
Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5 Reč dobrodošlice Welcomemessage POSLOVICA KAŽE „AKO ŽELIŠ DA IDEŠ brzo, idi sam. Ako želiš da stigneš daleko, idi zajedno s nekim.“ U poslu, kao i u životu, izgradnja čvrstih obostrano korisnih partnerstava izuzetno je važna. Mnogo toga možemo sami, ali kada sarađujemo sa pouzdanim, kredibilnim partnerima, mogućnosti se multiplikuju, a naša mreža se širi i produbljuje. Avijacija je jedna od najglobalnijih industrija, ona povezuje ljude, kulture i poslove širom kontinenata. Mogućnosti za izgradnju partnerstava razmatramo imajući u vidu vaše interese – partnerstva između avio-kompanija omogućavaju pogodnost, fleksibilnost, veći broj ruta, bolja vremena poletanja i ponudu više kompanija, a sve u okviru jedne rezervacije. Prošlog meseca najavili smo naše partnerstvo sa Turkiš erlajnzom, proširujući našu poslovnu saradnju kod-šer sporazumom. Zahvaljujući kod-šeru između Istanbula i Beograda, oba partnera unaprediće svoju mrežnu povezanost i privući više putnika nego ranije. Osim partnerstva sa turskim nacionalnim avio-prevoznikom, Er Srbija sarađuje sa još 13 svetskih kompanija, čime svoju ukupnu mrežu – sačinjenu od redovnih, sezonskih i kod-šer ruta – povećava na više od 150 destinacija. Uprkos izazovnim vremenima na globalnom nivou sa kojima se svi suočavamo, u Er Srbiji težimo da stalno idemo napred. Bez obzira na to da li se radi o poslovnim putovanjima ili dugoočekivanom odmoru, činimo sve što je u našoj moći kako bismo vam obezbedili što više opcija. Tokom prošlog meseca obnovili smo čarter-letove za Egipat, jednu od trenutno najpopularnijih destinacija za letovanje naših putnika. Ponovo smo uspostavili i vezu sa Crnogorskim primorjem, pa sa nama možete leteti iz Beograda i Niša do Tivta, a povezali smo i dve prestonice, srpsku i crnogorsku. Iz lične perspektive, mislim da kada birate željenu destinaciju, uvek treba da na umu imate Srbiju. Ona ima ponešto za svakoga, od živahnih gradskih atrakcija, fenomenalne arhitekture, do tihih i mirnih varošica i sela usred veličanstvene prirode. Uvek treba da cenimo ono što je neposredno oko nas, posebno u ovim izazovnim vremenima. U ovom broju predstavljamo prirodne lepote i tradiciju Srbije, kao i priče o našem glavnom gradu, Beogradu. Nadam se da ćete iskoristiti priliku da uživate u prelepoj srpskoj prirodi, ukusnoj hrani i fantastičnom gostoprimstvu. Uživajte u letu i srećan put, “IF YOUWANT TO GO FAST, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” In business, like in life, building strong, mutually beneficial partnerships is extremely important. We can do a lot alone, but by working with reliable, credible partners, opportunities multiply and our network expands in breadth and depth. Aviation is one of the most “global” industries, connecting people, cultures and businesses across continents. We look at partnership opportunities from your perspective - airline partnerships provide you, the passenger, with convenience, flexibility, more routes and more times, as well as the offers of multiple airlines all through a single booking. Last month we announced our partnership with Turkish Airlines, expanding our business cooperation through a codeshare agreement. Thanks to this codeshare between Istanbul and Belgrade, both partners can improve their own network connectivity and attract more customers than before. In addition to the partnership with the Turkish national carrier, Air Serbia also cooperates with another 13 international companies, increasing its total network – comprising scheduled, seasonal and codeshare routes – to more than 150 destinations. Despite the challenging times facing us all globally, we at Air Serbia strive to keep moving forward. Regardless of whether you’re heading on a business trip or a long-awaited break, we do all we can to give you as many options as possible. Last month we recommenced charter flights to Egypt, which is currently one of the most popular summer destinations among our passengers. We have also recommenced flights to the Montenegrin coast, so you can fly with us from Belgrade and Niš to Tivat, as well as connecting the two capitals of Belgrade and Podgorica. From a personal perspective, you should look no further than Serbia as a destination of choice. It has something for everyone, from lively urban attractions and phenomenal architecture, to calm and peaceful towns and villages that dot the magnificent landscape. We should always appreciate what is around us, especially during these challenging times. In this issue we present the natural beauty and tradition of Serbia, as well as stories about our capital, Belgrade. I do hope that you take the opportunity to experience its beautiful nature, delicious food and fantastic hospitality. Enjoy your flight and have a good trip, DANKAN NEJSMIT GENERALNI DIREKTOR ER SRBIJE DUNCAN NAYSMITH, AIR SERBIA CEO Dragi putnici, Dear passengers, Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia Kada birate željenu destinaciju, uvek treba da na umu imate Srbiju You should look no further than Serbia as a destination of choice