
5 2 6 Turkey » Turska | 105 Sapun odmaslina Turska proizvodi neke od najboljih prirodnih i ručno rađenih sapuna na svetu. Potpuno prirodni sastojci su nežni za kožu i mogu se čak koristiti za kupanje beba. Kupite ove zelene sapunčiće da vam kuća cele godine miriše na masline. OLIVE SOAP Turkeyproducessomeof theworld’sbest natural andhandmadesoaps.Completelynatural ingredientsaregentleon theskin andcanevenbeused for bathingbabies. Buy thesegreensoaps for your home to smell of olivesyear-round. Oko kao amajlija Siguran znak da je neko bio u Turskoj je to da poseduje plavo oko protiv uroka ili nazar bončuk, kako ga nazivaju u ovoj zemlji. Kažu da snaga i boja oka sprečavaju nevolje, pa zato ukrašava sve – od ogrlica, privezaka za ključeve, do vrata, retrovizora… Ima i onih malo luksuznijih i elegantnijih, pa birajte… EYE AS ANAMULET It is a sure sign that someonehas been to Turkeywhen they haveablueeye charmtowardoffevil, or aNazar Boncuk, as they arecalled in this country. The strengthandcolour of theeye is said to prevent adversity, which iswhy this talismandecorates everything - necklaces, key rings, doors,mirrors etc. Therearealso some that are slightlymore luxurious andelegant, so youcanbepicky… Turski čaj i čašice Čašice za turski čaj simbol su turske kulture, stotine godina duge tradicije napitka koji se konzumira tokomcelog dana. Ako vamponude čaj i pozovu vas da ga zajedno popijete, znajte da je to gest prijateljstva. Osim što izgleda lepo, jedinstveno zakrivljeni oblik pomaže da čaj ostane topao. Divna uspomena na Tursku, zar ne? TURKISH TEAANDGLASSES Turkish tea glasses are a symbol of Turkish culture, representing a tradition of consuming this beverage throughout the entire day that dates back hundreds of years. Being offered tea and invited to drink it together with your host is a gesture of friendship. Apart from their attractive look, the uniquely curved shape of the glasses also helps keep the tea warm. Awonderful souvenir fromTurkey, don’t you think? 1 4 2 3 Bakgemon set Bekgemon postoji vec hiljadama godina – igrali su ga drevni Egipcani, Persijanci i Rimljani. Ručno izrađen set sa putovanja u Tursku biće savršen način da prenesetemalo istorije i kulture, a pritomse dobro i zabavite. Složeni drveni detalji čine ovaj set privlačnimdodatkomna vašemstočicu, a bekgemonmože biti i savršen poklon. BACKGAMMONSET Backgammon has existed for thousands of years, having been played by the ancient Egyptians, Persians and Romans. Bringing a hand-crafted set back fromyour trip to Turkey is the perfect way to convey a little history and culture, while also providing good fun. Intricate wooden detailsmake this set an attractive addition to your coffee table, or a backgammon set can be the perfect gift . Lampe sa mozaikom Inspirisani živopisnim ukrasima palata mocnih sultana, mozaik-lampe prikazuju boje osmanske kulture. Ručno rađene, kombinuju vekovnu tradiciju proizvodnje stakla sa erom uljanih lampi. Mogu biti u obliku lustera ili stajati na stolu. Šta god da izaberete, svetlost će se svakako divno prelamati kroz šareni mozaik. MOSAIC LAMPS Inspired by the vibrant decorations of mighty sultans’ palaces, mosaic lamps shine with the colours of Ottoman culture. Crafted by hand, they combine centuries-old glassmaking tradition with the era of oil lamps. They can hang in chandelier form or stand on a table. And whatever position you select, the light will certainly refract beautifully through the multicoloured mosaic. Leteći ćilimi Turska je poznata po svojim cilimima, a bez obzira na to da li želite tradicionalan dizajn ili nešto moderenije, nema toga što nećete naći na bazarima. “FLYING” CARPETS Turkey is famous for its carpets, which add a touch of Turkish flair to homes around the world. And regardless of whether you want a traditional design or something more modern, there’s nothing you won’t find in the bazaars. 5 6