
18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia smarttravel me scan Zvezde su bliže sa vrha Pariza / The stars are closer from the top of Paris Svake godine su u Parizu tri noći početkom avgusta posvećene gledanju zvezda, i to uglavnom padalica, pošto ih u tom periodu ima mnogo. Onima koji će tada biti u Parizu savetujemo da se popnu na toranj Monparnas, gde će se za tu priliku organizovati različite aktivnosti. Zaista, tamo ćete ne samo uživati u pogledu nego i saznati više o onome što se događa na pariskom nebu. Naravno, sa najvišeg nebodera u Parizu, sa terase na vrhu 56. sprata, moći ćete da gledate nebo kao nikad do tada. Tako ćete biti najbliži mestu sa kojeg možete da zamislite želju kad vidite zvezdu padalicu. France dedicates three nights at the beginning of each August to watching the stars in the night sky, and mostly the shooting stars that appear in abundance during this period. We advise anyone who finds themselves in Paris at that time Gledajte nebo sa vrha najvišeg nebodera u Parizu Observe the night sky from the top of the highest skyscraper in Paris Gde se nalazi: Tour Montparnasse, 33, Avenue du Maine / Where is it? Tour Montparnasse, 33, Avenue du Maine, Paris to head up to the Montparnasse Tower Observation Deck, where various activities will be organised to mark this occasion. On the agenda you will find meetings and other gatherings with professionals to help you learn more about what is actually going on in the sky. And, of course, from the top of the highest skyscraper in Paris, on its observation deck located on the 56th floor, you’ll be able to observe the sky like never before. You’ll be so close to the stars that you might want to make a wish! iStock / Bim iStock / mura