
68 | Sirtaki Kad je plesao Grk Zorba Sirtaki je još jedan od prepoznatljivih brendova Grčke, doduše nastao prilično kasno. Naime, to je varijacija tradicionalnog plesa sirtos, koji se u nijansama razlikuje od jednog do drugog ostrva. Reč je zapravo deminutiv izveden od sirtosa, „vučenog“ plesa koji se izvodi u otvorenom krugu sa neograničenim brojem učesnika. Nastanak sirtakija je posebno zanimljiv jer se vezuje za snimanje filma Grk Zorba iz 1964. godine koji je zaslužio sedam nominacija za Oskara, a osvojio tri. Pošto glavni glumac Entoni Kvin nije bio nadaren za tradicionalni grčki ples koji je trebalo da izvede u završnoj sceni, koreograf je došao na ideju o varijanti sirtosa koja je danas poznata kao sirtaki. Sa druge strane, postoji i priča po kojoj je Kvin tokom snimanja povredio nogu, te je iz tog razloga nastao ples u kojem se on što je manje moguće oslanjao na povređeno stopalo. Prema toj verziji priče, upravo zbog toga se i sirtaki izvodi tako što plesači drže ruke na ramenima svojih suplesača. Sirtaki svoju popularnost duguje i višestrukom upisivanju u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda, a poslednje se dogodilo 2012, kada je čak 5.614 ljudi u isto vreme igralo taj ples u grčkom gradu Volosu. Kad kažem mislim... SYRTAKI WHEN ZORBA THE GREEK DANCED The Syrtaki is one of Greece’s most recognisable brands, although it emerged quite late. Namely, it is a variation of the traditional syrtos dance, which di ers slightly fromone island to another. The word is actually a diminutive derived from syrtos, a“dragged”dance that is performed in an open circle with an unlimited number of participants. The emergence of syrtaki is particularly interesting because it relates to the 1964 lmZorba the Greek that earned seven Oscar nominations and won three. Due to the fact that lead actor Anthony Quinn was not gifted when it comes to the traditional Greek dance, which was supposed to be performed in the nal scene, the choreographer came up with the idea of the syrtos variation that is today known as syrtaki. On the other hand, according to another story, Quinn injured his leg during shooting, which is why this dance was created, in which he relied less on his injured foot. According to this version of the story, it is precisely for this reason that the syrtaki is performed in such a way that the dancers place their hands on the shoulders of their fellow dancers. The syrtaki also owes its popularity tomultiple entries in the Guinness Book ofWorld Records, the most recent of which came in 2012, when as many as 5,614 people simultaneously performed this dance in the Greek city of Volos. GRČKA U FOKUSU GREECE INFOCUS GRČKA, WHEN I SAY GREECE, I THINKOF ...