvorac i promenu sveta, još je u svom gradu i stara je više od 120 godina, ali je i dalje sposobna da samu sebe preveze na remont. Na referendumu 1991. godine stanovnici su odlučili da se grad opet zove Sankt Peterburg, a tako je i danas. Petar Veliki bio je očaran Amsterdamom, pa je izabrao mesto na reci Nevi i izgradio, po nekima, jedini planski građen grad na svetu, čija arhitektura mnogo podseća na Amsterdam. Budući da se prostire na više od 42 ostrva u delti reke Neve te da ima stotine mostova, Sankt Peterburg zovu Venecijom severa… Velegrad ima više od 200 muzeja, među kojima i Ermitaž, jedan od najstarijih i drugi najveći muzej sveta. Ima više od tri miliona eksponata, a mačke su njegove neprikosnovene zaštitnice, „zaposlene“ da ga čuvaju od miševa i pacova. Tu je i Zimski dvorac, nekada zvanična rezidencija ruskih careva, sagrađen u duhu rokokoa. U

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19 Petropavlovska tvrđava bila je zatvor za političke zarobljenike, među kojima je bilo i onih čuvenih, poput Dostojevskog i Tita / Peter and Paul Fortress served as a prison for political prisoners, including famous ones like Dostoevsky and Tito ovom gradu sigurno nećete propustiti ni Petropavlovsku tvrđavu, okruženu rekom Nevom, koja je sagrađena početkom 18. veka, ali koja nikada nije odigrala odbrambenu ulogu. Bila je vojni garnizon, ali i zatvor za političke zarobljenike, među kojima je bilo i onih čuvenih, poput Dostojevskog i Tita. Petropavlovska katedrala je najstarija crkva u Sankt Peterburgu, a ujedno je grobnica svih ruskih careva. Naravno, šetaćete žilom kucavicom grada, Nevskim prospektom, dugim pet kilometara, na kojem se slave svi važni događaji i koji je i epicentar dobrog noćnog provoda. Ulica je dobila ime prema nacionalnom heroju i ruskom pravoslavnom svecu Aleksandru Nevskom, čija se lavra nalazi u samoj ulici, dok se njegovi posmrtni ostaci nalaze u Ermitažu. Nešto više od 20 kilometara dalje čeka ruski Versaj, park i dvorci kompleksa Peterhof, nekadašnje letnje carske rezidencije. Peterhov je slika i prilika nekadašnjeg carskog sjaja, a tu se nalazi i najveća fontana na svetu... I nema kraja lepotama Sankt Peterburga, nijedan tekst nije dovoljno dobar. Otputujte u jedan od najlepših gradova sveta i uverite se sami. me scan Ermitaž je jedan od najstarijih i drugi najveći muzej sveta / Hermitage is one of the world’s oldest museums and its second largest Golden city glistens on white nights Russia’s second largest city was founded by Tsar Peter the Great as a window to Europe, and its emergence secured the nation’s place in the Baltic region. The world’s northernmost city of over a million inhabitants, its geographical position allows it to experience a phenomenon that captivates the world, and to which Dostoevsky dedicated a novel. If you want to stay awake during White Nights, June is the best time to head to this imperial city. This natural phenomenon occurs during the weeks around the summer solstice (the longest day and shortest night of the year, 21st June). This is the almost poetic atmosphere of late dusk and early dawn, where total darkness is completely absent and the sky is decorated with unusual lights and colours, which so captivates couples in love that marriage registrars barely sleep from late May until early July. The name of this city has changed - St. Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad… It is often mistakenly thought that Peter the Great named this city after himself, when in reality the city is named

