
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 23 KOPENHAGEN COPENHAGEN Park iz 19. veka Posetiti dansku prestonicu, a ne videti zabavni park Tivoli vrtovi ravno je grehu. Park je otvoren davne 1843. i drugi je najstariji zabavni park na svetu, a poznat je po drvenom rolerkosteru, izgrađenom pre više od jednog veka koji i danas radi. Neke vožnje u parku su spore i pružaju vammogućnost da uživate u pogledu na prelepe vrtove, dok druge ispunjavaju sva očekivanja onih koji traže uzbuđenje, kao na primer vožnja Vertigo, koja će vas okrenuti naglavačke pri brzini od 100 kilometara na čas. PARK FROM THE 19TH CENTURY Visiting the Danish capital and not seeing Tivoli Gardens amusement park is tantamount to a sin. The park was opened way back in 1843 and is the world’s second oldest amusement park, known for its wooden roller coaster that was built more than a century ago and still operates today. Some rides in the park are slow and provide the opportunity to enjoy the views of the beautiful gardens, while others fulfil all the expectations of those seeking excitement, such as the “Vertigo” ride, which will turn you upside down at a speed of 100 km/h. SPLIT SPLIT Teatar pod zvezdama Do 20. septembra Split će na tvrđavi Gripe biti domaćin festivala Teatar pod zvezdama, koji će se održati uz poštovanje svih epidemioloških mera. Posetioci će imati priliku da vide deset raznovrsnih programa, poput komedija Vla-vla-vlajland, Ne daj se, Njofra, Udavače, a najmlađe očekuje jedinstven dečji mjuzikl Mi o vuku. Na ovogodišnji festival u Splitu dolaze i Tomislav Bralić i klapa Intrade, koji slave 35 godina postojanja, kao i mlada splitska zvezda Uršula Najev, koja će se publici predstaviti u novom svetlu kroz muzički opus Ejmi Vajnhaus. THEATRE UNDER THE STARS Split’s Gripe Fortress is hosting the “Theatre Under the Stars” festival until 20th September, which will be held while complying with all epidemiological protection measures. Visitors will have an opportunity to see ten diverse programs, such as the comedies Vla vla vlajland, Ne daj se Njofra, and Udavače, while the youngest visitors are awaited by the unique children’s musical Mi o vuku. Arriving in Split to participate in this year’s festival are Tomislav Bralić and the klapa “Intrade”, who are celebrating 35 years of their existence, as well as young star from Split Uršula Najev, who will present herself to the audience in a new light through the musical opus of Amy Winehouse. CIRIH ZURICH Art vikend Polovinom septembra svet umetnosti preseliće se u Cirih, a povod je trodnevni Art vikend, važan događaj savremene umetnosti. Tako će od 11. do 13. septembra svoja vrata otvoriti više od 30 javnih i privatnih galerija, a biće organizovani obilasci postavki i predavanja sa kustosima i umetnicima s ciljem da se predstavi umetnička scena Ciriha. Organizatori su najavili da i ove godine očekuju dobar odziv ljubitelja umetnosti, koji će posle pauze zbog pandemije najzad moći da na licu mesta razmene ideje i predstave dela. ART WEEKEND The art world relocates to Zurich in mid-September, on the occasion of the three-day “Art Weekend”, which is an important contemporary art event. More than 30 public and private galleries will open their doors from 11th to 13th September, while exhibition tours and lectures of curators and artists will be organised with the aim of presenting the Zurich art scene. Organisers have announced that they expect a good response again this year from art lovers, who – after the break imposed by the pandemic – will finally be able to once again exchange ideas and present works on the spot. Tekst/Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije/Photography:, iStock iStock / holgs iStock / AleksandarGeorgiev iStock / Roland Magnusson