
72 | Čokolada, džem, brašno, jaja, puter. Sastojci su obični, ali ne i način na koji se sjedinjuju, koji mora biti savršen. I ona čokoladna glazura mora biti sjajna, da se cakli. Ma koliko cinik u vama govorio – pa to je samo obična torta, saher je mnogo više od toga: kultni brend i recept star 200 godina, trenutno zaključan u sefu bečkog hotela Saher . Sve je počelo 1832. posle Bečkog kongresa, kada je princ Meternih naložio da se pripremi gozba za pamćenje i naglasio da naročito desert treba da bude izuzetan. Glavni kuvar se razboleo i sva odgovornost je bila na njegovom pomoćniku, 16-godišnjem Francu Saheru. Saher se vešto snašao iskoristivši sastojke koji su već bili u kuhinji. Kada je na banketu poslužena čokoladna torta sa džemom od kajsije i šlagom sa strane, bio je to nezapamćen uspeh, nešto novo i neočekivano na slatkoj bečkoj mapi, koja je do tada znala samo za kreacije od marcipana. Četiri godine kasnije Francova torta je počela da se služi na dvoru. Kažu, najveći izazov je napraviti glazuru, koja se pravi od tri vrste čokolade, a torta se tradicionalno služi uz bečki melanž, čuvenu kafu s mlekom. art travel BečEr Srbija leti 14 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Beč Air Serbia ies 14 times a week from Belgrade to Vienna Vienna 1.20’ Schwechat Trajanje leta Aerodrom Flight time Airport SAHER HOTEL  Gde se nalazi: Philharmoniker Str. 4  Koliko košta: Parče torte sa šlagom: 7,5 evra + melanž kafa: 5,9  Kad radi: Od 8 do 24 h SACHER HOTEL  Where is it: Philharmoniker Str. 4  How much: Slice of cake with whipped cream: 7,5 + Cafe Melange: 5,9  Working hours: 8pm - midnight Chocolate, jam, our, eggs and butter. The ingredients are common, but the way they are fused is not. It must be perfect. And that chocolate glazingmust shine, glistening. Nomatter howmuch the cynic within you insists it’s just an ordinary cake, the Sachertorte is muchmore than that: a cult brand and 200-year-old recipe, currently locked in the safe of Vienna’s Hotel Sacher. It all started in 1832, after the Congress of Vienna, when PrinceMetternich, the imperial chancellor, ordered the preparation of a feast to remember, emphasising that the desserts should be particularly exceptional. The head chef fell ill and all responsibility fell on his assistant, the then 16-year-old Franz Sacher. Sacher coped skilfully, using ingredients that were already available in the kitchen.When his chocolate cake with apricot jamandwhipped creamwas served at the banquet, it proved an unprecedented success, the creation of something new and unexpected on themap of Viennese desserts, which had until then only featured creations made of marzipan. Four years later, Franz’s cake began being served in the imperial court. The biggest challenge is said to bemaking the glaze, which is created using three types of chocolate, and the cake should be served alongside“Wiener Melange” , the city’s famous co ee withmilk. Torta je najbolja u hotelu Saher Cake is best at Hotel Sacher Hotel „Saher“ stoji rame uz rame sa Praterom, Hofburgom, katedralom Svetog Stefana i ostalim kultnim tačkama na mapi Beča Hotel Sacher stands side by side with Prater Park, Hofburg, St. Stephen’s Cathedral and other cult points on the map of Vienna gastro vikend CULINARY WEEKEND iStok / kemter