

| 5 . SEPTEMBAR Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija Yours sincerely, Air Serbia Dragi putnici, Most of us need up to several months to prepare for September. If you are a parent, then it’s an important month because your children are starting or returning to school. If you work, then it represents the post-holiday period during which the implementation of new projects usually begins. For you, our passengers, we wanted to let you remember September for our extensive promotional o er of airfares. All you have to do is carefully monitor the o ers available on our website. Ahead of us is a major two-week promotional campaign, during which you’ll be able to purchase airfares at very a ordable prices. With this promotional o er, we are extending this summer, which has been very intense and exciting for us, during which we’ve continued to operate ights to our 49 destinations in the region, Europe and around the world, whilst also adding 12more European destinations fromour second airport in Niš. That’s why we emphasise the slogan “Fromour South all around“.We’ve presented our domestic guests with a rich o er of destinations in Europe at very low prices, while we’ve strove to enable foreign tourists and businesspeople to experience the numerous natural beauties and warmhospitality of our country. Our colleagues haven’t not only tries to be good hosts above the clouds, as we marked the luanch of our new ights from Niš Constantine the Great Airport with a mini concert and party on the city’s King Milan Square. It was a lovely day lled with smiles and joy, and we also used this occasion to switch an important custom from the area. Namely, instead of guests giving tips tomusicians, which is customary at every celebration organised in Serbia, this time it was themusicians who chose to treat passers-by at randomwith return tickets for our 12 new destinations. Together with you, we look forward to new challenges, new horizons, new destinations around the globe, taming new clouds and setting new records. To make ying evenmore fun, in front of you is the latest issue of Elevate, which aims to entertain and relax you with interesting stories, announcements of new fashion trends and exciting cultural and sporting events.We are always here for you and try always to be at your service to ensure you enjoy the ight. Enjoy your ight and have a nice trip, Većina nas se za septembar sprema i po nekoliko meseci. Ako ste roditelj, onda je to mesec koji je važan zbog polaska vaše dece u školu. Ako radite, onda je to period tokom kojeg posle godišnjih odmora po pravilu počinje realizacija novih projekata. Želeli smo da septembar pamtite i po velikoj promotivnoj ponudi karata. Ono što je potrebno je da pažljivo pratite ponudu na našem sajtu. Pred nama je velika promotivna akcija, koja će trajati dve nedelje, zahvaljući kojoj ćete moći da kupite karte pod veoma povoljnim uslovima. Promotivnom ponudom produžavamo ovo za nas vrlo intenzivno i uzbudljivo leto. Tokom ovog leta smo u redovnom saobraćaju leteli do 49 destinacija u regionu, Evropi i svetu, ali i do još 12 evropskih destinacija iz naše druge baze u Nišu. Baš zato i ističemo slogan S juga baš svuda. Našim putnicima predstavili smo bogatu ponudu destinacija u Evropi po veoma povoljnim cenama, dok smo stranim turistima i poslovnim ljudima želeli da omogućimo da se upoznaju sa brojnim prirodnim lepotama i srdačnošću i toplinom ljudi iz naše zemlje. Naše kolege nisu se samo trudile da vam budu dobri domaćini iznad oblaka. Otvaranje novih linija sa Aerodroma Konstantin Veliki obeležili smo mini-koncertom i druženjem na Trgu kralja Milana u Nišu. Bio je to baš lep dan, prepun osmeha i radosti, tokom kojeg smo, za tu priliku, izmenili jedan važan običaj koji postoji u našim krajevima. Naime, umesto da gosti časte muziku, što je ritual na svakom slavlju organizovanom u Srbiji, ovog puta su muzičari nasumično birali prolaznike i podelili povratne avio-karte za naših 12 novih destinacija. Zajedno sa vama, radujemo se novim izazovima, novim horizontima, novim povezanim tačkicama na globusu, kroćenju novih oblaka i obaranju novih rekorda. Da bi letenje bilo još zanimljivije, pred vama je i Elevejt , koji ima za cilj da vas zabavi i opusti lepim i zanimljivim pričama, najavama novih modnih trendova i uzbudljivih kulturnih i sportskih događaja. Mi smo uvek tu za vas i trudimo se da vam uvek budemo na raspolaganju kako biste uživali u letu. Uživajte u letu i srećan put. Zajedno sa vama, radujemo se novim izazovima, novim horizontima, novimpovezanim tačkicama na globusu... Dear passengers, Togetherwith you,we look forward tonew challenges, new horizons, new destinations around theglobe... SEPTEMBER

Sadržaj/Inside Naslovna strana /Cover photo: Aleksa Vasović Er Srbija Air Serbia Ljudi People Originalna promocija novih niških letova Original promotions of newNiš ights 22 Avantura u Crnoj Gori Luka Raco u kanjonu Bunar Adventure in Montenegro Luka Raco in Bunar canyon 84 NebojšaDugalić Nadamse da nema glumacameđumojom decom NebojšaDugalić I Hope there are no actors amongmy children 100 Moja duša je ostala da luta Afrikom My soul stayed behind towander Africa 50 Uspešna 2018. za Er Srbiju Successful 2018 forAir Serbia 24 The inflight magazine of Air Serbia 8 | Kad ste već uNišu: Probajte najbolji burek u Srbiji While inNiš: Try the best burek pie in Serbia 12 Na putu / On the road Branka Pujić iStock / FotoZlaja 34 Ove jeseni nosi se stav This autumnwe wear an attitude Hindi Zahra Ljudi u Srbiji imaju sjajanmuzički ukus Hindi Zahra People in Serbia have great taste inmusic 44 26 Putovanja Travel Moda Fashion Broj / Issue No. 309 - septembar 2019. / September 2019 VODIMO VAS NA AZURNU OBALU PUTEVIMA ČUVENIH SLIKARA / WE’RE TAKING YOU TO THE COTE D’AZUR, ALONG THE ROADS OF RENOWNED PAINTERS • ULICAMA BEOGRADA U DRUŠTVU PISACA / THROUGH THE STREETS OF BELGRADE IN THE COMPANY OF WRITERS • U RUDNIKU RESAVICA / IN THE RESAVICA MINE NAJBOLJE IZ SRBIJE THE BESTOF SERBIA PLAY AND WIN VAŠ PRIMERAK - YOUR COPY TO KEEP ISSN 2466-4073 – septembar 2019. / September 2019

