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Er Berlin

Letite s osmehom:

– najšarmantnije



r Berlin je ponovo dobio najviše

ocene za prijateljski odnos posade u

2015. U redovnim ispitivanjima putnika u

proseku devedeset odsto posade Er Berli-

na ocenjeno je kao „prijateljsko“. Rezultati

ispitivanja su posebno visoki za biznis

klasu Er Berlina, gde je 95 odsto odgovora

pozitivno. U biznis klasi jedan stariji član

kabinskog osoblja i dve stjuardese vode

posebnu brigu o udobnosti i individual-

nom komforu najviše 19 putnika.


Air Berlin

Fly and smile:

the most charming

flight attendants


ir Berlin scored again top marks for

its crew friendliness in 2015. In the

regular passenger surveys, an average of

90 percent rated the Air Berlin crew as

friendly. The survey results were particu-

larly high for Air Berlin Business Class,

which received 95% positive reviews. In

Business Class, one senior cabin crew

member and two flight attendants take

special care of the well-being and indi-

vidual comfort of 19 passengers at most.

Etihad ervejz

Holivudska glumica u

filmu virtuelne realnosti


tihad ervejz je predstavio ekskluzivan trejler filma virtuelne realnosti

u kome je glavna glumica dobitnica Oskara Nikol Kidman, na saj-

mu Arejbijen travel market (Arabian Travel Market - ATM), održanom u

Dubaiju od 25. do 28. aprila.

Inovativan film koji gledaoca u potpunosti uključuje u radnju, prvi film

virtuelne realnosti u kome glumi holivudska zvezda, predstavlja značajno

dostignuće za avio-kompaniju i gledaocima će omogućiti da dožive revolu-

cionarni avion erbas A380, u kome se nalazi Etihad rezidencija – luksuzni,

privatni apartman sa tri prostorije.

Posetioci štanda Etihad ervejza na ATM imali su priliku da pogledaju

trejler koristeći Gugl kardbord (Google Cardboard) tehnologiju i Samsung

gir (Samsung Gear) naočare.

Nikol Kidman u sceni iz filma


Scene from the movie

with Nicole Kidman


Etihad Airways



in virtual

reality film


tihad Airways revealed

an exclusive trailer of

its virtual reality film star-

ring Academy Award winning

actress Nicole Kidman at the

Arabian Travel Market (ATM),

held in Dubai from 25 April to

28 April.

The innovative fully-

immersive film, which marks

the first time a Hollywood actor

has starred in a virtual reality

film, is a major accomplish-

ment for the airline, and will

allow viewers to experience

its revolutionary Airbus A380,

which includes The Residence -

the airline’s ultra-luxurious and

private three-room suite.

Visitors to Etihad Airways’

stand at ATM were able to

enjoy the trailer using Google

Cardboard technology and

Samsung Gear headsets.