
Rim S fotografom u obilazak atrakcija Snimiti dobru fotografiju na putovanjima ponekad je prava umetnost jer zahteva veštinu i strpljenje. A kako je Instagram planetarno najpopularnija društvena mreža, tako turisti često više vremena posvete fotografisanju nego u uživanju i obilasku svetskih atrakcija. Tu činjenicu pametno je iskoristio jedan od rimskih turoperatera, koji je osmislio specijalnu turu obilaska grada sa profesionalnim fotografom. Tura traje tri sata i sve vreme vas diskretno prati fotograf beležeći zanimljive i lepe trenutke, a nakon obilaska dobijate fotografije za uspomenu. Rome Touring attractions with a photographer Creating good photography while on one’s travels is sometimes a real art, as it requires both skill and patience. And, given that Instagram is the planet’s most popular social network, tourists often devote more time to taking pictures than they do to enjoying and touring world attractions. This fact has been wisely utilised by one of Rome’s tour operators, which has devised a special city tour in the company of a professional photographer. The tour lasts three hours and those on it are followed throughout by a discreet photographer, who records interesting and beautiful moments, with the photographs produced given to tourists upon completion of the tour as keepsakes. Beograd Sergej Polunjin u Narodnom pozorištu Jedan od najpoznatijih baletskih umetnika današnjice, koreograf i glumac Sergej Polunjin predstaviće se beogradskoj publici tri večeri zaredom 7, 8. i 9. marta na Velikoj sceni Narodnog pozorišta glavnom ulogom u baletu “Posvećenje”, u koreografiji Juke Oiši. Predstava je inspirisana koreografijom i izvođenjem Vaclava Nižinskog na čuvenu kompoziciju Igora Stravinskog “Posvećenje proleća”. Belgrade Sergei Polunin at the National Theatre For the first time ever, world famous ballet dancer, coreographer and actor Sergei Polunin can be seen on the main stage of the National Theatre in Belgrade over three consecutive evenings on 7th, 8th and 9th March. This controversial dancer will perform his show “Sacre”, a new interpretation of the iconic ballet “Le Sacred du printemps”. The powerful solo was choreographed by Yuka Oishi. Er Srbija leti 5 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Rim Air Serbia flies 5 times a week from Belgrade to Rome iStock / TFILM IZABRALI SMO ZA VAS / WE CHOOSE FOR YOU