
EXPO / EXPO London, 1851. Najveći dijamant na svetu – „Koh-iNoor“ i prvi revolver Pariz, 1855 Predstavljanje rane verzije Kipa slobode London, 1862. Otkriće električnog telegrafa i plastike Filadelfija, 1876. Prva „Remington“ pisaća mašina, prvi telefon i telegraf Antverpen, 1885. Kraljevina Srbija prvi put nastupa na Svetskoj izložbi i osvaja neverovatnih 157 nagrada Pariz, 1889. Otkrivanje Ajfelove kule i prvi fonograf Čikago, 1893. Nikola Tesla prezentuje svetu naizmeničnu struju, zahvaljujući kojoj je osvetljen celokupan čikaški Expo, a ovaj grad je zbog toga ostao upamćen kao „grad svetla“ Pariz, 1900. Svet je dobio dizel motor, zvučni film, pokretne stepenice i rendgen Sent Luis, 1904. Prvi bežični telefon, faks-mašina, električni tramvaj, automobil koji pokreće benzin, para i elektricitet Milano, 1906. Otvoren najduži tunel na svetu „Simplon“ San Francisko, 1915. Otvoren Panamski kanal, predstavljen telefon i fotografija u boji Njujork, 1939-40. Prvi televizor Brisel, 1958. Otkriven Atomijum, a Jugoslovenski paviljon Vjenceslava Rihtera osvaja zlatnu medalju belgijske krune Sijetl, 1962. Dok svet ulazi u Hladni rat, u Sijetlu je otkrivena čuvena Svemirska igla NAJVEĆA DOSTIGNUĆA SVETSKIH IZLOŽBI KROZ ISTORIJU BRIEF HISTORY OF WORLD EXPO ACHEIVEMENTS London, 1851 The world’s largest diamond, the Koh-i-Noor, and the first revolver, presented by Samuel Colt Paris, 1855 The unveiling of an early version of the Statue of Liberty London, 1862 The electric telegraph and plastics Philadelphia, 1876 The first Remington typewriter and the telephone Antwerp, 1885 The Kingdom of Serbia’s first appearance in aWorld’s Fair, at which the country won a remarkable 157 awards Paris, 1889 The unveiling of the Eiffel Tower and the first phonograph Chicago, 1893 It was in Chicago in 1893 that Nikola Tesla presented alternating current to the world, thanks to which the entire Chicago Expo was illuminated and remembered as a “city of light” Paris, 1900 The Diesel engine, talking films, escalators and X-rays St. Louis, 1904 Wireless telephone and cars that run on petrol and electricity Milan, 1906 The world’s longest railway tunnel, Simplon Tunnel San Francisco, 1915 The Panama Canal, transcontinental telephone line and colour photography New York, 1939-40 The first television set Brussels, 1958 The Atomium; the Yugoslavia Pavilion, designed by Vjenceslav Richter, won the golden medal of the Belgian crown Seattle, 1962 The Space Needle tower and the ColdWar 70 | Expo » Expo FOTO: / Schnapps2012 FOTO: / Mareandmare FOTO: / Deejpilot