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Pet reka

istog imena

Starovlašku visoravan preseca

čak pet reka koje u imenu sadrže

reč Rzav. Pored naziva, zajedničko

im je da im je voda čista i pitka duž

čitavog toka. Naziv Rzav u svom

poreklu krije značenje „bela reka“,

a svakako asocira na bistru, hladnu

vodu. Najhladniji je Beli Rzav koji

protiče senovitim kanjonom kroz

bespuća Tare. Crni Rzav veselo

skakuće po tamnom kamenju na

razmeđi Murtenice i Čigote, a u

velikom broju meandara upija zra-

ke sunca koji izdašno obasjavaju

planinu Zlatibor. Veliki Rzav se

često krije po kanjonima. U donjem

toku, nekoliko kilometara pre ušća

u Moravicu, Velikom Rzavu se pri-

ključuje njegov mali imenjak – Mali



Five rivers of

the same name

Starovlaška Plateau is intersect-

ed by five rivers with names that all

contain the word Rzav. Apart from

a name, they all also share the same

clean and drinkable water along

their entire course. The name Rzav

in the local language is associated

with clear, cold water. The cold-

est is the Beli (White) Rzav, which

flows through the shady canyon of

the roadless Tara. The Crni (Black)

Rzav leaps over the dark rocks at the

intersection of mounts Murtenica

and Čigota, then through many me-

anders absorbs the rays of the sun

that profusely illuminates Mount

Zlatibor. The Veliki (Great) Rzav is

often hidden in canyons. In its lower

course, a few kilometers before the

mouth of the river Moravica, the

Veliki Rzav joins its little namesake

– the Mali (Little)


Topla isceliteljska

voda u Visokoj

Reka Veliki Rzav napušta kanjon kod sela Visoka

i taj deo je najzanimljiviji na čitavom njenom toku.

Kanjon je teško pristupačan, ali su meštani napravili

stazu dugu dvesta metara do mesta na kome izvire

topla voda. Sredinom prošlog veka ozidali su dva

bazena na samom izvoru. Bazeni nisu veliki, ali su

atrakcija, jer su cement i gvožđe na leđima nošeni

rekom. Topla voda ulazi kroz peščanu podlogu baze-

na i ne meša se s rečnom vodom.

Prepričava se legenda da je nekada davno jedan

stanovnik Visoke ostavio bolesno ždrebe u reci, jer

nije imao srca da ga ubije. Ždrebe se u lekovitoj to-

ploj vodi ubrzo oporavilo pa su i meštani počeli da

posećuju izvore u kanjonu. Izvesno je da se banjska

voda koristi od davnina.


Warm healing

waters of VisokA

The Veliki Rzav emerges from the canyon near

the village of Visoka and this is the most interesting

part of its entire course. The canyon is barely accessi-

ble, but locals have made a track two hundred metres

long leading to hot water springs. In the middle of the

last century, they built two swimming pools directly

on top of this spring. The pools are not large, but they

are an attraction because they carried the cement and

iron through the river on their backs. The hot water

enters through the sandy surface of the pool and does

not mix with the river water.

Local legand has it that, once upon a time, a

resident of Visoka left a sick foal in the river because

he didn’t have the heart to kill it. The foal quickly

recovered in the healing warm waters, prompting the

locals to begin visiting the canyon springs. There is

no doubt that these spa waters have been used since

ancient times.

Summer beauty

of Serbia


