Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 27 poznatih remek-dela poput Botičelijevog „Rođenja Venere“ i Karavađove „Meduze“. Mikelanđelov „David“ David je možda pobedio Golijata, ali ironično, Mikelanđelova verzija biblijske figure je sama po sebi gigant (5,2 metra) i ostala je glavna ikona Firence do danas. Krajem 19. veka replika je postavljena na Pjaci dela Sinjora, pošto je skulptura premeštena u Galeriju Akademije. Firentinski sladoled U 16. veku firentinski poslastičar po imenu Bernardo Buontalenti imao je zadatak da impresionira špansku delegaciju koja je posetila grad, pa je smislio nešto što je verovatno najraniji italijanski đelato, poznat kao firentinski krem. Novi ukus je kombinacija meda, žumanaca i vina, a na našu srecu i danas je dostupan u prodavnicama sladoleda širom grada. Pinokio Đepetov drveni sin postao je svetski slavan zahvaljujuci Diznijevom filmu iz 1940. godine, ali originalna priča je zapravo nastala u Firenci. Autor Karlo Kolodi objavio je Pinokijeve avanture u nedeljniku za decu između 1881. i 1882. Nakon što je godinu dana kasnije štampan kao knjiga, postao je jedna od najprevođenijih i najprodavanijih knjiga ikada, kao i jedan od neformalnih simbola Firence. Medici rulers commissioned a building to house the family’s artworks. Two centuries later, that same building would become one of the earliest modern museums, after the last Medici heiress bequeathed the vast collection to the Tuscan state. The Uffizi is home to world-famous masterpieces like Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus and Caravaggio’s Medusa. Michelangelo’s David David may have defeated Goliath, yet ironically Michelangelo’s version of the biblical figure is a giant in its own right (5.2 m) and it has remained Florence’s main icon to this day. A replica was installed on the Piazza della Signoria in the late 19th century, with the original sculpture moved to the city’s Galleria dell’Accademia. Florentine gelato In the 16th century, Florentine pastry chef Bernardo Buontalenti was tasked with impressing a Spanish delegation visiting the city and came up with what was arguably the earliest Italian gelato: Florentine cream. The new flavour was made with honey, egg yolks and a touch of wine. Luckily for us, crema fiorentina is still available at gelato parlours across the city. Pinocchio While Geppetto’s wooden son rose to global stardom thanks to Disney’s 1940 film, the original story was actually created in Florence. Author Carlo Collodi published The Adventures of Pinocchio in a weekly magazine for children between 1881 and 1882. Upon being printed as a book a year later, it went on to become one of the most widely translated and best-selling books of all time, as well as becoming one of the informal symbols of Florence. Leonardo, Mikelanđelo i Rafael došli su ovamo sa potpuno novim načinomdoživljavanja sveta It was here that Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael came up with a brand-newway of experiencing the world FOTO: Depositphotos FOTO: Depositphotos / Krisztian Miklosy