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Roterdam trenutno ubira

plodove strateškog socijalnog i

ekonomskog planiranja s razme-

đe vekova. Razni programi, koji

obezbeđuju podršku za korisni-

ke droga i ohrabruju porodice da

se ponovo nasele u centru grada,

pomogli su da se pozitivno pro-

meni kriminogeni i socijalni dis-

balans, koji je nekada ulice oko

Crkve Laurens (Laurenskerk)

izneo na rđav glas.

Srednjovekovna crkva jed-

na je od retkih zgrada koja je

ostala čitava nakon kratkog, ali

bezočnog bombardovanja od

nemačkog Luftvafea 14. maja

1940. godine. Taj događaj je i

doveo do predaje Holandije u

II svetskom ratu. Sačuvana je i

Gradska većnica, koja ove godi-

ne slavi stogodišnjicu od kada je

položen kamen temeljac, jer su

nacistički okupatori želeli da se

domognu arhive koja se u njoj

nalazila. Bilo bi previše pojed-

nostavljeno tvrditi da je posle-

ratna modernistička arhitektura

Roterdama postala toliko značaj-

na, samo zbog toga što je grad

razoren u II svetskom ratu. Kako

god, prazan prostor je bio tu da

se na njemu gradi, a nove zgrade

nisu morale da budu u skladu sa

prethodnim stilovima.


Old buildings

Rotterdam is currently reap-

ing the benefits of strategic so-

cial and economic planning put

in place around the turn of the

millennium. Programmes pro-

viding support to drug users and

encouraging families to re-settle

in the city centre have helped

positively change the criminality

and social imbalance that once

made the streets around the

Laurens Church notorious.

The medieval church was

one of the few buildings left

standing after the short but sav-

age onslaught of aerial bombard-

ment unleashed by the German

Luftwaffe on 14 May 1940 - a key

event in forcing the surrender of

the Netherlands during World

War Two. The city hall, which

this year celebrates a centenary

since the laying of the founda-

tion stone, also survived because

the Nazi invaders wanted to

take possession of the records

held within. It’s oversimplifying

matters to suggest Rotterdam

became notable for its post-war,

modernist architecture purely

because the destruction of World

War Two. However, the empty

space was there to be built on

and structures did not need to

conform to pre-existing styles.



Slični napori pomažu da se unesu pro-

mene u okrug Katendreht. Jedno bivše skla-

dište na dokovima Rijnhavena pretvoreno

je u Fabriku hrane Feniks. Preduzetnici na

štandovima prodaju hranu i piće i nastoje da

povežu potrošače i proizvođače, kako bi svi

imali koristi. Zamisao je da se sveži domaći

proizvodi prodaju po povoljnim cenama.

Mesto ima alternativni vajb, a tu su i stolovi

na otvorenom, na obali. Posetioci su dobro-

došli da budu tu, konzumiraju proizvode sa

tezgi i da nedeljom uživaju u živoj muzici.

Još jedno mesto na obali je Oude haven

ili „Stara luka“, lokacija na kojoj je Witte

Huis (Bela kuća), protoneboder od 43 metra, a tu su i Kubične kuće

koje je sedamdesetih osmislio arhitekt Pit Blom. Kuće se porede sa

apstraktnom predstavom drveća. Da biste stekli utisak kako izgle-

daju iznutra, posetite Muzej Kijk-Kubus.


Waterfront conversion

Such engagement is helping to bring change to the

Katendrecht district. One of the former warehouses by

the Rijnhaven dockside has been converted into the

Fenix Food Factory. Entrepreneurs operate stalls selling

food and drink and are attempting to connect consumers

and producers so that both reap benefits. In theory it

means high quality, fresh local produce can be sold at

reasonable prices. The venue has an alternative vibe

and outdoor, waterfront seating. Visitors are welcome to

hang out, consume produce from the stalls and enjoy live

music on Sundays.

Another of the city’s waterfront areas, the Oude Ha-

ven, meaning ‘old harbour’, is the site of the Witte Huis,

a 43-metre tall proto-skyscraper, plus the cube houses designed by

Piet Blom in the 1970s. The houses have been compared to abstract

depictions of trees. To gain an impression of their interiors, visit

the museum house.


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