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Promo » Promo | 39 38 | Promo » Promo Promo Sasa Popovic i Vladan Ostojic ziveli su zajedno u maloj sobi jednog od studentskih domova, programirali kada god su imali slobodnog vremena, odlazili zajedno na takmicenja i mastali o tome kako ce jednog dana osnovati svoju kompaniju. Samo nekoliko godina kasnije njihov san je poceo da se ostvaruje. U pocetku, te 2008, bili su samo mala grupa vrhunskih inzenjera, a danas je Vega IT lider među kompanijama koje pružaju usluge sa velikom dodatom vrednošću koja daleko prevazilazi ponudu baziranu samo na kvalitetnim inženjerima. Radi na trzistima Velike Britanije, Nemacke, Belgije, Holandije i Švajcarske i broji više od 800 zaposlenih. I to veoma motivisanih, zadovoljnih zaposlenih, na sta je direktor Sasa Popovic veoma ponosan. Pitamo ga na pocetku gde je bio IT sektor u vreme kada je Vega IT pocinjala sa radom... – IT sektor u Srbiji je bio prilicno mali i nerazvijen u to vreme. Velike kompanije u našoj zemlji su u najvecem broju jos bile daleko od prave digitalne transformacije. Verovali smo da najlakse mozemo uspeti ako se usmerimo na pruzanje usluga razvoja softvera uspesnim kompanijama iz zapadne Evrope. Fokus nam je bio da zaposlimo i stvorimo vrhunske inzenjere. Jos tada smo verovali u to da je u Srbiji moguce stvoriti velike uspesne IT kompanije i da je to pravi nacin da pomognemo da se poveca zivotni standard. Ulagali smo u kompaniju, a u prilog nam je islo to sto na globalnom nivou nema dovoljno softverskih inzenjera, a Srbija ima SRBIJA NUDI IT USLUGE SA VELIKOMDODATOMVREDNOŠĆU SERBIAOFFERS IT SERVICES WITHHIGHADDEDVALUE Saša Popović and Vladan Ostojić lived together in a small room that they shared in one of the student dormitories, worked on programming whenever they had free time, jointly attended competitions and fantasised of one day establishing their own company. And it was just a few years later that their dream started to come true. At the start, back in 2008, they were just a little group of top engineers, while today Vega IT is a leader among companies that provide services with a high added value that far exceeds the offer based on high-quality engineers alone. They operate on the markets of the UK, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland, and are 800 people strong. And those are highly motivated and very satisfied employees, which is a huge source of pride for CEO Saša Popović. We start by asking him where the IT sector stood at the time Vega IT first started operating… “The IT sector in Serbia was pretty small and undeveloped at that time. The majority of large companies in our country were still a long way from real digital transformation. We believed that the easiest way for us to succeed was to direct our work towards providing software development services to successful Western European companies. Our main focus was on hiring and creating top engineers. Back then we believed it was possible to create large, successful IT companies in Serbia and that this was the proper way for us to help raise living standards. We invested in the company, and working in our favour was the fact that there aren’t enough software engineers at the global level, while Serbia has people with knowhow that’s far above average.” How do you see the future of IT and your company? “Over the course of the past few years, our company has recognised the market’s need for experts of various additional profiles. Alongside that, we’ve spent years working to build up domain knowledge of the industries in which our clients operate. This has enabled us to provide greater added value for them, in order for them to be able to achieve even better business success. I believe it could be very useful for the futuI nt ervj u : Saša Popov i ć, suosn i vač i i zvršn i d i rektor Vega I T I nt e rv i ew: Saša Popov i ć, co - founde r and CEO of Vega I T re of our country’s IT industry if other domestic companies follow the path that we’ve been taking and thus help clients even more in achieving their goals, and help Serbia become a leader in this domain.” It seems you give equal importance to the happiness of your employees … “Vega IT, just a few years ago, became the first cer- tified company from Serbia with freedom centered culture (WorldBlu Freedom-Centered CultureTM). It’s more pleasant for people to work without someone perched on their shoulder, and instead placing trust in them, from the very first day, that they will do their work responsibly. That’s why our colleagues work as though they’re developing software for themselves, are rewarded adequately for their work, and also appreciate the fact that we care about giving back to the community in which we live and work.” ljude sa znanjem koje je daleko iznad proseka. Kako vidite budućnost informacionih tehnologija i svoje kompanije? – Nasa kompanija je u prethodnih nekoliko godina prepoznala potrebu trzista za strucnjacima raznih dodatnih profila. Uz to, godinama smo radili na izgradnji domenskog znanja industrija u kojima posluju nasi klijenti. To nam je omogucilo da za njih obezbedimo vecu dodatu vrednost kako bi postizali jos bolje poslovne uspehe. Verujem da za buducnost IT industrije u nasoj zemlji moze biti veoma korisno da i druge domace kompanije prate put kojimmi idemo i tako još više pomognu klijentima da postignu svoje ciljeve, a Srbiji da postane lider u ovom domenu. Čini se da vam je podjednako važna sreća zaposlenih... – Vega IT je pre nekoliko godina postala prva sertifikovana kompanija iz Srbije sa organizacionom kulturom u kojoj se ljudi provereno osecaju slobodnim (WorldBlu Freedom-Centered Culture TM). Ljudima je prijatnije da rade kada im niko ne sedi za vratom, nego im od prvog dana veruje da ce odgovorno raditi svoj posao. Nase kolege zbog toga rade kao da razvijaju softver za sebe, adekvatno su nagrađene za svoj rad, a cene i cinjenicu da nam je stalo do vracanja zajednici u kojoj zivimo i radimo. Ljudi iz inostranstva često kažu da u Srbiji postoji odličan odnos kvaliteta i cene koje jemoguće dobiti od softverskih kompanija kao što je Vega IT Foreigners often note how Serbia has an excellent ratio of quality and price that can be obtained from software companies like Vega IT