
16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia smarttravel MOSKVA / MOSCOW 165min. OD BEOGRADA: FROM BELGRADE: me scan Crvena raskoš prestonice Kad god da dođete i zbog čega god da ste u Moskvi, jedno je sigurno – nećete propustiti Kremlj i Crveni trg. Krenite od Aleksandrove bašte, vrta pod zidinama Kremlja, poznatog po arhitektonskim spomenicima, neverovatno lepim cvetnim baštama i istoriji. . Sada ste već pred vratima Kremlja, simbola ruske države, riznice neverovatnih relikvija i umetničkih spomenika, doma ruskih vladara, danas zvanične rezidencije predsednika Vladimira Putina. Tu je, između ostalog, Uspenska saborna crkva (posvećena Bogorodici), glavna moskovska crkva u kojoj su krunisani svi ruski carevi. Muzej oružja jedan je od najstarijih moskovskih muzeja, koji je, osim što se u njemu čuvalo oružje, bio mesto gde su pohranjene carske dragocenosti. Vremenom postaje dom mnogim muzejima, od kojih je najpoznatiji Kolekcija ruskih dijamanata sa najvećim brojem Faberžeovih jaja na svetu, ruskom carskom krunom i prestolom Ivana Groznog napravljenim od slonovače. Crveni trg vekovima je bio i još jeste srce i duša Rusije. Od 16. veka tu je Katedrala Vasilija Blaženog, ali i Lenjinov mauzolej. Na samom trgu nalazi se i jedan od najstarijih i najzanimljivijih trgovačkih centara u Moskvi: GUM je uvek bio i ostaje najveca prodavnica u zemlji. Red grandeur of the capital Whenever and for whatever reason you visit Moscow, one thing is for sure - you won’t bypass the Kremlin and Red Square... Set off from Alexander Gardens, the park beneath the walls of the Kremlin that’s famous for its architectural monuments, incredibly beautiful flower beds and its history. You are now already in front of the gates of the Kremlin, the symbol of the Russian state, treasury of incredible relics and monuments of art, home of Russia’s rulers and today the official residence of President Vladimir Putin. Among other attractions there is Uspensky Sobor (The Cathedral of the Assumption), the main Moscow church that hosted the coronations of all Russian tsars. The Museum of Weapons is one of Moscow’s oldest museums, which - besides preserving weapons - was also a storage facility for imperial treasures. It has gradually become home to many museum collections, the most famous of which is the Russian Diamond Fund, which possesses the world’s largest collection of Fabergé eggs, the Imperial Crown of Russia and the ivory throne of Ivan the Terrible. Red Square has been the heart and soul of Russia for centuries, and remains so to this day. Located there is the 16th century Cathedral of Saint Basil, which we’ve already presented, but also Lenin’s Mausoleum. On the square itself is one of Moscow’s oldest stores: GUM, which has always been, and remains, the country’s largest shop. Svaka epoha ruske istorije i vladari koji su ih obeležili ostavili su svoj trag u centru Moskve Every epoch of Russian history, and the rulers who marked them, left their traces in the centre of Moscow