U TRENDINGU / TRENDING Od brojnih kafica i nocnog života, do fascinantnih istorijskihmesta i lepih parkova, postoji mnogo razloga zašto bi poseta Krakovu trebalo da bude na vašemmeniju ove godine. Proglašen za jedno od prvih urbanihmesta svetske baštine Uneska, stari grad je lavirint kaldrmisanih uličica, širokih ulica sa istorijskimtrgovačkimkucama duž trotoara, i – što je najvažnije – prostranih trgova na kojima se još nalaze srednjovekovne crkve. Ne postoji boljemesto koje sumira veliku istoriju i kulturu Poljske. Ublizini je i Kazimirž, mesto trošnogmaltera i otkrivene cigle koje spaja industriju i gotiku sa sinagogama i zanatskimpivnicama – pravo središte lokalnog života. Trendi Kazimirž je istorijska jevrejska četvrt u Krakovu koja je sadamešavina nezavisnih galerija, zanimljivih, starinskih prodavnica i barova. Ako postoji bilo koji evropski grad koji zaistamože da izazove austrijsku prestonicu kao nezvaničnu kraljicu kafe-kulture na dvoboj, to je Krakov. Nova vrsta kafica koji podstiču renesansu u ispijanju eliksira sa kofeinom, ali i oni drugi zadovoljni dobrom lokacijom i pogledomna velike istorijske spomenike starog grada. Svega ima u Krakovu. KRAKOV / KRAKOW Srednjovekovna harizma bivše prestonice MEDIEVAL CHARISMAOF THE FORMERCAPITAL Froma booming café culture towild nightlife, fascinating historical spots to attractive parks, there are plenty of reasons to add Krakow to your list of destinations to visit this year. Made famous as one of the first ever urban areas to become a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site, KrakowOld Town is amaze of cobbled lanes and alleyways, wide streets with historical merchants’ houses lining the pavements, and –most importantly – sprawling squares withmedieval churches. There is nowhere that better sums up the grand history and culture of Poland’s past. The nearby Kazimierz, a place of crumbling plaster and exposed brick, which fuses the industrial and theGothicwith both synagogues and artisan beer houses, represents a veritable hub of local life. The trendy Kazimierz is Krakow’s historic Jewish quarter that today represents a blend of independent galleries, interesting shops, vintage boutiques and bars, and among the numerous synagogues of Szeroka Street is theOld Synagogue that dates back to the 16th century. Move over Vienna, because if there’s any other European city that can really challenge the Austrian capital as the self-proclaimed kingpin of café culture, it’s Krakow. Yep, a new breed of artisan coffee shops is fuelling a renaissance in the drinking of the caffeinated elixir, while other cafés are content with a fine location and an al fresco garden overlooking the great historical monuments of theOld Town. Krakowhas it all. me scan Er Srbija će do Krakova leteti od 4. juna svakog ponedeljka, srede, petka i nedelje Air Serbia will launch flights to Krakow on 4th June, with rotations every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday FOTO: Depositphotos / Figurniy Sergey FOTO: Depositphotos