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Još jedna Versače

Nećaka čuvene modne kreatorke Donate-

le Versače, Frančeska Eleonora Versače,

odlučila je da i sama pokrene svoju

modnu liniju ženskih tašni. Iako živi u

Londonu, svoj rad prvi put je promovisa-

la u Parizu. Dizajn je inspirisan rustičnim

pejzažima i arhitekturom Italije. „Htela

sam da napravim višenamenske komade

koji su klasični i istovremeno mladalački,

kakve bih sama želela da nosim“, izjavila

je nova dizajnerka. Modnu liniju je nazva-

la f.e.v. po svojim inicijalima, a cene se

kreću od 350 do 1100 evra. Na fotografiji

model f.e.v. Rainbow Clutch.



Another Versace

The neice of famous fashion designer

Donatella Versace, Francesca Eleonora

Versace, has decided to her own line

of fashionable women’s handbags. Al-

though resident in London, she opted to

promote her work first in Paris. Her de-

signs are inspired by rustic landscapes

and the architecture of Italy. “I wanted

to make multifunctional pieces that are

classical and simultaneously youthful,

the kind I wanted to carry myself,” said

this new face on the design scene. She

has named her fashion line f.e.v., using

her initials, while prices range from 350

to 1100 euros. Pictured here is the model

f.e.v. Rainbow Clutch.


Prvi festival svetlosti

Januarski festival svetlosti „Limijer Lon-

don“ izmamio je na ulice grada milion ljudi

više nego što je uobičajeno, iako se odvijao

tokom četiri najhladnija dana u godini.

Vodeći umetnici iz celog sveta postavili

su iznad i oko centralnih gradskih trgova

Pikadili, Trafalgar skver, Kings kros i na

Mejferu, 30 svetlosnih instalacija koje su

četiri sata svake večeri menjale ambijent

i uveseljavale zadivljene gledaoce. Bio je

to prvi festival svetlosti održan u glavnom

gradu velike Britanije. Na snimku svetlosna

instalacija na Vestministerskoj katedrali.



First festival of light

January’s festival of light, Lumiere London,

lured a million more people than usual onto

the streets, despite taking place during the

four coldest days of the year. Leading art-

ists from around the world set up 30 light

installations above and around the central

city squares of Piccadilly, Trafalgar Square,

Kings Cross and Mayfair, which changed

the environment for four hours each eve-

ning and amazed the cheering spectators.

This was the first festival of light to held in

the UK capital. Pictured here is the West-

minster Abbey light installation.


160 godina

Tretjakovske galerije

Čuvena Tretjakovska galerija u glavnom

gradu Rusije proslavlja ove godine 160.

godišnjicu postojanja. U skladu sa jubi-

lejom, galerija obara istorijske rekorde.

Nedavno zatvorenu retrospektivnu izlo-

žbu slikara Valentina Serova (1865–1911)

videlo je preko 440 hiljada posetilaca (na

slici), najviše u istoriji ruskih i sovjetskih

muzeja. Već je otvorena nova izložba,

„Sunce u zenitu“ slavnog azerbejdžan-

skog umetnika Tahira Sahalova, čiji se

radovi prvi put prikazuju. U ovoj godini

galerija priprema i veliki međunarodni

projekat sa Vatikanskim muzejima i

Londonskom nacionalnom galerijom

portreta, retrospektivu Ivana (Hovhane-

sa) Ajvazovskog.



160 Years

of the Tretyakov Gallery

The famous Tretyakov Gallery in the

Russian capital is this year celebrating

its 160


anniversary. To mark this jubilee,

the gallery is breaking historical records.

The recent retrospective exhibition of

painter Valentin Serov (1865-1911) was

seen by more than 440 thousand visitors

(pictured), the highest figure in the history

of Russian and Soviet museums. A new

exhibition has already opened, “The Sun at

its Zenith”, featuring famous Azerbaijani

artist Tahir Salahov, whose works the gal-

lery is showing for the first time. This year

the gallery is also preparing a large inter-

national project with the Vatican Museum

and London’s National Portrait Gallery, a

Hovhannes Aivazovsky retrospective.

Er Srbija leti dnevno

iz Beograda za london

Air Serbia flies daily from

Belgrade to London

Er Srbija leti dva puta dnevno

iz Beograda za Pariz

Air Serbia flies twice daily from

Belgrade to Paris



Er Srbija leti dvanaest puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Moskvu

Air Serbia flies twelve times a week from Belgrade to Moscow