Elevate March 2015 - page 16

Velika izložba
Rodenovih skulptura
Zagrebački Umetnički paviljon pripre-
ma se da od 5. maja ugosti veliku izlo-
žbu skulptura francuskog vajara Ogista
Rodena. U glavnom gradu Hrvatske
biće prikazane Rodenove 74 skulpture,
a istovremeno će se nešto manja izložba
odvijati u Splitu, hrvatskom gradu u
kome je delovao skulptor Ivan Meštro-
vić koji je kao i Roden ostvario veliki
uticaj na razvoj evropske umetnosti
krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka. Najpo-
znatija Rodenova remek-dela „Mislilac“,
„Poljubac“, „Vrata pakla“... biće izložena
u Zagrebu.
Major exhibition
of Rodin‘s sculptures
The Zagreb Art Pavilion is prepared to
welcome a major exhibition of sculp-
tures by French sculptor Auguste Rodin
from 5th May. The Croatian capital will
host 74 sculptures, while the Croatian
coastal city of Split will present a slight-
ly smaller exhibition of works by this
sculptor, who – along with his Croatian
counterpart Ivan Meštrović – had a great
impact on the development of European
art in the late 19th and early 20th centu-
ries. Rodin’s most famous masterpieces
– The Thinker, The Kiss, Gates of Hell
etc. – will be exhibited in Zagreb.
Kulturna prestonica
Evrope 2015.
Češki grad Plzen, udaljen 90 kilometara od
glavnog grada Praga, proglašen je odlukom
Evropskog parlamenta za ovogodišnju
evropsku prestonicu kulture. Zvanje ravno-
pravno deli s belgijskim gradom Monsom.
Grad od 170.000 stanovnika stekao je
svetski renome po proizvodnji piva od 1842.
Grad ima i bogatu kulturnu tradiciju, uklju-
čujući i pozorište koje je započelo svoju 150
sezonu. Tokom 2015. u Plzenu će se održati
više od 600 kulturnih događaja – izložbi,
koncerata i umetničkih intervencija. Na
fotografiji je sinagoga u Plzenu.
Cultural Capital of
Europe 2015
The Czech city of Pilsen, located 90 kilo-
metres from the capital of Prague, has been
declared this year‘s European Capital of
Culture by decision of the European Parlia-
ment. It shares the title equally with the
Belgian city of Mons. This city of 170,000
inhabitants has gained world renown since
1842 for the production of beer. The city
also has a rich cultural tradition, including
a theatre that has launched its 150
Throughout 2015 Pilsen will host more than
600 cultural events – exhibitions, concerts
and artistic interventions. Pictured is the
Pilsen synagogue.
Najviše kafića po stanovniku
Solun, drugi po veličini grčki grad (na fotografiji), ima više kafića po stanovniku od
bilo kog drugog evropskog grada, tvrdi statistika. Nije ni čudo što je zauzeo deveto
mesto na listi deset najboljih gradova na svetu za noćni provod koju je objavio
Nešenel džiografik. Balkanski gradovi dobili su veliki značaj na toj listi – Beograd je
zauzeo drugo mesto.
Most cafes per capita
Greece’s second city of Thessaloniki (pictured) has more cafes per capita than any
other European city, statistics claim. No wonder, then, that it also took ninth place
on the list of the top ten cities in the world for nightlife published by National
Geographic. Balkan cities were given great importance on the list – with Belgrade
taking second place.
Er Srbija leti deset puta nedeljno
iz Beograda za Prag.
Air Serbia flies ten times a week
from Belgrade to Prague.
Er Srbija leti dva puta dnevno iz Beograda za Zagreb.
Air Serbia flies twice daily from Belgrade to Zagreb.
Er Srbija leti dnevno iz Beograda za Solun.
Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Thessaloniki.
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