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia after the apostle Saint Peter, the city’s patron saint. It was renamed after Lenin upon his death, in honour of the October Revolution, the most important trace of which is still preserved as a treasure of the city. The famous cruiser Aurora, from which the first shot was fired in 1917 marking the call to attack the Winter Palace and change the world, is still in its home city more than 120 years on, and is still capable of transporting itself for repairs. A 1991 referendum resulted in residents deciding to restore the city’s original name of St. Petersburg. Peter the Great was enthralled by Amsterdam, which is why he chose a site on the river Neva and built what some have dubbed the world’s only planned city, which has architecture that’s strongly reminiscent of Amsterdam. The fact that it sprawls over 42 islands along the delta of the river Neva, and boasts hundreds of bridges, has led to St. Petersburg being called the Venice of the North… This metropolis preserves over 200 museums, including the Hermitage, which is one of the world’s oldest museums and its second largest. It has over three million exhibits, while cats are its sacred protectors, “employed” to protect it against mice and rats. There is also the Winter Palace, once the official residence of Russian emperors, built in the Rococo spirit. Whilst you’re in this city you certainly won’t neglect the chance to visit Peter and Paul Fortress, which is surrounded by the Neva and was built at the beginning of the 18th century, though it never played a defensive role. It housed a military garrison, but also served as a prison for political prisoners, including famous ones like Dostoevsky and Tito. The Peter and Paul Cathedral is the oldest church in St. Petersburg, while it is also houses the tombs of all Russian emperors. Of course, you’ll take a stroll along the city’s main artery, Nevsky Prospect, which is five kilometres long and hosts celebrations of all important events, while it is also the epicentre of good nightlife and the home of the city’s most luxurious hotels. The street is named after Russian national hero and Orthodox saint Alexander Nevsky, whose lavra, or monastery, is located in the street itself, while his mortal remains are kept in a silver sarcophagus exhibited in the State Hermitage Museum. You are awaited slightly more than 20 kilometres away by the Russian Versailles, the park and castles of the Peterhof Palace complex, a former summer imperial residence that has been a museum since 1918. Peterhof represents a reflection and example of the former imperial splendour, while it is also dubbed the “Russian capital of magnificent fountains”, with the largest fountain in the world located here. There is no end to the beauty of St. Petersburg, and no article is good enough to portray that, nor are the pages of magazines long enough. Head to one of the world’s most beautiful cities and see it all for yourself. Ako želite da ostanete budni u belim noćima, jun je najbolje vreme da se uputite u carski grad / If you want to stay awake duringWhite Nights, June is the best time to head to this imperial city

PROMO NAĐAPAVIĆDIPLOMIRALA JEDIZAJNU Beogradu. Umodni svet ušla je pre više od pet godina. Dugogodišnju strast i ljubav premamodi izrazila je u svomveć prepoznatljivombrendu NP atelier . Ovaj brend karakteriše autentičan dizajn koji se prilagođava kako dnevnom, tako i večernjemstilu. -Osimšto inspiraciju nalazimumodnoj industriji, inspirišeme priroda, kao i razne vrste umetnosti. Komadi koji krase NP atelier su svestrani i ženstveni sa akcentomnamešanje neobičnih tekstura stvarajući beskrajne kombinacije koje semogu nositi tokomcele sezone, kažemodna dizajnerkaNađa Pavić. Pored svojih klasičnih (dugogodišnjih)modela, NP atelier svake sezone ukrase novi, jedinstveni modeli od svile, satena, lana, viskoze… U svojoj novoj DAISY kolekciji proleće/leto 2021. do izražajadolazi prefinjena estetika koja se ogleda kako umaterijalima, tako i u samomdizajnu. Jarkozelena, živopisna crvena i plava boja uravnotežene su neutralnimnijansama meda, peska i sunca. NAĐAPAVIĆEARNED HERDEGREE IN design in Belgrade and entered the fashionworld over five years ago. She expressed her enduring passion and love for fashion through her brandNP atelier. This brand is characterised by authentic design that easily adapts to both daytime and evening occasions. „Apart fromfinding inspiration in the fashion industry, I also find it in nature and different forms of art. The pieces that graceNP atelier are diverse and feminine, with an emphasis onmixing unusual textures to create endless combinations that can beworn throughout the season“, says designer Nađa Pavić. Alongside its classic core pieces, NP atelier introduces newdesigns every year, withmaterials ranging fromsilk, satin and viscose to flax. In the newDAISY collection for Spring/ Summer 2021, the greatest emphasis is placed on refined elegance, which is reflected in both thematerial and the design. Bright green, lively red and blue are balanced using shades of sunlight, honey and sand. NP atelier je brend koji definitivno odgovara potrebama savremene žene slaveći njenu sposobnost istraživanja i kombinovanja / NP atelier is a brand that definitelymeets the needs of themodern woman by celebrating her ability to explore and combine her fashion identity DAISY kao jedan od simbola lepote govori o ženi, njenom stavu, zavodljivosti, slobodi – oblačiti se, eksperimentisati i biti svoj / DAISY, as a symbol of beauty, speaks about the woman herself, her attitude, her seductiveness, her freedom, her desire to experiment and dress to suit herself L J UBAV PREMA MOD I ZOVE SE NP AT E L I ER T HE LOVE 0 F FASH I ON I S CA L L ED NP AT E L I E R DAISY, KOLEKCIJA KOJA GOVORI O ŽENI / DAISY - COLLECTION THAT SPEAKS ABOUT WOMAN U svojoj novoj kolekciji za proleće/leto 2021. Nađa Pavić predstavlja prefinjenu estetiku i modele kojima dominiraju cvetni motivi, spektar boja i mirisi prirode / In her newDAISY collection for Spring/Summer 2021, Nađa Pavić emphasises the refined elegance that exudes floral patterns, scents from nature and the spectrumof colours Tekst /Words: E. A. | 21

