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Er Srbija leti dnevno iz Beograda za Štutgart

Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Stuttgart

Er Srbija leti pet puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Tel Aviv

Air Serbia flies five times a week from Belgrade to Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv

Izložba Boba Dilana

U izraelskom glavnom gradu biće 24. maja otvorena velika

izložba posvećena američkom kantautoru Bobu Dilanu (na

fotografiji) rođenom kao Robert Cimerman tačno 75 godina

pre otvaranja izložbe. Biće to prvi događaj u obnovljenom

Muzeju jevrejskog naroda u Bet Hatefutsothu. Dilanovi stihovi

su ostvarili neverovatan uticaj na američko društvo, što nijed-

nom pevaču pre njega nije uspelo. Izložba nazvana po pesmi

„Zauvek mlad“ istražuje tri celine – socijalnu revoluciju koju je

Dilan pokrenuo, njegov uticaj na muziku u svetu i kompleksan

odnos prema jevrejskom poreklu.


Tel Aviv

Bob Dylan exhibition

The Israeli capital will see an exhibition dedicated to American

singer-songwriter Bob Dylan (pictured), who was born Robert

Zimmerman exactly 75 years before the opening of the exhibi-

tion, on 24


May. This will be the first event in the renovated

Museum of the Jewish People in Beit Hatfutsot. Dylan’s lyrics

made an incredible impact on American society that was not

previously achieved by any singer before him. The exhibition,

named after the song “Forever Young”, explores three areas: the

social revolution that Dylan launched; his influence on music

in the world; and his complex relationship with his Jewish



Zmaj u zoološkom vrtu

Zoološki vrt glavnog grada Hrvatske dobio je retku životi-

nju, komodskog zmaja (na fotografiji), najvećeg guštera na

svetu koji može da dostigne veličinu od tri metra i težinu

od 160 kilograma. Komodo zmaj je vrlo retka životinja i u

prirodi se nalazi samo na pet ostrva u Indoneziji u okviru

Nacionalnog parka Komodo, a procenjuje se da je ukupna

populacija oko 6000 jedinki. Van tog područja čuva se u

svega oko 30 zooloških vrtova u svetu.



Dragon at the zoo

The Zoo in the Croatian capital has received a rare animal,

a Komodo dragon (pictured), the world’s largest lizard,

which can reach a length of three metres and a weight of

160 kilograms. The Komodo dragon is a very rare animal

that exists in nature in only five islands in Indonesia, as

part of the Komodo National Park. It is estimated that the

total population is about 6,000 individuals. Beyond this

area it is preserved in only 30 zoos worldwide.

Er Srbija leti dva puta dnevno iz Beograda za Zagreb

Air Serbia flies twice a day from Belgrade to Zagreb


Raj za ljubitelje automobila

Nemački grad Štutgart, raj za ljubitelje automobila, sa dva najzna-

čajnija muzeja – Mercedesovim i Poršeovim, očekuje brojne goste

u važnoj godini za automobilsku industriju u gradu. Mercedes

obeležava 130 godina automobila i 10 godina svog muzeja. Na

izložbi u Poršeovom muzeju „Inspiracija 911“ slave se tri genera-

cije kultnog modela. Za one kojima ni to nije dovoljno, u okviru

kompleksa Motorvorld mogu da odsednu u hotelu V8 u kome su

sve sobe uređene kako dolikuje svetu automobila (na snimku).



Paradise for car lovers

The German city of Stuttgart, a paradise for car lovers, with

its two most important museums – the Mercedes and Porsche

museums – expects numerous guests in an important year for the

city’s automotive industry. Mercedes celebrates 130 years of the

automobile and the 10 years of its museums. The exhibition at the

Porsche Museum, “Inspiration 911”, celebrates three generations

of its most iconic model. For those for whom this is not enough,

they can stay at the V8 Hotel within the Motorworld complex, in

which all rooms are decorated to befit cars (pictured).