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Er Srbija leti deset puta nedeljno iz Beograda za London

Air Serbia flies ten times a week from Belgrade to London

Er Srbija leti dva puta dnevno iz Beograda za Moskvu

Air Serbia flies twice a day from Belgrade to Moscow




Novi muzej za decu

Novi dečji muzej „Živa bića“ otvoren je u Moskvi prošlog mese-

ca. Muzej je potpuno interaktivan, deca mogu da koriste mnoge

eksponate, kao što je testiranje kapaciteta čovečjih pluća (na

fotografiji). Prvi deo je posvećen životinjama. Mali posetioci se

podstiču da skoče na daljinu kao zec, prolaze kroz tunel u kome

je simulacija gnezda slepih miševa gotovo realna... U delu posve-

ćenom ljudskom organizmu mogu da ispitaju svoje sposobnosti

balansiranja na žici razapetoj u doživljaju virtuelne realnosti, ili

da ubace tenisku lopticu kroz velika usta i prate simulirani pro-

ces kojim se hrana vari u organizmu...



New Children’s Museum

Moscow’s latest museum for children, “Living beings”, opened

in Moscow last month. The museum is fully interactive, enabling

kids to use many exhibits actively, such as testing human lung

capacity (pictured). The first section is devoted to animals. Little

visitors are encouraged to jump distances like a rabbit, pass

through a tunnel with a realistic simulation of bats’ nests... In the

section devoted to the human body they can test their ability to

balance on a tightrope in a virtual reality experience, or throw a

tennis ball into a large mouth and follow the simulated process

by which the body digests food...


Fotografije Li


Mlada Amerikanka se 30. apri-

la 1945. kupa u Hitlerovoj kadi

pored koje stoje njene blatnja-

ve čizme (na fotografiji). Taj

snimak jedan je od centralnih

na izložbi fotografija Li Miler:

„Rat jedne žene“. Li Miler je

bila jedina žena fotograf ratni

reporter u Evropi za vreme

Drugog svetskog rata. U stan

Adolfa Hitlera stigla je iz kon-

centracionog logora Dahau,

u kome je snimila potresne

scene po kojima je i najpo-

znatija. Kupanje u kadi ima i

svojevrsnu simboliku – desilo

se na dan samoubistva naci-

stičkog vođe, a blato iz Dahaua

ostalo je na podu. Izložba u

Imperijalnom vojnom muzeju

u Londonu otvorena je od apri-

la 2016.



Lee Miller


A young American woman

bathes in Hitler’s bathtub on

30th April 1945, with her mud-

dy boots standing next to the

tub (pictured). This shot is one

of the central images of the

exhibition of the photography

of Lee Miller: A Woman’s War.

Miller was the only female war

photojournalist in Europe du-

ring World War II. She arrived

at Adolf Hitler’s apartment

from the Dachau concentrati-

on camp, where she shot the

harrowing scenes for which

she is most famous. Bathing

in Hitler’s tub has its own kind

of symbolism - it happened

on the day of the Nazi leader’s

suicide and the mud from

Dachau remained on the floor.

The exhibition has been open

at the Imperial War Museum

in London since April 2016.

Er Srbija leti dva puta dnevno iz

Beograda za Zagreb

Air Serbia flies twice daily from

Belgrade to Zagreb


Uber se širi

na Balkanu

Hrvatski glavni grad postao je drugi na

Balkanu (posle Sofije) u koji je stigao

Uber. Koncept povezivanja putnika pre-

ko aplikacije na mobilnom telefonu, sa

vozilima koja njihovi vlasnici stavljaju

u službu prevoza, napravio je revoluciju

u taksi-transportu širom sveta. Prevoz

Uberom u Zagrebu je oko 25 odsto jefti-

niji od taksija, vozilo uvek stiže za manje

od pet minuta, a vozači su licencirani.

Uber je saopštio da je njihova aplikacija u

Zagrebu instalirana na mobilne telefone

preko 13.000 puta u poslednjih nekoliko

meseci. Pretpostavlja se da u prvi mah

ima barem toliko potencijalnih klijenata.



Uber spreads

to the Balkans

The Croatian capital has become the second

capital city in the Balkans (after Sofia) where

Uber has arrived. The concept of using a

mobile phone app to connect passengers

with vehicles whose owners have made them

available for transportation has caused a

revolution in taxi transport worldwide. Uber

transport in Zagreb is about 25 per cent

cheaper than taxis, vehicles always arrive

within less than five minutes and the drivers

are licensed. Uber announced that its appli-

cation has been installed over 13,000 times

on mobile phones in Zagreb in just the last

few months. It is assumed that there are at

least as many initial potential customers.