
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15 City of smiling people Krasnodar has long topped the list of Russia’s best places to live. Its main thoroughfare, Krasnaya Street, boasts so much greenery that it seems like you’re walking through a park! The city is relatively small and all parts can be reached quickly, while it also has lots of sunny days, which is why its people are constantly smiling and light-hearted on the streets… Restaurants here serve local, ecologically clean food, and you can travel by high-speed train to the Black Sea coast in just two hours. Krasnodar, which translates as “Gift of the Reds”, was originally called “Catherine’s Gift”. Yekaterinodar was the old name of the city, which had been influenced decisively by two Catherines - Catherine the Great, who granted the land required to the local Cossacks to build a fortress, but also Saint Catherine of Alexandria, who is considered the patron saint of the city. In his attempt to erase Catherine from memory, Stalin had the name of the city changed to Krasnodar in 1930, but reminders of the former history remain everywhere, preserved not only by the Cossacks, but also by the streets which have signs displaying both new and old names. This city has always been a city of the Cossacks, who still appear today as guardians of tradition - they open museums and dance and sing at every major traditional festival… You might not encounter them in the city’s squares, but you will meet very kindly locals, various architectural styles and beautiful monuments, including an unusual sculpture on the corner of a central street that represents two elegantly dressed walking dogs. The sculpture was inspired by famous poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, who dubbed Krasnodar the “canine capital” due to the number of dogs in the city. The Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Memorial Museum, which was founded in 1879 by local Cossack officer, scientist and historian Yevgeny Felitsin, is definitely worth a visit, and you also mustn’t miss out on a stroll along Krasna Street, which traverses the entire city. You will enjoy a visit to Victory Park, a green space filled with fair rides, outdoor cafes and flower gardens, on the picturesque peninsula on the Kuban River. The park’s central point is the Museum of Military Hardware, where you can check out World War II tanks and rocket launchers. However, wherever you go and whatever you do in this city, enjoy yourself and smile, as the smile is the main characteristic of this beautiful city. učnik i istoričar, svakako treba posetiti, a ne možete propustiti ni da prošetate Krasnom ulicom, koja preseca ceo grad. Na slikovitom poluostrvu na reci Kuban uživaćete u Parku pobede, zelenom prostoru ispunjenom zabavnim vožnjama, kaficima na otvorenom i cvetnim baštama. Centralno mesto parka je Muzej oružja, gde možete da vidite tenkove i raketne bacače iz Drugog svetskog rata. Ali gde god da idete i šta god da radite, uživajte i smešite se, osmeh je glavno obeležje ovog lepog grada… Ovaj divni park učiniće da poželite da se preselite u Krasnodar The pictures of this stunning park will make you want to move to Krasnodar