22 | Biznis » Business BIZNIS / BUSINESS “INVEST IN SERBIA AND THE WESTERN BALKANS. There’snobetter place to invest your capital, but also no better time to invest. Every euro invested today in this region, which is becoming one of the main points on the European investment map, will very quickly, in just a few years, pay off many times over.” With thismessage, in this interviewfor Elevate,MarkoČadež, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industryof Serbiaandpresident of theWesternBalkanChamber InvestmentForum, as the joint regional chamber, invites companies from Europe and around the world to invest inWestern Balkan economies. WEST E RN BA L K ANS TOGETHER TOWARDS MORE INVESTMENT Every euro invested today in this region, which is becoming one of the main points on the European investment map, will very quickly, in just a few years, pay off many times over, says Marko Čadež There’s no better recommendation to future investors than the experiences of the almost 20,000 foreign companies that are present here, which operate successfully in Serbia and expand their business from year to year FOTO: A. DIMITRIJEVIĆ

Business » Biznis | 23 Čadež notes that great new opportunities are opening up for this region that we mustn’t miss out on. You recently announced a more aggressive approach of the Western Balkans in the race to entice foreign investment. What are you planning; how can this region’s economies attract the most investors from around the world as possible? “We can only utilise the opportunity to attract new foreign investments in the best way if we work together, performing as one region - one economy, as a common regional market and a single investment destination. Individually we are small, but as a region we have great potential, aremore attractive to foreign investors andwhen unitedwe canmore easily engage in the supply chains of global companies and better respond to the demands of customers around the world for our products.That’swhywe formed theWB6CIF Investment andTrade PromotionUnit within the scope of the joint regional chamber.” Where can potential investors and partners from around the world expect to see Western Balkan companies this year? “Wewill present ourselves jointly at important business events, fromBerlin via Dubai to Shanghai. At the world expo event Dubai Expo2020, companies fromacross the region, from all sectors - from agriculture, food and energy, via the manufacturing/processing industries, to tourism and IT - will have access to space for presenting themselves and networkingwith companies from 190 participating countries in the Dubai South Free Zone, fromOctober to the end of March. In the autumn we’ll appear jointly at one of the world’s largest fairs, China International Import Expo CIIE 2021, and we are also planning an investment conference in Germany similar to the one we organised in London with the Financial Times before the pandemic.” In the meantime, preparations are underway for June’s Summit on the Western Balkans in Berlin? “Yes, within the scope of the business forum, we will launch a new, regional online platform intended, in the first phase, for companies from the food, automotive, light industry and circular economy sectors, formutual connections and networking with large regional companies and companies from around the world. An integral part of this platform will be a database of suppliers from the Western Balkans that will be useful to foreign companies seeking partners in the Western Balkans.” What can Serbia, as the Western Balkans’ largest economy, which has for years attracted more than half of all foreign investments in the region, currently offer foreign companies? “First and foremost securityand stability, preserved even under the most difficult circumstances during the pandemic in a way that few investment destinations around the world can boast of having achieved, viewed inboththemediumand long term, with better prospects than most comparable economies. And open borders for businesspeople from all over the world, who are able to enter Serbia during the pandemic with fewer formalities than other travellers. And special benefits for investing in high-tech sectors, research, development and innovation, asastrategicdevelopment direction of the Serbian economy.” What can investors who decide to invest their capital here count on? “That theywill launchtheir business more simply, acquire building permits faster, andfind it easier and cheaper todobusiness than inmany competing locations. Here theywill have lower operating costs, an entire package of financial incentives - tax and customs breaks, state subsidies, local government incentives, more functional infrastructure and the shortest routes for transporting goods alongEuropeancorridors. Investors in Serbia can also count on the local economy: reliable domestic companies capable of joining the supply chains of multinational companies and satisfying the standards of the most complex markets and the most demanding consumers. Our special trump card in the race for investors are our people, a high-quality and available workforce. And in the end, or at the beginning of everything, there’s no better recommendationtofuture investors than the experiences of the almost 20,000 foreign companies that are present here, whichoperate successfully in Serbia and expand their business from year to year.” I’m convinced that nothing will contribute as much to the improving of the business climate, the recovery and growth of our economies and the greater inflow of foreign investment in theWestern Balkans as economic integration and the building of a joint regional market with almost 20million consumers

