Varna je drugi po veličini grad u Bugarskoj. Njegov položaj na severnoj obali Crnog mora, uz bogatstvo prirodnih resursa, čini ga jednim od najpoznatijih letovališta u Evropi, definitivno najvecim u crnomorskom regionu. Takođe je zanimljivo i to što se nalazi na raskrsnici između zapadne Evrope i Bliskog istoka. Lučki grad Varna poznat je i kao primorska prestonica Bugarske. Jedno od ključnih arheoloških otkrica u razumevanju ljudske praistorije dogodilo se upravo ovde. Nekropola Varne sadrži više od 300 grobova sa zlatom, bakrom i drugim predmetima. Kolekcija se smatra najstarijim zlatom na svetu, koje datira iz 4560. godine pre nove ere. Po toplom letnjem danu nema ništa lepše od šetnje hladovinomMorskog vrta Varne sa sladoledom u ruci, širokim osmehom dok vam slani povetarac pleše po licu, a vi znate da se nalazite u jednom od najlepših obalskih parkova na zemlji. Iz Morskog vrta možete skočiti pravo na plažu, gde niz živahnih barova na plaži nudi sve za zabavu, od nargila do kreativnih koktela i odlične muzike. Poseta Varni nije potpuna bez nocnog plesa na peščanoj plaži. Ako ne možete da izaberete jedan bar, isprobajte ih sve. Varna is the second largest city in Bulgaria. Its location on the northern shore of the Black Sea, alongwith its wealth of natural resources, make it one of Europe’smost famous resorts, and certainly the largest in the Black Sea region. It also happens to stand at the crossroads betweenWestern Europe and theMiddle East. The port city of Varna is known as Bulgaria’s seaside capital. One of the key archaeological discoveries when it comes to understanding human prehistorywasmade right here with the finding of the Varna Necropolis, which containsmore than 300graves featuring elaborate gold, copper and VARNA / VARNA Lepotica saCrnogmora BEAUTYQUEENOF THE BLACKSEA me scan Od 5. juna srpska avio-kompanija će leteti do Varne, svakog ponedeljka, srede, petka i subote Starting on 5th June, Serbia‘s national carrier will launch flights to Varna, with rotations every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday other items. The collection is considered the oldest gold in theworld, crafted in Varna circa 4560BC. On a hot summer’s day, there’s nothing better than awalk in the cool shade of Varna’s SeaGarden, aka Seaside Park, with an ice cream in your hand and a broad smile on your face, safe in the knowledge that you’re in one of the world’smost beautiful coastal parks, enjoying the salty breeze stroking your skin. You can head from the SeaGarden and hop straight on the beach, where a plethora of lively beach bars offer everything fromhookah and creative cocktails to partymusic. A visit to Varna isn’t completewithout a night dancing on the sand beach. If you can’t choose a single bar, why not try themall? FOTO: Depositphotos FOTO: Depositphotos