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Šta nosite sa

sobom u avion?

Selfie: What do you

take onboard?



Ručni prtljag

/ Cabin Baggage

Fotografija / Photography: Janko Petković, Šminka / Make up: Marijana Golubović, Stilista / Styling: Vladana Veljković

Maja Lukić

glumica / actress

Rođena je u Valjevu, gradiću

u zapadnoj Srbiji, a diplomi-

rala je na Fakultetu dramskih

umetnosti u Beogradu predsta-


Tre sorelle.

U pozorištu

Madlenijanum igra u pred-


I konje ubijaju, zar



Veliki Getsbi

. Najaktivnija

je na dečjoj sceni, u pozorištu

Boško Buha, gde se pojavljuje

u vodećim ženskim ulogama u


Snežna kraljica,

Aladinova čarobna lampa, U

strahu su velike oči


Carev zato-


Za glavnu ulogu Karoline

Nojber u istoimenoj predstavi

valjevskog Gradskog pozorišta,

nagrađena je plaketom s likom

našeg najvećeg komediografa,

Branislava Nušića, na ovogo-

dišnjem pozorišnom festivalu

,,Nušićevi dani“. Igrala je i u


Samac u braku


Na let nosim rokovnik,

kako bih to dokono vreme

iskoristila da zapišem

ponešto i pročešljam ranije

beleške. Sunčane naočare,

jer ponekad ne želim da

svoje emocije delim s

nepoznatima, kada nisam

na sceni, a ruž za usne je

obavezan za svaku ženu

u svakoj prilici, jer je uvek

čini svežom.


Born in the town of Valjevo in western

Serbia, she graduated from the Faculty of

Dramatic Arts in Belgrade with the play



. She performs at the Madlenianum

Theatre in the plays

They Shoot Horses, Don’t



The Great Gatsby

. She is most

active on the children’s scene, at Boško Buha

Theatre, where she appears in the leading

female roles in the plays:

The Snow Queen


Aladdin’s magic lamp


Fearful eyes are large


The Emperor’s prisoner

. For the lead role

of Karoline Neuber in the eponymous play

at the Valjevo City Theatre she was awarded

a plaque with the image of Serbia’s greatest

comic playwright, Branislav Nušić, at this

year’s Days of Nušić Theatre Festival. She

has also performed in the TV series “Single

in marriage”.

On flights I carry a planner note-

book, in order to use this ‘idle’ time

to record something and comb

through earlier notes; sunglasses,

because sometimes I don’t wish to

share my emotions with strangers,

when I’m not on the stage, and lip-

stick is obligatory for every woman

at every opportunity, because it

always freshens her up.