
| 69 rakuza saApolonovimhramom i seloKorelone, da semalo setite Kuma. Peta stanica RIM Marija Magdalena iz Stradanja Hristovog MelaGibsona u ovaj grad je dolazila i zbog filmskog festivala i zbog promocije filma Spektra, u kojem je igrala Bondovu devojku, u 52. godini. Ali i zato što svi putevi vode u Rim. Iz milion dobrih razloga. Inače, čuvenafilmskaKleopatra i višestrukonagrađivana glumica bila je u braku sa fotografom Klaudijem KarlosomBarosom, verena sa glumcemNikolomFaronomiudatazaVensanaKasela, sakojimima ćerkeDevu i Leoni. Godinama je zvanično sama. Nezvanično prošeta Rimom u društvu misterioznog muškarca... Italy is proud of its famous daughter, just as actressMonica Bellucci is proudof her origins. Step by step, she became a world star, and some important paths led her to that throne... First stop CITTÀ DI CASTELLO The story of Monica AnnaMaria Bellucci (54) begins in the small town of Città di Castello, which is best known around the world precisely because it is the birthplace of one of the world’s most beautiful women. However, the story of this charming little town doesn’t end there. Geographically interesting due to its location in the mountainous Umbria region, it is around 50 kilometres from Perugia, in the valley of the River Tibar. History lovers will find it interesting that it is situated on the site of ancient Tifernum, but the city blossomed during the Renaissance, under the Vitelli dynasty. It is thanks to them that Città di Castello is today also delightful for tourists. The witnesses of the passage of time here include the 14th century Town Hall, the cathedral dating back to the same period, which is a monument to Renaissance art, the Pinacoteca Comunale Museum, which is the main edifice of this type in the Umbria region, as well as the Vitelli chapel in the 16th century church of San Francesco. Its breathtaking rustic appearance will amaze you, just as the beautiful Monica left her fellow citizens breathless when she was just a teenager. Legend has it that parents Brunella Briganti, aka Maria Gustinelli, and Pasquale Bellucci, aka Luigi, had to hide her because they were tired of explaining where they’d found such a beautiful child. Second stop PERUGIA The legal profession is perhaps mourning that Monica isn’t among its ranks, but the acting world is happy that she abandoned her law studies at the University of Perugia. She probably headed to the capital I always get the impression that, wherever I go, I represent Italy. When I say that I’m Italian I’m always greeted with a smile and special a ection towards my country of origin. I’m very proud to be Italian “ Uvek sam svesna činjenice da kud god idem, predstavljam Italiju. Kad kažem da sam Italijanka, dočekaju me osmesi i posebna naklonost prema zemlji iz koje dolazim. Veoma sam ponosna što sam Italijanka