
Digital detox » Digitalni detoks | 77 the idea that we’ve all become addicted to technology, and that this impoverishes our lives - in terms of love, socially, and even in an economic sense.” Thiswas themomentwhen itwouldhave beengood forme to extract my phone frommy pocket and google “digital detox”, but I knew that wasn’t an option. So I took a sip of my coffee and listened to his story intently. Fortunately for me, he was talkative when it came to this topic: “Perhaps if we realised how overcrowded our heads are with all these networks on a daily basis, we would know how to limit the amount of information we scroll through.” Truth be told, it was only when I was in roaming that I realised I missed receiving notifications every minute - and that this probably isn’t entirely normal. “Man,” continued the waiter in a dramatic tone. “Most people I know just switch from one screen to another – if it’s not a work computer, then it’s a private phone, or scrolling endlessly throughNetflix. And life just passes.” Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I had to agree with him. I finished my coffee, left the money on the bar, and headed out into the cold New York wind. Researching the term digital detox later that evening, I realised that the initiative for offline living has extended far beyond this small, poetic, eco-friendly cafe. All around the world, young people who nominally belong to the generation that grewupwith the internet and social networks are yearning for a life with more observations and fewer likes, for a more concentrated existence, as they themselves say. A more leisurely pace at which the latest scandalous gossip about celebrities, enticements fromonline shop newsletters and someone’s lunch on Instagram aren’t the main attraction of the day. And no distractions. I would be lying if I said that afterwards I immediately turned off my mobile and that it changed my life. But I put it in silent mode and pushed it into the drawer of the bedside cabinet. Small steps... it was only when I was in roaming that I realised I missed receiving notifications every minute - and that this probably isn’t entirely normal Tek u romingu sam shvatio da mi nedostaju notifikacije svakogminuta i da to verovatno nije baš skroz normalno