
70 | ARLES: HERE VAN GOGH FOUND YELLOW Arl: Ovde je VanGog našao žutu Arl je grad čija tradicija datira još iz rimskog perioda, kada je zauzimao dosta važno mesto u carstvu, da bi u srednjem veku često menjao gospodare i postao versko uporište. Ovde ima tako mnogo rimskih spomenika da je Unesko čak sedam proglasio za svetsku kulturnu baštinu, ali malo je onih koji zbog toga dolaze u ovaj provansalski gradić. Na mapu svih ljubitelja umetnosti stavio ga je jedan slikar, onaj koji je slavu stekao posle smrti – Vinsent van Gog. Te daleke 1888. iz Pariza se preselio u toplije krajeve, a kakav je utisak na njega ostavio Arl, jasno je iz pisama upućenih bratu Teu. Govorio je da je postao smiren i zadovoljan, pisao o bojama, naročito onim svetlim, poput žute koja postaje dominantna na njegovoj paleti pod utiskom južnog sunca. „Osećam lucidnost ili slepilo zaljubljenog čoveka. Ovo okruženje boja za mene je nešto sasvim novo i čini me neverovatno ushićenim“, piše između ostalog Van Gog. Iako je u Arlu proveo samo godinu dana, uspeo je da za to vreme naslika 300 radova, među kojima su ne- „Osećam lucidnost ili slepilo zaljubljenog čoveka. Ovo okruženje boja za mene je nešto sasvim novo i čini me neverovatno ushićenim“, piše Van Gog svom bratu “I feel lucidity or the blindness of a man in love. This environment of colour is something completely new to me and makes me incredibly excited,” wrote Van Gogh to his brother U Arlu i danas možete videti mesta koja je Van Gog slikao In Arles even today you can see the places that Van Gogh painted Arles is a city that can trace its tradition back to Roman times, when it occupied a fairly important place in the empire, only for its lords to change regularly in the Middle Ages, when it became a religious stronghold. There are so many Roman monuments here that UNESCO declared as many as seven of them as World Heritage Sites, but there are fewwho come to this small Provence city for that reason. It was put on the map of all art lovers by a painter, one who gained fame only after his death – Vincent Van Gogh. It was way back in 1888 that he relocated from Paris to warmer climes, and the impression made on him by Arles is clear from letters he sent to his brother Theo. He wrote of how he’d become calm and contented, wrote about colours, especially bright ones, like the yellow that would become dominant on his palette under the impression of the southern sun. “I feel lucidity or the blindness of a man in love. This environment of colour is something completely new to me and makes me incredibly excited,” wrote Van Gogh, among other things. Although he spent only one year in Arles, during that time he managed to paint 300 works, including some of his best and most famous paintings. Renting a“yellow house”, he dreamt of