24 | Intervju » Interview Intervju Interview Astronomi su otkrili signal iz druge galaksije, i to je neoboriv dokaz o postojanju vanzemaljskog života. Stanovništvo širom sveta nestrpljivo čeka sledeći kontakt. Ali ne zadugo. Za nekoliko dana vanzemaljci su gotovo izbrisali civilizaciju sa Zemlje. U jezivo napuštenom svetu ostali su samo tragovi čovečanstva. Dok vanzemaljci love i ubijaju sve pred sobom, preživeli su ostavljeni sa najvažnijimpitanjem: Ko su VANZEMALJCI SU METAFORA SVEGA ČEGA SE BOJIMO Gabrijel Rat svetova za mene je već počeo, a ova serija je više od priče o vanzemaljcima. To je samo podsetnik na sve postojeće probleme koji nas već vode ka sigurnoj propasti. Trenutno smo mi sami vanzemaljci na rođenoj planeti ovi napadači i zašto su odlučni u nameri da ih unište? Ispostaviće se da bi mogli biti ljudska bića. Sprema se teška bitka za povratak kontrole nad planetom… A šta će dalje biti? E to ćete morati da otkrijete u drugoj sezoni nagrađivane i jedne od najgledanijih serija Rat svetova koja na televiziju Fox stiže u junu. Ovo je još jedna od uspešnih adaptacija vanvremenskog romana H.Dž. Velsa, iz 1898. godine, koja je prvi put pretvorena u film sredinom 20. veka. Stiven Spilberg skinuo je prašinu sa ovog klasičnog dela naučne fantastike i obnovio ga kao grozničavi triler o invaziji iz svemira pedeset godina kasnije, da bi priča dobila i svoju TV ekranizaciju u seriji koja je 2019. oduševila svet. Priča je smeštena u Francusku i UjedinjenoKraljevstvo i predstavlja savremenu, slobodnu obraduVelsovog romana. Glumačku postavu čine Gabrijel Birn, koji je nominovan za nagrade Emi i Toni i dobitnik je nagrade Zlatni globus, i Dejzi Edgar Džouns, takođe dobitnica Zlatnog globusa.

Interview » Intervju | 25 Emotivno i kinematografski zasnovana na dobro napisanim likovima, serija Rat svetova jedinstvena je kombinacija ljudske drame i najbolje naučne fantastike Based emotionally and cinematically on well-written characters, the series War of theWorlds is a unique combination of human drama and the best science fiction Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije/Photography: Fox/Epix BernGabriel Byrne Rat svetova je izazivao pažnju otkako je knjiga izašla. Treba se setiti radijskog prenosa u režiji i izvođenju Orsona Velsa koji je jednu noć veštica davne 1938. pretvorio u panično bežanje od nepostojeće invazije vanzemaljaca, pa nije čudo da je i serija postigla neverovatan uspeh. Emituje se u više od 50 država, u Britaniji je ocenjena kao jedna od najbojih još od 2012, pa su to sve odlični razlozi za razgovor sa fantastičnim Gabrijelom Bernom, glumcem, scenaristom, režiserom i producentom. Iako ga volimo u Milerovom raskršću, navijamo za njega u Dežurnim krivcima, a pomalo smo i zaljubljeni u Stigmati ili fantastičnoj TV seriji Na terapiji , ovoga puta pričamo o Ratu svetova. I svemu ono što ta priča u metafori predstavlja… – Kraj sveta, kao i bilo koja druga smrtno opasna situacija, ljudskost vraća na osnovno stanje. Od nas zavisi hoćemo li se boriti intelektom ili nagonima i koja će od naše dve strane obezbediti preživljavanje. Upravo je to ključna ideja o kojoj nam govori Rat svetova. Druga sezona snimana je za vreme pandemije. Kako je taj „rat“ uticao na vas? – Pandemija je besnela pred vratima, a mi smo bili u studiju i radili ono što inače radimo, uz obavezu da se testiramo svako jutro. A sve to vreme smo zapravo bili svesni da je prva sezona predvidela epidemiju na svoj način... Pogled na ogroman grad sa praznim ulicama izgledao je zaista čudno. Ali to više nije tako čudno, zar ne? Pa kako je ta prva sezona predvidela nešto za šta mnogi ljudi nisu ni slutili da ce se dogoditi? Nije to ništa čudno ako se setiThe aliens are ametaphor for everythingwe fear