
Belgrade » Beograd | 73 Bukulja Bukulja je planina u Šumadiji, 80 kilometara južno od Beograda, u čijem su podnožju ušuškani Aranđelovac i Bukovička banja. Planina je vulkanskog porekla, sa nadmorskom visinom od 696metara. Obrasla je bukovom, grabovom i hrastovom šumom, a obeležene pešačke staze vode od parka u Bukovičkoj banji do vrha planine. Na vrhu se nalaze hidrometeorološka stanica i vidikovac, a među atrakcijama su prelepo Garaško jezero na obodu planine, pećina Risovača... BUKULJA Bukulja is a mountain in Šumadija that's located 80km south of Belgrade and has the town of Aranđelovac and Bukovica Spa nestled in its foothills. This mountain is an extinct volcano that extends to an elevation of 696metres above sea level. Covered with beech, birch and oak forests, marked hiking trails lead fromBukovica Spa park to the top of the mountain. At the top is a hydrometeorological station and a watchtower, while its attractions also include the beautiful Garaš Lake on the shoulder of the mountain, Risovača Cave etc. Fruška gora Fruška gora je planina u Sremu koja je 1960. proglašena nacionalnim parkom. Naime, do pre 90 miliona godina Fruška gora bila je ostrvo u Panonskommoru, a kada je more presušilo, priroda joj je dodelila ulogu jedine planine u ravnoj Vojvodini. Najviši vrh je Crveni čot (539 metara). Kulturno-istorijsku dimenziju Fruškoj gori donosi 16 manastira, koji su sagrađeni između 16. i 18. veka kao zaostavština srpskih vladarskih porodica, dok je za ljubitelje prirode poseban izazov šetnja do Dumbovačkog vodopada. Inače, Fruška gora je i dom orla krstaša, najugroženije vrste na svetskoj crvenoj listi i jednog od simbola Srbije. FRUŠKA GORA Fruška Gora is an isolated mountain that rises like an island in the flatland of Srem and was declared a national park in 1960. Specifically, Fruška Gora was an island in the Pannonian Sea until 90 million years ago, when the sea dried up and nature gave it the role as the only mountain in the flat plains of Vojvodina. Its highest peak is Crveni Čot (539m/asl). Fruška Gora's cultural and historical dimension is represented by 16 monasteries that were built between 16th and 18th centuries as the legacy of Serbia's ruling families, while a special challenge for nature lovers is the hike to the Dumbovački Waterfalls. Interestingly, Fruška Gora is also home to the Eastern Imperial Eagle, the most endangered species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and one of the symbols of Serbia. 86 km 80 km od Beograda nalazi se jedina planina u Vojvodini from Belgrade is the only mountain in Vojvodina južno od Beograda nalazi se planina Bukulja / south of Belgrade there is Bukulja mountain FOTO: Depositphotos / Mirko Kuzmanovic FOTO: Profimedia.rs / Mirko Kuzmanovic