Sadržaj/Inside Francuska u fokusu France in focus Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up Beograd čuva sećanje na velikane Belgrade preserves the memory of greats 38 64 Nica čuva Matisa i Šagala Nicepreserves MatisseandChagall 70Arl: Ovde jeVan Gognašao žutu Arles:HereVanGogh foundyellow 74Eks anProvans: Tamo gde luta Sezanova duša Aix-en-Provence:There Cézanne’s soulwanders Fejsbuk stranica Er Srbije najpopularnija u regionu Air Serbia facebook page is the region’s most popular Tramvaj sa devet novih priča Tram with nine new stories Proširen kod-šer sa Aeroflotom Codeshare partnership with Aero ot extended 3 pitanja za Aleksandra Glušicu, kapetana Three questions for Captain Aleksandar Glušica 110―129 Moj Pariz, byMaja Ognjenović/ My Paris, byMaja Ognjenović 80 Emil Čonkić Goran Srdanov

10 | Godina izlaženja / Anoo XLIII Broj / Issue No. 309 Naslovna strana / Cover AleksaVasović The inflight magazine of Air Serbia Saradnici VioletaNedeljković je novinarka specijalizovana za zdravstvene teme u magazinu Blic žena, ali zdravstvo i alternativne tehnike nisu njena jedina preokupacija. Voli priče s dušom, bajkovite i pomalo mistične, baš kao što je ova koju ćete čitati u ovom broju Elevejta. O neverovatnim ženama koje rade u dubinama Rudnika mrkog uglja Resavica. Violeta Nedeljković is a journalist specialising in health topics for magazine Blic Woman. However, healthcare and alternative techniques aren’t her only preoccupation. She also loves stories with soul, fairytale-like and somewhat mystical, just like the one that you’ll read in this issue of Elevate about the amazing women who work in the depths of the Resavica Brown Coal Mine. Svetlana Dojčinović je sociolog i fotograf iz Beograda. Vodi se parolom da treba ići tamo kuda te srce vodi. Ona je poslušala svoje, a lični unutrašnji putokaz doveo ju je do prelepih mesta i skrivenih osmeha u Africi, koju strastveno voli i istražuje još od 2010. godine. Za Elevejt piše upravo o Crnom kontinentu i čudima na koja je tamo naišla. Divne fotografije snimila je sama. Svetlana Dojčinović is a sociologist and photographer fromBelgrade. Her motto is that we should go where we’re led by our heart. She listened to her own, and her personal inner guide led her to awesome places and hidden smiles in Africa, which she has loved passionately and explored since 2010. For this issue of Elevate she writes about the dark continent and the wonders she came across there. She also shot wonderful photos herself. Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee NikolaVukomanović, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije/ Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik/ Design and layout editor AleksaVasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout BrankoMitrović, Jelena Nalbantjan Urednik fotogra je / Photo Editor VladislavMitić Fotogra je / Photography Vesna Lalić, Zoran Lončarević, Goran Srdanov, Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Emil Čonkić, Dušan Milenković, Mika Knežević, Svetlana Dojčinović Foto agencije / Photo agencies Pro media, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevodna engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive AdvertisingManager, Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotogra ka Subotica Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights JelenaMedić je novinarka sportske rubrike u dnevnom listu Blic . Oprobala se u raznim formama pisanja čije su teme bile u vezi sa belim sportom i odbojkom, a u ovom broju magazina Elevejt donosi nam priču o putu najboljih košarkaša Srbije. Otkriva nam šta selektor Saša Đorđević i njegovi izabranici očekuju pred početak Svetskog prvenstva za košarkaše u Kini. JelenaMedić is a sports journalist at daily Blic. She’s tried her hand at various forms of writing, with topics related to tennis and volleyball, and for this issue of Elevate she brings us the story of the world journey of Serbia’s best basketball players. She reveals to us what head coach Aleksandar Đorđević and his squad expect ahead of the start of the FIBA Basketball World Cup in China. Luka Raco je srpski glumac, maneken i pisac. Prekretnica u njegovoj karijeri je uloga u televizijskoj seriji Sinđelići 2013. godine, kojom je stekao veliku popularnost. Ipak, uz sve stvari kojima se bavi, Luka uživa u prirodi, pa nas u ovom broju Elevejta vodi na avanturu u crnogorski kanjon Bunar. Luka Raco is a Serbian actor, model and writer. The breakthrough in his acting career came with his role in the 2013 television series Sinđelići [The Sinđelićs], which resulted in him gaining great popularity. However, alongside all the things he deals with professionally, Luka also enjoys nature, which is why, for this issue of Elevate, he leads us on an adventure in Montenegro’s Bunar Canyon. Najveća italijanska pop zvezda današnjice će u okviru velike svetske turneje posetiti i Beograd! Eros Ramacoti nastupiće 24. septembra 2019. godine u Štark areni . Velika svetska turneja povodom aktuelnog albuma Erosa Ramacotija počela je u februaru koncertom u Minhenu. Vita Ce N’e World Tour obuhvata neke od najvećih i najspektakularnijih arena na pet kontinenata! Na našu sreću i zadovoljstvo – dovešće ga i u Beograd. Italy’s top contemporary pop star is set to visit Belgrade as part of a major world tour! Eros Ramazzotti will perform at Štark Arena on 24th September 2019. The major world tour to promote his latest album was launched in February with a concert in Munich. Ramazzotti’s Vita Ce N’e World Tour encompasses some of the largest and most spectacular arenas on five continents! To our joy and satisfaction – the tour will also bring him to Belgrade. U ovombroju / This issue’s contributors

12 | / WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES? Because my Dragan (Jovanović, Branka’s husband and fellow actor) has a pilot’s license, and I’ve even done a parachute jump. I love heights and enjoy being in the sky, like a bird. Without planes we wouldn’t be able to reach the other side of the world so quickly. I nd it fun to move against the ow of time. I once set o for Mexico with Dragan in the afternoon and we still arrived before NewYear. WHAT DON’T YOU BOARD A PLANE WITHOUT? I usually carry some book, but I also like to read Elevate Magazine, which has very good articles, and I particularly like the travel articles, because I like to travel! It’s also great for me that all the articles are in English too, so I read both versions in parallel and check my knowledge of the language. WHICH DESTINATION HAS REMAINED FOREVER ETCHED IN YOUR MEMORIES? Mexico was very interesting to me. There is all sorts to see – history, architecture, as well as beautiful beaches. We saw all sorts and for us it was divine; quite simply a di erent world. WHY DO YOU LOVE BELGRADE? I was born in Belgrade and, apart from that, it’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It has good energy, and its position on two rivers that merge... magical. When I look down from a plane at the Sava and Danube, and all that greenery, I think ‘God, do I really live in this beautiful city?!’ There are many cultural events, excellent nights out, beautiful architecture. This is a city that also carries tradition and has a soul, and I hope that won’t be lost! ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? Zato što moj Dragan ( Jovanović, takođe glumac i Brankin suprug) ima pilotsku dozvolu, a ja čak imam i jedan padobranski skok. Volim visinu i uživam da sam na nebu, kao ptica. Bez aviona ne bismo mogli za tako kratko vreme da dođemo na drugi kraj sveta. Zabavno mi je da idem u susret vremenu. Jednom sam sa Draganom krenula u Meksiko po podne i opet smo stigli pre Nove godine. BEZ ČEGA NE ULAZITE U AVION? Obično nosim neku knjigu, ali volim da čitam i Elevejt , ima baš dobrih članaka, a naročito mi se sviđaju tekstovi o putovanjima jer volim da putujem! Super mi je što su svi tekstovi i na engleskom, tako da uporedo čitam i proveravam znanje jezika. KOJA VAM JE DESTINACIJA OSTALA U NEZABORAVNOJ USPOMENI? Meksiko mi je bio veoma interesantan. Ima svašta da se vidi – istorija, arhitektura, kao i predivne plaže. Mnogo toga smo obišli i bilo nam je božanstveno, prosto jedan drugi svet. ZAŠTO VOLITE BEOGRAD? U Beogradu sam rođena, a osim toga, to je jedan od najlepših gradova na svetu. Ima dobru energiju, poseban je i njegov položaj sa dve reke koje se spajaju, čarolija. Kada gledam iz aviona Savu i Dunav, i sve to zelenilo, pomislim – bože, da li ja stvarno živim u ovom prelepom gradu! Ima mnogo kulturnih dešavanja, odličan provod, divnu arhitekturu. Grad koji nosi i tradiciju i ima dušu, nadam da je neće izgubiti! UŽIVAMDA SAMNANEBU, KAOPTICA I ENJOY BEING IN THE SKY, LIKE A BIRD Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Vesna Lalić BRANKA PUJIĆ, GLUMICA/ACTRESS

TRENUTAK / FLASH London Turisti opsednuti selfijima Stanovnici londonskih ulica koje predstavljaju najpopularnije lokacije za fotografisanje primorani su da se isele iz svojih domova zbog invazije turista opsednutih selfijima. Vlasnici prelepih kuća u Noting Hilu ispred svojih pragova nailaze na više od 3.000 turista dnevno, koji dolaze da se slikaju pored njihovih atraktivnih domova zarad lajkova na društvenim mrežama. Neki od njih su u stanju da naprave čak i mali piknik kako bi uslikali što bolju fotografiju za Instagram ili Snepčet , i to bez ikakve dozvole vlasnika kuće. London Selfie-obsessed tourists Residents of London’s streets that represent themost popular locations for photography are being compelled tomove out of their homes due to an invasion of sel e-obsessed tourists. The owners of beautiful houses in the Notting Hill area encounter more than 3,000 tourists per day in front of their doorsteps, who come to take pictures alongside their attractive homes in an e ort to earn likes on social networks. Some of themeven holdmini picnics, in order to shoot the best possible photo for their Instagram or Snapchat account, without any kind of permission fromhomeowners. Er Srbija leti 16 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za London Air Serbia flies 16 times a week from Belgrade to London Rim Nema sedenja na Španskim stepenicama Niste bili u Rimu ako niste posmatrali centar grada sedeći na čuvenim Španskim stepenicama, koje krase Večni grad od 18. veka. Međutim, to više ne važi – ubuduće će vas to zadovoljstvo skupo koštati. Prema odluci gradskih vlasti, samo ako sednete na jednu stepenicu, mogli biste da platite kaznu od 250 evra, a 400 evra ako ih zaprljate ili oštetite. Cilj je da se stepenice, koje su oduvek bile omiljeno mesto za odmor umornih turista, zaštite, a obnovljene su pre tri godine. Frankfurt Stanica metroa turistička atrakcija Metro svakako nije prva turistička atrakcija koju želite da vidite kad se nađete u novom gradu. Međutim, to ne važi za Frankfurt, u čijem je centru grada stanica Bokenhajmer varte sa najneobičnijim ulazom u podzemnu železnicu. Ulaz izgleda kao da je stari tramvaj udario u betonski trotoar i ostao tu zaglavljen. Interesantni dizajn osmislio je arhitekta Zbignjev Pininski davne 1986. godine, pošto je inspiraciju pronašao u delima nadrealiste Renea Magrita. Rome Sitting on the Spanish Steps banned Youhaven’t been to Rome if youhaven’t observed the city centrewhile sittingon the famous Spanish Steps, which have adorned the“eternal city”since the 18th century. However, thiswill no longer be possible – in future, this satisfaction will cost youdearly. In accordancewith a decisionof the authorities of the City of Rome, just sittingonone step could see youpay a ne of 250 euros, while that sumrises to 400 euros if youdirty or damage any of the steps. The aim is toprotect the famous stairswhichwere renovated three years ago. Frankfurt Underground station as tourist attraction An undergroundmetro certainly isn’t the rst tourist attraction youwant to seewhen you nd yourself in a newcity. However, that doesn’t apply to Frankfurt, because the city centre’s Bockenheimer Wartemetro station has themost unusual entrance to a subterranean railway. The entrancewasmade to appear as though an old tramhasmelted into the concrete pavement and been left stuck there. This interesting designwas conceived by architect ZbigniewPeter Pininski back in 1986, who found inspiration in theworks of surrealist artist RenéMagritte. Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Rim Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Rome Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Frankfurt Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Frankfurt profimedia iStok iStok

18 | TRENUTAK / FLASH Dubrovnik U novom muzeju oživela Jugoslavija Na samom ulazu u novi dubrovački Muzej crvene povijesti dočekaće vas crveni jugo i trafika kakve su nekad bile razmeštene po dubrovačkim ulicama. Potom ulazite u tipičan jugoslovenski stan iz osamdesetih godina, koji svojim uređenjem, nameštajem, kao i brojnim pažljivo odabranim detaljima iz svakodnevnog života, kod posetilaca budi nostalgiju. Svega ima u novom muzeju, od čuvene Bagatove mašine za šivenje, do Politikinog zabavnika, prvih televizora sa katodnim cevima i lopte kojom je igrao Dražen Petrović.. Dubrovnik New museum revives Yugoslavia You will be greeted at the very entrance to Dubrovnik’s new Red History Museum by a red“Yugo”car and kiosk of the types that used to be located on the streets of Dubrovnik. You will then enter a typical Yugoslav apartment from the‘80s, which – with its decoration, furniture and numerous carefully selected details fromeveryday life – awakens a sense of nostalgia among visitors. The new museumhas everythingYugoslav, from the famous ‘Bagat’ sewingmachines, to daily Politika’s ‘Entertainer’comic supplement, the rst televisions with cathode-ray tubes and a basketball that Dražen Petrović playedwith. Er Srbija leti 6 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Dubrovnik Air Serbia flies 6 times a week from Belgrade to Dubrovnik Barselona Najveća španska žurka Barseloni ne nedostaje uličnih svetkovina, ali festival La Merce, koji se održava svakog septembra u slavu zaštitnice grada, značajem i atraktivnošću prevazilazi ostala dešavanja. Ovaj festival je zvanični gradski praznik od 1871. godine i sadrži na stotine malih i velikih događaja usredsređenih na katalonsku kulturu i baštinu. Jedan od najzanimljivijih događaja je takozvana parada đavola. Ove godine festival se održava od 20. do 24. septembra. Berlin Lolapaloza obećava dobru zabavu Svet muzike, umetnosti, avantura i žurki i ove godine, 7. i 8. septembra, čeka publiku na poznatom muzičkom festivalu Lolapaloza. Nastup od kojeg se mnogo očekuje jeste Kraftklub, a na festival dolazi i Kings of leon, bend sa više od 21 milion prodatih ploča. Na glavnoj bini smeniće se brojne zvezde, tako da je sigurno da iz Olimpijskog parka posetioci neće otići nezadovoljni. Barcelona The biggest Spanish party Barcelona isn’t a city that’s short of street festivities, but the La Merce Festival, which is held every September to celebrate the patron saints of the city, outdoes all other events in terms of signi cance and attractiveness. This festival has been an o cial holiday of the city since 1871 and comprises hundreds of small and large events centred around Catalonian culture and heritage. One of themost interesting events is the so-called Devil’s Parade. This year’s festival takes place from20th to 24th September. Berlin Lollapalooza promises good times The world of music, art, adventure and partying awaits the public again this 7th to 8th September during the famous Lollapalooza Music Festival. One of themuch-anticipated performances this year is that of Kraftklub, while the festival also welcomes the band Kings of Leon, who’ve sold more than 21million records worldwide. Many stars will line up on the main stage, ensuring that visitors will not be dissatis edwhen returning home from the Olympic Park. Er Srbija leti 3 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Barselonu Air Serbia flies 3 times a week from Belgrade to Barcelona Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Berlin Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Berlin iStock profimedia profimedia

20 | Tekst/Words: Srbija stvara Fotografije/Photography: Serbia Creates TIJANA KOJIĆ, SLIKARKA TIJANA KOJIĆ, PAINTER Tijana Kojić je slikarka koja je izlagala na velikom broju izložbi kako kod nas, tako i u inostranstvu. U svetu je već prepoznaju... – Posebnomi je drago kada imampriliku da čujem kakoposmatrači doživljavajucrtež kaoosnovnunervaturumojih radova i da jeovajmoj crtežverovatnoplodpodnebljanakojemse posebnocenioinegovaokaonačinizražavanja. Na koji način se srpska umetnička scenamenjaigdestojimouodnosunasvetska umetnička dešavanja? –Naša scena je raznovrsni sistemmnogih međusobnonekoherentnihsvetova,utemeljenih u različitim polazištima. Akteri te scene uvek su bili zainteresovani da se uhvate u koštac sa novim idejama koje dolaze izdaleka, baš kao i daponiruusopstvenekulturološke fundamente. Taj zahvat ide, dakle, i u širinu i u dubinu. UseptembruseotvaravelikaretrospektivnaizložbaMarineAbramović. Štaza vaskaoumetnicuznači taizložba, ašta za lokalnuumetničkuscenu i njenomeđunarodno pozicioniranje? – Kada se ovako veliki umetnički događaji dešavaju, mislim da predstavljaju izvesne trenutkeukojimarazlikaizmeđuperiferijeicentra bledi i svet teži tome da postanemultifokalan. Ta potencijalna multifokalnost je značajna za našuscenu.Uz to, imaćemo izuzetnuprilikuda vidimokako jeslavnaumetnicaradikalne ideje obrađivalakrozsopstvenupraksu, predajući se umetničkom radu i ekstatički i entuzijastički. BBCjenedavnouvrstioBeograduprvih petkreativnihgradovanasvetuipreporučioupravogalerijeikulturnedogađaje koje treba posetiti u našoj zemlji. Kojetristvaribistevipreporučilituristima koji dolaze u Srbiju? – Posebno je zanimljivo videti naše „betonske utopije“, odnosno ono što su srpska i jugoslovenska arhitektura i spomenička skulptura dale u periodu od kraja četrdesetih do osamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Značaj te arhitekture je prepoznatljiv i prikazan je na izložbi umuzejuMoMA 2018. godine. Tijana Kojić is a painter who has shown her works at numerous exhibitions, both in our country and abroad. She is already recognised around the world... “It isparticularlypleasingtomewhenIhaveanopportunity tohear howobservers experiencedrawingas thebasicmarbling ofmywork, and that thisdrawingofmine isprobablya fruit of anarea where it is particularly valued and nurtured as a form of expression.” Inwhich ways is the Serbian art scene changing, andwheredowestand inrelationtoworld events in art? “Our scene is a diverse systemofmanymutually incoherent worlds, grounded in varying starting points. The actors on that scene have always been interested in getting to grips with new ideas that come from far away, but also plunging into their own cultural fundamentals. This undertaking, thus, goes both intobreadths and depths. Amajor retrospectiveexhibitionof theworkof MarinaAbramovićopens inSeptember.What does this exhibitionmean to you, as anartist, and what does it means to the local art scene and its positioning internationally? “When these kinds of major artistic events happen, I think they represent speci cmoments during which the di erence between the periphery and the centre begins to fade and the world strives to become multi-focal. That potential multi-focal quality is signi cant to our scene. Apart from that, we will have an exceptional opportunity to see how this celebrated artist has processed radical ideas through her own practises, surrendering herself to her artistic work both ecstatically and enthusiastically. The BBC recently ranked Belgrade among the world’stop vecreativecities,andrecommended galleriesandculturaleventsthatshouldbevisited inourcountry.WhatthreethingswouldyourecommendtotouristscomingtoSerbiaasmusts? - It is particularly interesting to see our“concrete utopias”, or that whichSerbianandYugoslavarchitectureandmonumental sculpture o ered in the period from the late 1940s to the 1980s. The signi - cance of this architecture is recognisable and was exhibited at New York’s MoMA in 2018. CRTEŽKAONAČIN IZRAŽAVANJA DRAWINGAS A FORMOF EXPRESSION Ona je beogradska umetnica. Dobitnica niza nagrada i priznanja u oblasti slikarstva, crteža i grafike. Iza sebe ima 15 samostalnih i više od 150 grupnih internacionalnih izložbi She is a Belgrade artist who has received numerous awards and acknowledgements in the elds of painting, drawing and graphic arts. She has to date had fteen solo exhibitions and more than a hundred and fty international group exhibitions. Tijana Kojić je kreativna ambasadorka platforme Srbija stvara. Platforma obuhvata sistemske mere za razvoj sektora kreativnih industrija i inovacija i jačanja kulturne diplomatije. Više na Tijana Kojić is a creative ambassador of the Serbia Creates platform. This platform encompasses systematic measures aimed at developing the creative industries and the innovation sector, and enhancing cultural diplomacy. Find out more at www.

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22 | Niš zvuči baš svetski jer s juga sad možeš baš svuda! Tako su glasili slogani kojima je Er Srbija originalno promovisala 12 novih destinacija do kojih je letela iz Niša. Pod sloganima „Niš zvuči svetski!“ i „S juga baš svuda!“, specijalno brendirani autobus s otvorenim krovom krstario je centralnim gradskim ulicama. Autobus i vesela ekipa mamili su osmehe stotina građana i građanki Niša koji su se u tom trenutku zatekli na ulici, a na ulazu u Gradsku kuću pozdravio ih je i sam gradonačelnik. TRAVELWITHUS IS FASTER ANDMORE COMFORTABLE SANAMASE PUTUJEBRŽE I UDOBNIJE HVALA ŠTO LETITE SA NAMA THANKS FOR FLYINGWITH US S JUGABAŠ SVUDA! ORIGINALNA PROMOCIJA NOVIH NIŠKIH LETOVA ORIGINAL PROMOTIONSOFNEWNIŠ FLIGHTS FROMTHE SOUTH TO ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE! Potomjena centralnomTrgukraljaMilana organizovanmini-koncert benda Cooolares. Brojni okupljeni žitelji Niša i njihovi gosti, koji u najvećemgradu juga Srbije borave tokom muzičkog festivala Nišvil , uživali su u džez standardima i drugim popularnimmelodijama, a mnogi su i zaplesali. Posebno iznenađenje desilo se kada je bend počeo da svira čuvenu pesmu Niška banja. U tom trenutku članica naše kabinske posade počela je da slučajnimprolaznicima deli vaučere za besplatne karte do 12 destinacija do kojih Er Srbija leti iz Niša. Oduševljeni dobitnici pridružili su se prisutnom timu Er Srbije tokom još jedne kraće panoramske vožnje niškim bulevarima. SLETELI SMONAŠEST NOVIHDESTINACIJA U julu je nacionalna avio-kompanija poletela do prvih šest destinacija, a prošlog meseca taj broj je zaokružen na 12. Direktni letovi krenuli su sa Aerodroma Konstantin Veliki ka Ljubljani, Fridrihshafenu, Budimpešti, Salcburgu, Rimu i Karlsrueu. Ka svim destinacijama leti se dva puta nedeljno, osim iz Niša za Tivat, jer se ka tom gradu tokom avgusta letelo tri puta nedeljno. Na centralnom Trgu kralja Milana organizovan je mini-koncert benda Cooolares A miniconcert by the Cooolares band was organised on the city’s central King Milan Square

| 23 Niš sounds reallyglobal, becausenowyou can go absolutely everywhere from the south! And that was inferred in the slogans with which Air Serbia promoted, in an original way, the 12 new destinations covered by ights from Niš. Sporting the slogans “Niš sounds global!” and “From our South all around!”, a specially branded open-top, hop-on bus cruised the city’s central streets. The bus, along with the cheerful crew aboard, provoked smiles on the faces of hundreds of Niš residents who saw the bus on the streets, while the city’smayor personally greeted them at the entrance to the City Hall. A mini-concert by the Cooolares band was then organised on thecity’s central KingMilanSquare. Niš residents andguests in the city for the Nišville Music Festival enjoyedclassic jazznumbers andother popular tunes, withmany dancing. A special surprise came when the band started playing the famous song“NiškaBanja”[NišSpa]. It was right thenthatamemberofour cabin crew began gifting vouchers for free tickets toAir Serbia’s 12 destinations covered from Niš to randompassers-by. The delighted winners joined theAir Serbia team aboard the bus for another short tour through theboulevardsofNiš. WE’VE LANDED AT SIX NEWDESTINATIONS July saw Serbia’s national carrier take o to the rst six of its new destinations, while that number was rounded up to 12 during last month. Air Serbia introduced direct ights from Niš Constantine the Great Airport to Ljubljana, Friedrichshafen, Budapest, Salzburg, Rome and Karlsruhe. All destinations are operated twice a week, while the number of regular ights from Niš to Tivat, Montenegro, was increased in August to three ights per week.

Er Srbija je u 2018. godini, uzmere koje su podrazumevale unapređenje poslovanja, pripremu za širenje mreže, koje je realizovano u junu 2019. godine, kao i optimizaciju procesa, prijavila u petoj godini poslovanja neto dobit od 12,2miliona evra. Posebno dobre rezultate je nacionalna avio-kompanija ostvarila u oblasti prodaje dodatnih usluga, gde je zabeleženo povećanje od gotovo pet puta u odnosu na 2017. godinu, na 6,9 miliona evra. Osim toga, prihod od čarter-saobraćaja povećan je za više od 40 odsto, na 20,7 miliona evra, čime je dodatno unapređen rezultat iz 2017. godine, koja je bila rekordna. Ukupan broj putnika prevezenih u 2018. je 2,48 miliona, dok kapacitet za prevoz putnika iskazan kao proizvodraspoloživogbrojasedišta i ukupno pređenih kilometara (Available Seat Kilometers – ASK) iznosi 4,03 milijarde. Kada je reč o prosečnoj iskorišćenosti kapaciteta za prevoz putnika (SLF), u 2018. bio je 71,2 odsto. Čarter-brend Aviolet obavio je u 2018. rekordnih 958 letova i prevezao 223.000 putnika do popularnih turističkih destinacija u Grčkoj, Turskoj, Španiji, Italiji i Egiptu, što predstavlja povećanje od 28 odsto u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. Novine tokom prošle godine bile su i ponovno uvođenje letova do Hurgade, u Egiptu, povećanje broja letova ka turskoj obali, kao i uvođenje jedne serije letova za Antaliju, koje je Aviolet obavljao iz Banjaluke. Imajući u vidu značaj onlajn prodaje, indikativan je i podatak da je prethodne godine trećina karata Er Srbije kupljena preko interneta, kao i da rast prodaje preko interneta u odnosu na 2017. iznosi tri procenta. Zbog toga je doneta strateška odluka da se nastavi sa ubrzanim razvojemplatformi za kupovinu karata i dodatnih usluga, što je u skladu sa svetskim trendovima u avio-industriji i digitalizacijom koja se sprovodi u našoj zemlji. Dankan Nejsmit, generalni direktor Er Srbije, rekao je: „Prethodna godina bila je važna jer su u njoj postavljeni temelji za širenje mreže destinacija. Na njih se oslanja i dugoročna strategija, koja je već u primeni i zahvaljujući kojoj ćemo još jednom potvrditi našu lidersku poziciju u regionu. Bez obzira na brojne i velike izazove na tržištu avio-industrije, Er Srbija razvija svoj portfolio proizvoda kako bi ostvarila još bolje finansijske i operativne rezultate, ali i omogućila našim putnicima odličan proizvod po pristupačnoj ceni.“ YEARCOMPLETEDWITHPROFITSOF12.2MILLIONEUROS GODINAZAVRŠENAUZPROFIT OD , MILIONAEVRA USPEŠNA . ZA ER SRBIJU / SUCCESSFUL2018FORAIRSERBIA In its fth year of operations, Serbia’s national airline undertook measures involvingthe improvementofoperationsandpreparations for network expansion realised in June 2019, as well as the optimisation of business processes, to report net annual pro ts of €12.2million for 2018. Particularly good resultswere achieved in the sale of ancillary services,whichwereupnearly vefoldcomparedto2017, reaching €6.9 million. Revenue from charter operations increased by more than 40 per cent, to €20.7 million, improving results additionally from2017, which was itself a record year. ThetotalnumberofpassengerscarriedbyAirSerbiain2018was 2.48million, while the airline’s passenger carrying capacity, measured in terms of Available Seat Kilometres (ASKs), was 4.03 billion in2018, the averagepassenger load factor (SLF) was 71.2per cent. TheAvioletcharterbrandconductedarecord 958 ightsin2018,carrying223,000passengersto popular summer holiday destinations inGreece, Turkey, Spain, ItalyandEgypt, representinganincrease of 28 per cent compared to the previous year. Other novelties last year included the re-introductionof ights toHurghada inEgypt, an increase in ights to the Turkish coast, and the introductionof a series of Aviolet ights toAntalya operated fromBanja Luka. AirSerbiamadeconsiderableoperational improvements in March 2018, with the introduction of its new fares policy that included the idea of enablingpassengers to tailor their journey to their own individual needs. The new fare policy enables passengers tochoosebetween four fareswhenbooking their ight, with variations dependingonbaggage allowance, booking change exibility etc. Along with the new choice of fares, passengers can purchase an in- ight à la carte service, priority boarding, advanceseat reservationsoraccesstoAirSerbia’sPremiumLounge. Indicatingthe importanceofonlinesales is thefact thatathird of all Air Serbia tickets were purchased online, with online sales up by three per cent compared to 2017. A strategic decision was taken to continue the accelerated development of online sales of tickets and ancillary services in the future, thus keeping pacewith global trends in the airline industry and the digitalisation process in our country. According toAir Serbia CEODuncanNaysmith,“last year was important because the airline set the foundations for expanding its network. This also served as a basis for our long term strategy, which has already been implemented and will reinforce our role as regional leader. Regardless of the numerous anddemanding challenges in the airline industry, Air Serbia is developing its product portfolio to ensure even better nancial and operative results, but also to o er our passengers an excellent product for an economical price.” Ukupan broj putnika prevezenih u 2018. je 2,48 miliona The total number of passengers carried by Air Serbia in 2018 was 2.48 million

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26 | Tekst/Words: Radmila Nikolić Fotografije/Photography: iStock The uniqueness of the taste of burek from Niš has been con- rmed by many foreign and local tourists. And it was actually in this city in 1498 that the rst round burek,made inacircularbaking tray, was baked – produced by one Mehmed Ogla, a renownedbaker fromIstanbul. It was soon after this that burekquicklymadeahome for itself in the cuisines ofmany Balkan countries that formed parts of the Ottoman Empire. According to Bratislav Vukadinović, President of the Union of Bakers of Niš today, the secret of the famous Nishki burek is that the same recipehasbeen used since 1498, with the only di erence being that fat of vegetable origin has been replaced by animal fat. “Burek is still made today exclusively in circular baking trays, weighing1.2 kgwhen rawandprecisely one kilogram once baked. It requires 200 grams of cheese and the same amount of lard, and it’s very important that the our is good. In this sense it should be elastic, able to be developed into the thinnest possible crust and to have, as we bakers say, energy, or strength, to withstand a wide, broken crust. Burek is something that foreigners coming to Niš notice rst, after the parks and the hospitality of the people, because when they ask what they could try, the response they receive is - burek, rakijabrandy andpljeskavicaburger.Then they say that the burek is the best, the rakija is excellent and the pljeskavisa burgers are fanatic. Burek is somehow ranked rst,”saysVukadinović. Bratislav Vukadinović, predsednik Unije pekara Niš, kaže da je tajna čuvenog niškog bureka u tome što se koristi receptura iz 1498. godine, samo što se danas umesto masnoća biljnog porekla, koristi životinjska mast. – Burek i danas pravimo isključivo u okrugloj tepsiji, sirov teži 1,2 kilograma, a pečen tačno jedan kilogram. Potrebno je 200 grama sira i isto toliko masti, a veoma je važno da brašno bude dobro. Pritom se misli na to da bude elastično, kako bi se razvila što tanja kora, i da ima, kako mi pekari kažemo, energije, odnosno snage da izdrži široku, razbijenu koru. Burek je nešto što stranac koji dođe u Niš primeti odmah posle parkova i gostoljubivosti ljudi, jer na pitanje šta bi mogao da proba, dobije odgovor: burek, rakiju i pljeskavicu. Onda kažu da je najbolji burek, da je rakija odlična, a pljeskavica fantastična. Burek je nekako na prvommestu – kaže Vukadinović. PROBAJTE NAJBOLJI BUREK USRBIJI TRY THE BEST BUREK PIE IN SERBIA KAD STE VEĆ U NIŠU… WHILE INNIŠ… iStock / FotoZlaja

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U SUSRET 53. BITEFU / ONTHE EVEOFTHE53RD BITEF LET’S START LOVE OVER POČNIMO LJUBAV IZ POČETKA Ivan Medenica, umetnički direktor našeg najvećeg međunarodnog pozorišnog festivala, objašnjava šta je imerzivno pozorište i koje će predstave obeležiti ovogodišnje izdanje Ivan Medenica, artistic director of Serbia’s largest international theatre festival, explains what immersive theatre is and which plays will mark this year’s instalment

| 31 Prelazak iz leta u jesen, kao i 53 godine unazad, i ovog septembra obeležava Bitef, festival novih pozorišnih tendencija, koji pod umetničkim rukovodstvom Ivana Medenice predstavlja presek svetskih produkcija. Medenica se ove godine odlučio za vrlo interesantan koncept – program okrenut predstavama koje brišu granicu između publike i izvođača! Nesumnjivo, ta „neugodnost“ koja nas ponekad drži na ivici stolice sa pitanjem – ko će sledeći biti prozvan iz publike – ove godine biće u fokusu Bitefa. No Ivan Medenica je siguran u taj koncept i poziva publiku na novu pozorišnu provokaciju. To brisanje granice, po njegovim rečima, ima i svoje objašnjenje. – Takvo pozorište danas u teatrologiji nazivamo imerzivno, ali je poznato još od šezdesetih godina prošlog veka i američke pozorišne avangarde iz tog doba i trupa kao što je Living theater, čiji su članovi i na Bitefu izvlačili gledaoce na scenu. Ključna je razlika to što je današnje pozorište participacije manje agresivno, demokratičnije je. Kao što kaže naslov predstave Pozvani čuvene briselske trupe savremenog plesa Ultima Vez, kojom zatvaramo Bitef i poentiramo priču, ovde ste samo pozvani da učestvujete, da s izvođačima gradite, scenskim sredstvima, specifičnu zajednicu – kaže Medenica. Nisu sve predstave na 53. Bitefu takve: autentično imerzivnih ima četiri, a za dve domaće se može reći da imaju elemente te vrste teatra. Da bi se u programu koji ima desetak predstava mapirao određeni estetski fenomen, dovoljno je da je takvih predstava četiri-pet, tako da ih, a imajući u vidu i raširenost imerzivnosti u savremenom svetskom teatru, nije bilo teško naći. Taj fenomen u savremenom pozorištu tretiraće se kroz dramske predstave, kao i kroz predstave fizičkog teatra, a u programu festivala biće zastupljeno i plesno pozorište. Očekuje se da posebnu pažnju publike privuku predstave koreografa iz Brazila i Nigerije. – Osmišljavam koncept Bitefa tako da svako njegovo izdanje ima i umetničku i tematsku osovinu: svaka od izabranih predstava mora da se oslanja bar na jednu od njih. Dakle, predstave koje nisu imerzivne pokreću pitanja u vezi sa našom ovogodišnjom temom: raspad zajednice, u rasponu od države, preko porodice, do partnerskih odnosa, i pokušaj njene obnove... Svet je možda i u najvećoj krizi od Drugog svetskog rata, a neke od sindroma ove krize tretiraju predstave 53. Bitefa: terorizam, maloletničko nasilje i uticaj novih tehnologija na tu pojavu, pristanak građana na autoritarne režime, izbegličku tragediju, predrasude prema vezama u kojima su partneri istog pola ili različitih godina i porekla. Tako će program 53. Bitefa, od 17. do 26. septembra, osim pomenute prestave Pozvani , činiti i Retke ptice (Francuska), O mesu i betonu (Brazil), Ali: Strah jede dušu (Slovenija), Nemoralne priče – 1. deo (Francuska), Yuropa (Nigerija), Istorija nasilja (Nemačka), Mladež bez boga (Hrvatska), Orest u Mosulu (Belgija) i Beograd na daljinski trupe Rimini protokol , nagrađene na prošlogodišnjem festivalu. Domaće boje braniće Zašto je poludeo gospodin R? Jugoslovenskog The transition from summer to autumn will this Septemberbemarked, as it hasbeen for the last fty-three years, byBitef, the festival of newtheatrical tendencies, which – under the artistic direction of Ivan Medenica – represents a cross section of world productions. Medenica has this year opted for a very interesting concept – with a programme focused on shows that erase the boundary between the audience and performers! There’s no doubt that the “awkwardness” that sometimes keeps us on the edge of our seats, wondering who will be called out from the audience next, will be the focus of Bitef this year. However, Medenica is sure in this concept and invites the audience to another theatrical provocation. That erasing of boundaries, according to him, has its own explanation: “In theatre studies we today refer to such theatre as “immersive”, but it has been known since at least the 1960s, when the American avant-garde of that time - troupes like the ‘LivingTheater’– hadmembers who dragged audiencemembers, evenat Bitef, onto the stage,”saysMedenica.“Thekeydi erence is that today’s participatory theatre is less aggressive andmore democratic. As stated through the title of the show of famous Brussels-basedcontemporarydancetroupeUltimaVez,“Invited” - with which we close Bitef and make the point of the the story - here you are only ‘invited’ to participate, to build a speci c communitywithperformers, usingthe resourcesof thestage…” Not all of the shows at the 53rd Bitef take this form: four of them are authentically immersive, while two domestic plays can be said to contain elements of this type of theatre. In order to map out a certain aesthetic phenomenon within a programmecontainingaroundadozenshows, it is enough tohave four or ve such shows, and they weren’t di cult to nd – given the widespread nature of immersive shows in contemporary world theatre. This phenomenon of contemporary theatre will be presented both through dramatic works, but also physical theatre performances, while the festival programme also features dance theatre. In particular, the shows of choreographers from Brazil and Nigeria are expected to attract the attention of the audience. “I devise the concept of Bitef in suchaway that each instalTekst / Words: Dragan Jovićević Fotografije / Photography: Bitef Dođite na novu pozorišnu provokaciju Come to another theatrical provocation

