
June » Jun | 37 29 . J UN/ J UNE 1 958 . Pele i prelepa igra Brazil je pobedio domaćina Švedsku sa 5 : 2 i osvojio svoje prvo Svetsko prvenstvo. Na turnir su stigli kao favoriti i nisu razočarali oduševivši svet svojom spektakularnom igrom, koja se često nazivala „prelepom igrom“. Zvezda prvenstva bio je mladi igrač sredine terena po imenu Edson Arantes do Nascimento, poznat širom sveta kao Pele. Sin profesionalnog fudbalera dobio je ime po američkompronalazaču Tomasu Edisonu. Njegova majka, gledajuci muža kako se bori da bi zaradio novac, nije želela da i Pele igra fudbal. Ipak, njegova je volja pobedila, a sa 14 ga je otkrio De Brito, koji je mladog strelca uzeo pod svoje. Pele je prvi nastup za reprezentaciju imao sa 16 godina, a na međunarodnoj sceni debitovao je na Svetskom prvenstvu 1958. u Švedskoj sa 17. Pele se nije pojavio sve dok u meču trece grupe Brazil nije zaigrao protiv Sovjetskog Saveza, a prvi pogodak stigao je u četvrtfinalu protiv Velsa. Ipak, tek u polufinalu protiv Francuske je zaista pokazao šta ume. Postigao je tri gola, a francuski tim je bio u šoku zbog nemogucnosti da zadrži jednog 17-godišnjaka. Pele i Vava su u finalu dali po dva gola, a nakon što su Brazilci podigli pehar kao najbolji na svetu, ceo tim je zaplakao. Brazilci su ponovo osvojili titulu šampiona sveta 1962. i 1970, što im je dalo pravo da trajno zadrže Kup Žila Rimea kao prva zemlja koja je osvojila tri svetska kupa. Godine 1999. Međunarodni olimpijski komitet proglasio je Pelea za jednog od najboljih sportista veka. PELÉ AND THE BEAUTIFUL GAME Brazil defeated host nation Sweden 5-2 to win its first World Cup. Brazil came into the tournament as favourites and didn't disappoint, thrilling the world with their spectacular play, which was often referred to as the “beautiful game.” The star of the tournament was an undersized midfielder named Edson Arantes do Nascimento, who's today known the world over as Pelé. The son of a professional footballer, he was named after American inventor Thomas Edison. Pelé's mother, who had watched her husband struggle to earn a living playing the game, discouraged him from playing, but Pelé's will won out, and at the age of 14 he was 'discovered' by de Brito, who took the young scorer under his wing. Pelé earned his first national team cap at 16, and made his debut on the international stage at the 1958World Cup in Sweden, at the age of just 17. Pelé's first appearance in the tournament didn't come until Brazil’s third group match against the Soviet Union, while his first goal came in the quarter-final against Wales. However, Pelé truly came into his own in the semi-final against France. He scored three goals from his left side, and left the French team dumbfounded at their inability to contain this 17 year old. Pelé and Vava scored two goals each in the final. The entire teamwept upon receiving the title of the best team in the world. Brazil went on to win theWorld Cup again in 1962 and 1970, earning them the right to retain the Jules Rimet Cup permanently, as the first country to win threeWorld Cups. The International Olympic Committee honoured Pelé in 1999, naming him among the best athletes of the century. Košarkaši Jugoslavije postali su šampioni Evrope pobedom nad reprezentacijomSSSR-a, prvi put na domaćem terenu u Beogradu. / The Yugoslav national basketball team became European champions with victory over the USSR, for the first time on home soil, in Belgrade. Debitovao je na Svetskom prvenstvu u Švedskoj sa samo 17 godina His debut was at the 1958 World Cup in Sweden, at the age of just 17 15. JUN 1975.