
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17 Gde se nalazi: Parc de La Villette, 211, Avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris. / Where is it? Parc de La Villette, 211, Avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris. smart travel me scan Piknik uz dobar film / Picnic with a good film Ljubitelj ste bioskopa? U parku Vilet, zahvaljujući projekcijama na otvorenom, biće lako. Leti je ceo mesec, od kraja jula do kraja avgusta, posvećen kinematografiji. U parku se prikazuju filmovi u skladu sa određenom temom. Dođite i uživajte u projekciji dok udobno ležite na ležaljci po divnom letnjem vremenu, bez potrebe da potrošite ijedan dinar... Jer sve je besplatno! Are you a cinema lover? You’ll find it easy to indulge in your love at Paris’s La Villette Park, thanks to its open-air screenings. Films are screened in the park at the peak of summer, throughout the entire month from the end of July until the end of August, according to a particular cinematic theme. Come and enjoy the screenings while resting comfortably in a deckchair, basking in the summer weather, without paying for the privilege… because it is all free of charge! Uživajte u kombinaciji filma i piknika Enjoy a film screening with your own picnic iStock / MarcelloLand profimedia.rs