
Zabeleženi rezultati pokazuju da je iza nas veoma dobro i uspešno leto The results achieved show that a very good and successful summer is now behind us FOTO:Depositphotos / Boscorelli The Serbian national airline carried more than 300,000 passengers in August 2021, via both scheduled and charter flights, from its hub in Belgrade, as well as the airports in Niš and Kraljevo. The result achieved represents the highest number of passengers carried in a single month in 2021, and is the continuation of constant growth seen during the summer months. “We are extremely satisfied that the trend of stable growth, during the past fewmonths, continued in August as well. The results achieved show that a very good and successful summer is now behind us. On the other hand, we are aware that the situation with the coronavirus pandemic is deteriorating in certain countries, as well as that travel restrictions are being reactivated more frequently. For that reason, we will make plans for the coming period with a dose of caution, focusing on carefully observing the development of the situation and reacting quickly in accordance with the current measures and market demand,” says Jiri Marek, Air Serbia General Manager, Commercial and Strategy. Air Serbia has had constant growth of passenger numbers since the start of the summer season. In July, 63 per cent more passengers were carried than in June, while the June result was itself 68 per cent better than May’s. Thanks to the record results achieved during May and June of this year, Air Serbia reported a 52 per cent market share at Belgrade Airport in the second quarter of 2021, representing growth of as many as nine percentage points compared to the second quarter of the record-breaking 2019. The last time Air Serbia carried as many passengers in just one month was during thepre-pandemicyearof2019,whichwasa recordyear for thenational airlineaccording to all parameters Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9 Srpska nacionalna aviokompanija od početka letnje sezone beleži konstantan rast broja putnika We’ve had constant growth of passenger numbers since the beginning of the summer season FOTO:Depositphotos / Paulprescott FOTO:Dimitrije Ostojić