
Ljubitelj samprirode, avanturista, planinar, član Planinarskog društva Morič iz Vlasotinca, amaterski fotograf, edukator, potpredsednik Ekološkog društva Vlajna. Zaljubljenik sam u kanjone i svrstavam ih među najfascinantnije prirodne kreacije. Instagram » Instagram | 85 Bogova vrata Bogova vrata su interesantna krečnjačka formacija na ne previše poznatoj planini Krstatac, između opština Sokobanja i Knjaževac. To je jedna od velikog broja interesantnih lokacija u sokobanjskoj opštini, po mommišljenju idealnoj za višednevni aktivni odmor. God’s Door God’s Door is an interesting limestone formation on Krstatac, a mountain that’s not very well known and is located along the border between the Serbian municipalities of Sokobanja and Knjaževac. One of many interesting locations in the Sokobanja municipality, in my opinion this is an ideal spot for an active multi-day holiday. Ostatovica rocks A still “wild” and not so easily accessible site is represented by the Ostatovica rocks, an interesting rock formation and vantage point offering a stunning view over the area of the village of Ostatovica, on the slopes of Suva Planina, the Dry Mountain. This point, which was of strategic importance during medieval times, is a site that I would associate with a “throne”, and from there I enjoyed the view of the surrounding area that was also observed by our ancestors during the Middle Ages. Ostatovačke stene Još divalj i ne tako lako dostupan lokalitet predstavljaju Ostatovačke stene, zanimljive formacije stena i vidikovac sa zapanjujućim pogledom u ataru sela Ostatovica, na obroncima Suve planine. Ovo važno strateško mesto u srednjem veku asociralo me je na tron, sa koga sam uživao u pogledu na okolinu koju su sa njega nadgledali naši preci u srednjem veku. Nature lover, adventurer, mountaineer, member of the Morič Mountaineering Association fromVlasotince, amateur photographer, educator, vice president of the Vlajna Ecological Association. I’m a lover of canyons, which I rank among nature’s most fascinating creations.