
22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Razglednica/Postcard LJUBLJANA LJUBLJANA Biblioteka pod krošnjama Slovenci su strastveni čitaoci knjiga na svom jeziku, ali i na engleskom i nemačkom, i godišnje iz biblioteka pozajme oko 25 miliona knjiga, što ih svrstava u sam vrh evropske statistike. Sad su došli na originalnu ideju, pa je u Ljubljani na više mesta otvorena Biblioteka pod krošnjama. Posetioci imaju mogućnost da besplatno pozajmljuju knjige, stripove, časopise i magazine na različitim jezicima i uživaju u čitanju u senci drveća. Biblioteke na otvorenom nalaze se u parkovima Tivoli i Zvezda, kod botaničke bašte, Pionirskog doma i u atrijumu Galerije Škuc. LIBRARY UNDER THE TREETOPS Slovenes are passionate readers of books, both in their own language and also in English and German, and they borrow an average of 25 million books a year from libraries, ranking them at the very top of European statistics. Now they have come up with an original idea resulting in the Library under the treetops opening at several locations in Ljubljana. Visitors have the opportunity to borrow books, comics, magazines and journals in different languages free of charge, and to enjoy reading in the shade of trees. These open-air libraries are located in Tivoli and Zvezda park, at the Botanical Gardens, Pioneer House and in the atrium of Škuc Gallery. TIVAT TIVAT Upoznajte tivatske ptice Između aerodroma Tivat i poluostrva Luštica nalazi se jedinstven ptičji rezervat Tivatska solila. Mesto gde se nekada skupljala skupocena so danas je zaštićeno područje i privremeni dom za 114 vrsta ptica. U prvom florističko-faunističkom rezervatu prirode u Crnoj Gori posetioci mogu da vide patke, čaplje, flamingose, sove, vodomare, crne ibise, kao i razne gmizavce, poput najmanje žabe gatalinke. Na više mesta u rezervatu postoje osmatračnice, a osim zbog ptica, turisti sve češće dolaze da bi uživali u netaknutoj prirodi. MEET THE BIRDS OF TIVAT The unique Tivat Solila bird reserve is situated between Tivat Airport and the Luštica peninsula. Once a source of precious salt, today it is a protected area and the temporary home of 114 species of birds. In this first nature reserve of flora and fauna in Montenegro, visitors can see ducks, herons, flamingos, owls, waterfowl, black ibises and various reptiles, such as the tiny Gatalinka tree frogs. There are observation points at several places within the reserve, and apart from just spotting birds, tourists increasingly visit to enjoy the reserve’s pristine nature. PRAG PRAGUE Zlatna ulica i broj 22 Zlatna ulica nalazi se kod praškog dvorca i prepoznatljiva je po šarenim živopisnim kućicama, a ime je dobila po zlatarima, koji su upravo u toj ulici imali svoje radnje. U jednoj od kućica, pod brojem 22, nekada je živeo pisac Franc Kafka, a nakon njega u ulicu se doselio Jaroslav Sajfert, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za književnost 1984. Pridružite se mnoštvu radoznalih turista koji u toj ulici pokušavaju da snime savršenu fotografiju za Instagram i nahrane dušu dobrom pričom o životu imućnih zlatara i poznatih književnika. GOLDEN LANE AND NUMBER 22 Prague’s Golden Lane is located near the city’s castle and is recognisable due to its colourful, picturesque houses, while it was named after the goldsmiths who had their workshops in this street. One of the houses, at number 22, used to be the home of writer Franz Kafka, and moving to the street after him was Nobel laureate Jaroslav Seifert, who won the 1984 Nobel Prize for Literature. Join the masses of curious tourists who try to shoot the perfect Instagram photo on this street and feed your soul with a good story about the lives of wealthy goldsmiths and famous writers. iStock / xbrchx iStock / Nastasic iStock / QQ7