
112 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia NASLEĐE / HER I TAGE AVIO-KOMPANIJE IMAJU JEDNU OD NAJLEPŠIH MISIJA. One povezuju udaljene destinacije i tako čine da nam porodice, prijatelji ili poslovni partneri budu bliži. Zbog toga je posao srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika Er Srbije toliko važan i zato je mnogo više od samog letenja. Ovaj 17. jun setiće nas na veličanstvene početke, na isti taj datum pre gotovo jednog veka kada je 1927. godine u palati Jadransko-podunavske banke u Beogradu osnovan Aeroput , prvo jugoslovensko akcionarsko preduzeće za civilni vazdušni saobraćaj. Aeroput je bio među prvim civilnim avio-prevoznicima, 10. kompanija u Evropi i 21. u svetu. Er Srbija, koja je nastavila ovaj veličanstveni put na nebu posle slavnih godina JAT-a, ponosno nastavlja stazama svojih velikih prethodnika. AIRLINES HAVE ONE OF THE MOST beautiful missions. They connect distant places on the planet, thereby making our family, friends or business partners closer. It is for this reason that the work of Serbia’s national airline, Air Serbia, is so important and why it’s much more than just flying. This 17th June we remember magnificent beginnings, the same date almost a century ago, when in 1927 in the Palace of the Adriatic-Danube Bank in Belgrade, Aeroput was founded as the country’s first joint-stock company for civil aviation. Aeroput was among the world’s first civilian airlines, as the 10th such company in Europe and the 21st in the world. Air Serbia, which has continued this magnificent journey in the sky after the glory years of JAT, proudly continues along the paths of its great predecessors. 17.6.1927. AEROPUT, JAT I ER SRBIJA: TRADICIJA DOBROG LETENJA AEROPUT, JATANDAIRSERBIA: TRADITIONOFGOODFLYING