
18 | Avioni su nešto najbolje što je čovek mogao da izmisli. Obožavam ih! Ne postoji nijedno prevozno sredstvo koje vas tako brzo i udobno prebaci u neke udaljene krajeve sveta, a da ne pominjem da postoje mesta na koja možete da stignete samo avionom. NEVEN BOŠKOVIĆ IGRAM IGRICEU AVIONU WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES? Aeroplanes are the best thing that a man could think up. I adore them! There’s no other existing means of transport that can take you so quickly and comfortably to some distant parts of the world, not to mention that there are places you can’t even reach except by plane. I PLAY GAMES ON PLANES BEZ ČEGA NE ULAZITE U AVION? Nemam nikakav ritual, ali obično proverim dokumenta koja su mi potrebna na putu. Ako je let kratak, onda kupim dnevne novine, a ako je duži, tada kupim časopise ili ponesem neku knjigu. Pored sebe uvek imam kompjuter, igram igrice. KOJA VAM JE DESTINACIJA OSTALA U SEĆANJU? Mnogo sam putovao i video neverovatne zemlje i teško mi je da izdvojim jednu, ali Vijetnam je zemlja koja me je ostavila bez reči. Volim destinacije koje ne liče na Evropu, jer želim da mi sve bude drugačije, čudno. Južna Amerika me je takođe oduševila. WHAT DON’T YOU BOARD A PLANE WITHOUT? I don’t have any kind of ritual, but I usually check the documents I need for the journey. If the ight is short, then I buy daily newspapers, but if it’s longer I buy magazines or bring a book. I always have a computer next to me and I play games. WHICH DESTINATION HAS REMAINED STRONGLY IN YOUR MEMORY? I’ve travelled a lot and seen amazing lands, and it’s di cult for me to single out one, but Vietnam is a country that left me speechless. I like destinations that don’t resemble Europe, because I want everything to be di erent tome, strange. I was also delightedwith South America. WHY DO YOU LOVE BELGRADE? First and foremost, I was born in Belgrade and my whole family is here. I’ve lived in many countries and on different continents, but no matter how beautiful they were as countries, and how good for life, I never felt like I belong there as I do here. I grew up on this asphalt, and that’s where I feel the best. NA PUTU / ON THE ROAD Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Uroš Arsić ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? ZAŠTO VOLITE BEOGRAD? Pre svega, rođen sam u Beogradu i cela moja porodica je ovde. Živeo sam u mnogim zemljama i na različitim kontinentima, ali bez obzira na to koliko su to lepe zemlje, i dobre za život, nikada se nisam osećao da tamo pripadam kao što ovde osećam. Odrastao sam na ovom asfaltu i tu se najbolje osećam.