
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19 Petropavlovska tvrđava bila je zatvor za političke zarobljenike, među kojima je bilo i onih čuvenih, poput Dostojevskog i Tita / Peter and Paul Fortress served as a prison for political prisoners, including famous ones like Dostoevsky and Tito ovom gradu sigurno nećete propustiti ni Petropavlovsku tvrđavu, okruženu rekom Nevom, koja je sagrađena početkom 18. veka, ali koja nikada nije odigrala odbrambenu ulogu. Bila je vojni garnizon, ali i zatvor za političke zarobljenike, među kojima je bilo i onih čuvenih, poput Dostojevskog i Tita. Petropavlovska katedrala je najstarija crkva u Sankt Peterburgu, a ujedno je grobnica svih ruskih careva. Naravno, šetaćete žilom kucavicom grada, Nevskim prospektom, dugim pet kilometara, na kojem se slave svi važni događaji i koji je i epicentar dobrog noćnog provoda. Ulica je dobila ime prema nacionalnom heroju i ruskom pravoslavnom svecu Aleksandru Nevskom, čija se lavra nalazi u samoj ulici, dok se njegovi posmrtni ostaci nalaze u Ermitažu. Nešto više od 20 kilometara dalje čeka ruski Versaj, park i dvorci kompleksa Peterhof, nekadašnje letnje carske rezidencije. Peterhov je slika i prilika nekadašnjeg carskog sjaja, a tu se nalazi i najveća fontana na svetu... I nema kraja lepotama Sankt Peterburga, nijedan tekst nije dovoljno dobar. Otputujte u jedan od najlepših gradova sveta i uverite se sami. me scan Ermitaž je jedan od najstarijih i drugi najveći muzej sveta / Hermitage is one of the world’s oldest museums and its second largest Golden city glistens on white nights Russia’s second largest city was founded by Tsar Peter the Great as a window to Europe, and its emergence secured the nation’s place in the Baltic region. The world’s northernmost city of over a million inhabitants, its geographical position allows it to experience a phenomenon that captivates the world, and to which Dostoevsky dedicated a novel. If you want to stay awake during White Nights, June is the best time to head to this imperial city. This natural phenomenon occurs during the weeks around the summer solstice (the longest day and shortest night of the year, 21st June). This is the almost poetic atmosphere of late dusk and early dawn, where total darkness is completely absent and the sky is decorated with unusual lights and colours, which so captivates couples in love that marriage registrars barely sleep from late May until early July. The name of this city has changed - St. Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad… It is often mistakenly thought that Peter the Great named this city after himself, when in reality the city is named