
Scene » Scena | 21 Drvo duginih boja Ova slika izgleda kao umetničko delo, ali zapravo pokazuje neverovatnu koru izvanrednog drveta. Kada drvo eukaliptusa duge baci svoju spoljnu koru, ispod njih se otkrivaju neverovatne i potpuno prirodne boje. Šume eukaliptusa šarenih stabala i grana mogu se videti u tropskim predelima Indonezije, Nove Gvineje i Filipina. Dugini eukaliptusi mogu da narastu do čak 75 metara visine, a osim intenzivne boje, još jedna njihova specifičnost je i osvežavajući miris koji podseća na miris bora, nane i meda. Različite šare su poput otiska prsta, pa svako stablo ima autentičan izgled. Šuma je specifična i po tome što je otrovna, pa se u njoj ne treba zadržavati. RAINBOW COLOURED TREES This image resembles a work of fine art, but it actually shows the unbelievable bark of an exceptional tree. When the rainbow eucalyptus tree sheds its outer bark, revealed beneath are completely natural colours. Eucalyptus forests with their multicoloured trunks and branches can be seen in the tropical regions of Indonesia, Papua NewGuinea and the Philippines. The rainbow eucalyptus tree can grow to as high as 75 metres, and apart from its distinctive colouring, another of its specificities is a refreshing scent that’s reminiscent of the combined scents of pine, mint and honey. The variety of patterns are like fingerprints, ensuring that every tree has its own unique appearance. This forest is also specific due to the fact that it is poisonous, so you shouldn’t linger. here too long. Fotografije / Photography: