
Scandinavia » Skandinavija | 39 Scandinavians were the first to start placing an emphasis on sustainability and they've never separated fashion and comfort Skandinavci su prvi počeli da stavljaju akcenat na održivost i nikada nisu razdvajali modno i udobno e aesthetics followthe circumstancesunderwhich we live. e palette is neutral and pleasing on the eye, and the designs, despite being attractive, form perfect combinations with things you’ve probably already got in your wardrobe, such as long cardigans and knitwear with interesting or unfinished edges. Knitwear always carries within it the warmth of clothing for the home, whilst being simultaneously fashionable, which makes it ideal for various occasions, including the kinds of Zoom meetings that are becoming our reality. Vest tops have been announced as obligatory items, and you can wear them around the house or over a boho dress when heading out. e designs exude power, which is actually logical.When confronted by something frightening, you have a need to at least dress in such away that you look big and strong. At the same time they are also quite boldly addressing the dilemma of whether clothes are gender neutral until the instant the wearer determines their status. Sweden is a leader in the areas of technology and innovation, which of course runs through design. ey learn from an early age that nature belongs to everyone and they must take care of it. ey have the same approach to fashion, and this is their opportunity to conquer the fashion world. Modna urednica magazina Elle je na Nedelji mode u Kopenhagenu izabrala komplet modne kuće Desigual Elle magazine‘s fashion editor chose a combination of fashion company Desigual for Copenhagen FashionWeek