32 | dramskog pozorišta i zabranjivani Tartif u režiji Igora Vuka Torbice. Već ovako postavljen koncept navodi na sledeće pitanje za umetničkog direktora – u kojoj meri brisanje granica omogućava autorima da iskažu radikalniji politički stav i da li se on upravo tom radikalnošću vodio prilikom odabira predstava? – Manje je u pitanju intenzitet, a više vrsta političkog sadržaja. U imerzivnom pozorištu se zapravo ne artikuliše stav, političnost nije diskurzivna, ne svodi se na poruku, već je u samom iskustvu našeg gledalačkog bivanja u nekoj scenskoj situaciji, preuzimanja dela odgovornosti za nju. U slovenačkoj predstavi, rađenoj po Fasbinderovom filmu Ali: strah jede dušu, reditelj Sebastijan Horvat postavlja publiku u situaciju da do pucanja ispunjava i inače tesan fizički prostor junaka dramske fikcije i tako postane onaj treći koji sreću kvari, društvo/zajednica koja predrasudama, doslovno i metaforički, guši jednu ljubavnu vezu... Sasvim je druga uloga publike u Pozvanima: tu nismo remetilački faktor, već vođeni samim izvođačima, zajednički ispitujemo i gradimo solidarne, na pažnji i podršci zasnovane odnose i u tome se, sasvim u duhu postdramskog pozorišta o kojem piše Hans Tis Leman, ogleda političnost koreografije Sepe Bajensa... Iz mogućnosti da se, bar na trenutak, izgradi takav svet, potiče i slogan Bitefa, a koji je naslov pesme Aleksandra Koraća proslavljene u interpretaciji Beti Đorđević – Počnimo ljubav iz početka. Naravno, iako uvek najviše u fokusu, glavni program Bitefa nije i jedini, i ove godine pripremljeni su brojni jednako interesantni prateći programi. Medenica kaže da bi sve konceptualne osovine Bitefa bile jasno istaknute, potrebno je tematizovati ih i u pratećim programima, prevashodno onimdebatne prirode, kojih će i ove godine na Bitefu biti mnogo. – Posebno bih izdvojiomeđunarodnu tribinu o imerzivnompozorištu i novo izdanje Filozofskog teatra, u kojem će filozof Srećko Horvat razgovarati s Normanom Ohlerom o otkrićima tog nemačkog pisca o tome koliko su narkotici uticali na nacističku vrhušku, a po čijoj knjizi Leonardo Dikaprio želi da snimi film. Izdvajam i program posvećen sećanju na Borku Pavićević, velikog saborca, stvaraoca i prijatelja Bitefa. Jedan od pratećih programa je i festival novog cirkusa – Cirkobalkana. Sve je to jedan veliki poziv na ljubav. Iz početka. ment hasbothartisticand thematicaxes: eachof theselectedplays must rely on at least one of them. So, plays that are not immersive pose questions related to our theme for this year: the collapse of community – spanning everything from the state and family relations to partnerships – and attempts at its renewal... The world is perhaps in the midst of the biggest crisis since World War II, and some of the syndromes of this crisis are addressed by the plays of the 53rd Bitef: terrorism, juvenile violence and the impact of new technologies on the youth, the consent of citizens toauthoritarian regimes, the refugee tragedy, prejudiceagainst same-sex relationshipsor thosebetweenpeopleof di erent ages andbackgrounds.” Thus, the programme of the 53rd Bitef, to take place from17th to 26th September, will include – apart from the aforementioned Invited– the shows RareBirds (France), Of FleshandConcrete (Brazil), Ali: Fear EatsYour Soul (Slovenia), Immoral Tales - Part 1: Mother House (France),Yuropa (Nigeria), History ofViolence (Germany), YouthWithout God (Croatia), Orestes in Mosul (Belgium), and RemoteBelgradebydance troupeRimini Protokoll,whichwas awarded at last year’s edition of the festival. Our home colours will be defended by the Yugoslav Drama Theatre’sWhy Does Herr R. Run Amok? and the banned Tartu e, directed by Igor Vuk Torbica. A concept established in such a way raises the following question for theartisticdirector – towhat extent does theerasingof boundaries enable authors to express amore radical political stance and was it precisely such radicalism that guided him when it came to selecting plays? “It is less about intensity and more about the type of political content. In immersive theatre a stance actually isn’t articulated, politics isn’t discursive, it isn’t boiled down to a message, but rather is in the very experience of our viewer being in some situation on stage, in taking on part of the responsibility for it. In the Slovenian play based on Fassbinder’s lm Ali: Fear Eats Your Soul, director SebastijanHorvat place the audience in a situationwhere the stage is full to bursting in the otherwise narrowphysical space of the hero of this ctional drama, thus becoming the three that’s a crowd, as a society/community that, with its prejudice – literally and metaphorically – su ocates a love a air... The audience plays a completely di erent role in Invited: here we’re not a disruptive factor, but rather – led by the performers themselves – we jointly examine and build solidarity, through relationships established carefully and supportively, and in this – completely in the spirit of Postdramatic Theatre as written about by Hans-Thies Lehmann – is re ected thepolitical natureof this choreographybySeppeBaeyens... The possibility of building such a world, at least momentarily, is the foundationof Bitef’s slogan, which is the title of a songby composer Aleksandar Korać that was celebrated according to the interpretation of Beti Đorđević - Let’s Start Love Over.” Of course, although it’s always in the main focus, Bitef’s main programme isn’t the only programme, and for this year a number of equally interesting supportingprogrammes havebeenprepared. According to Medenica, in order for all of Bitef’s conceptual axes to be clearly accentuated, it is necessary to theme them in the supporting programmes, especially those that are of a debatable nature – and Bitef will also have many such plays this year. “Iwouldsingleout inparticular the international panel debate on immersive theatreandtheneweditionof thePhilosophicalTheatre, in which philosopher Srećko Horvat will speak with Norman Ohler about this German writer’s discoveries regarding the in uence of narcotics on the Nazi leadership, and whose book on this subject Leonardo DiCaprio wants to adapt for a lm. I would also single out the programme dedicated to the memory of Bitef’s great comrade, creator and friend, Borka Pavićević. Another of the supportingprogrammes is theCirkobalkana festival of newcircus.” Andallof this formsonebiginvitationtolove... Fromthestart. Svet je možda i u najvećoj krizi od Drugog svetskog rata, a neke od sindroma ove krize tretiraju predstave 53. Bitefa The world is perhaps in the midst of the biggest crisis since World War II, and some of the syndromes of this crisis are addressed by the plays of the 53rd Bitef