
| 97 BANJIČKA BAJFORDOVA ŠUMA RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OFTHE CITY BANJICA BYFORD’S WOOD Bojčinska šuma je pod zaštitom države i kao prirodni i kao memorijalni spomenik. Njeno drveće pamti još Prvi svetski rat, kada se u šumi nalazilo sklonište za meštane i vojnike, a u Drugom svetskom ratu u njoj je podignut partizanski ustanak u donjem Sremu, dok su vojne baze pod zemljom sačuvane do današnjih dana. Šuma zauzima površinu od 629,51 hektar. Dominira hrast lužnjak, ali je u šumi ukupno evidentirano 185 biljnih vrsta, od kojih 15 ima status zaštićenih i strogo zaštićenih vrsta. Bojčinska šuma je dom i za 108 vrsta ptica, 10 vrsta vodozemaca i gmizavaca (od čega je čak osam vrsta zaštitićeno zakonom), zečeve, srndaće, divlje svinje… Nekada je bila poznata kao Titov gaj, a od pre nekoliko godina nosi ime Bajfordova šuma jer je zahvaljujući Timotiju Džonu Bajfordu, scenaristi, reditelju i ornitologu i strastvenom posmatraču ptica, proglašena prirodnim dobrom i stavljena pod zaštitu kao spomenik prirode. U ovoj listopadnoj šumi živi oko 70 vrsta ptica, a duž staze su postavljene table koje vas pripremaju za susret s nekima od njih. Neravnim stazama lako je zaneti se uz cvrkut i šum lišća… Neke staze vode do magičnog Banjičkog potoka, koji izvire na južnoj strani šume. Banjička šuma je omiljena ljudima koji zaista žele da pobegnu od gužve, kafića, sportskih terena… The Forest of Bojčin is under state protection as a monument of nature, but also as a memorial monument. Its trees can recall World War I, when this forest housed a bomb shelter for locals and soldiers, and it was here that a partisan uprising in Donji Sremwas instigated duringWorldWar II, while underground military bases have been preserved here to this day. The forest encompasses an area of 629,51 hectares. Despite being dominated by oak trees, this forest also has 185 registered plant species, 15 of which classed as protected or strictly protected species. The Forest of Bojčin is home to 108 bird species, 10 species of amphibians and reptiles (eight of which are protected by law), countless rabbits, roe deer, wild boar etc. Once known as Tito’s Bosquet, it was renamed Byford’s Wood a few years ago, because it was thanks to late Belgrader Timothy John Byford, a scriptwriter and director, but also an ornithologist and passionate bird watcher, that the area was proclaimed a Natural Asset and placed under state protection as a Monument of Nature. This deciduous forest is home to about 70 species of bird, and explanatory boards have been placed beside its paths to prepare visitors for encounters with some of them. Along its uneven lanes it’s easy to be carried away by their tweets and the rustling of leaves... Some pathways lead to the magical Banjica Stream, which emerges on the southern side of the forest. BanjicaWood is a favourite destination for those who really want to escape the city’s crowds, cafes, sports elds... BOJČINSKA RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OFTHE CITY FOREST OF BOJČIN