
BI LO JE TO U. . . / I T WAS IN. . . 36 | Jun » June 1 7. J UN/ J UNE 1 885 . Rastavljeni Kip slobode, poklon prijateljstva naroda Francuske stanovnicima Amerike, stiže u njujoršku luku nakon što je prebačen preko Atlantskog okeana u 350 pojedinačnih komada spakovanih u više od 200 sanduka. Statua od bakra i gvožđa postala je poznata širom sveta kao simbol slobode i demokratije. / The dismantled Statue of Liberty, a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of America, arrived in New York Harbor after being shipped across the Atlantic Ocean in 350 individual pieces packed in more than 200 cases. The copper and iron statue has gone on to become an enduring symbol of freedom and democracy known around the world. Like A Rolling Stone Do proleća 1965, prisustvo Boba Dilana u svetu muzike polako se osecalo i van granica njegovog uobičajenog žanra. U svetu kantrija vec je bio heroj, ali sada je njegova muzika počela da privlači pažnju i utiče na umetnike poput Birdsa, Bitlsa, čak i mladog Stivija Vondera. Sa Dilanom kao direktnom inspiracijompop-muzika se spremala da promeni smer, baš kao i Dilan sam. Tog 16. juna 1965, drugog dana snimanja u studiju A Kolumbija rekordsa na Menhetnu, nastala je pesma koja ce najaviti tu promenu – Like A Rolling Stone. Časopis Rolingston imenovao ju je 2004. godine za najvecu svih vremena, a Brus Springstin je posle prvog slušanja rekao: „Zvučalo je kao da vam je neko razvalio vrata uma.“ LIKE A ROLLING STONE By the spring of 1965, Bob Dylan’s presence in the music world was being felt well beyond the boundaries of his nominal genre. Within the world of folk music, he had been hailed a hero for several years already, but now his music was capturing the attention and influencing the direction of artists like the Byrds, the Beatles and even a young StevieWonder. With Dylan as direct inspiration, popular music was about to change direction, but so was Dylan himself. It was on 16th June 1965, on the second day of recording at Columbia Records’ Studio A in Manhattan, that the song that would herald that change (“Like A Rolling Stone”) was born. Rolling Stone magazine declared it the greatest song of all time in 2004 and Bruce Springsteen said that after he first heard it: “it sounded like somebody’d kicked open the door to your mind.” 1 8 . J UN/ J UNE 1 8 1 5 . Vojvoda od Velingtona pobeđuje Napoleona Bonapartu kod Vaterloa, u Belgiji, što je momenat koji označava početak kraja napoleonske ere evropske istorije. / It was near the city of Waterloo in Belgium that Napoleon Bonaparte suffered defeat at the hands of the Duke of Wellington, bringing an end to the Napoleonic era of European history.. 16. JUN/JUNE 1965.