28 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia smarttravel PALERMO / PALERMO 110min. OD BEOGRADA: FROM BELGRADE me scan Živahan grad u srcu Mediterana, Palermo je pun ukusa i mirisa koji lako opravdavaju titulu kulturne prestonice Italije. Ponosan na svoje poreklo sa grčkim, arapskim i rimskim uticajima, grad održava svoje pijace užurbanim, drevne ulice živim i opere punim umetnika i entuzijasta. Okupajte se u mirnim vodama Tirenskog mora, popnite se na najveci aktivni vulkan u Evropi ili prošetajte vekovnim lavirintom ulica. Ovo su samo neke od stvari koje treba videti u Palermu. Katedrala Zbog raznih osvajača Palerma, ova katedrala ima bezbroj različitih stilova i zaista je fascinantna. Prvobitno izgrađena 1185. godine, imala je mnogo namena, uključujuci džamiju i kriptu. U eksterijeru je prisutan maorski uticaj, a ima finu centralnu baziliku i visoku renesansnu kulu sa satom. Štaviše, bočni ulaz ima nekoliko kitnjastih stubova sa freskama. Palaco dei Normani Kraljevska palata ili palata Normana služila je kao sediA vibrant city at the heart of the Mediterranean, Palermo is full of flavours and aromas that on their own easily justify the city’s moniker as the cultural capital of Italy. Proud of its origins with Greek, Arabic and Roman influences, the city keeps its markets bustling, ancient streets lively, and opera houses packed with artists and enthusiasts. Bathe in the tranquil waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, climb Europe’s largest active volcano or walk the age-old labyrinth of streets. These are only a few of the many things to do in Palermo. Cathedral Due to the various conquerors of Palermo, this cathedral has myriad styles and is a truly fascinating edifice. Originally constructed in 1185, the church has had many uses, including as a mosque and a crypt. The Moorish influence is present on the exterior and it features a fine central basilica and a tall renaissance clock tower. The portico side entrance also features several ornate columns with frescos. Palazzo dei Normanni The Royal Palace, or the Palace of the Normans, served as the main seat of the Kings of Sicily. It stands as one of the oldest preserved royal palaces in Europe, having been originally created in the 9th century. The Norman and Moorish influence is undeniable and the palace exudes a sense of stateliness. Živopisno srce Sicilije The picturesque heart of Sicily Do Palerma, prestonice Sicilije, Er Srbija će saobraćati od 14. juna svake srede i subote Air Serbia will fly to the Sicilian capital of Palermo every Wednesday and Saturday from 14th June FOTO: Depositphotos