
| 43 Name an epoch you want to go to and Niš will take you there in the blink of an eye. Once known as Naissus, southern Serbia’s largest city was the birthplaceof Constantine theGreat,who is famous for having issued theEdict ofMilan thatmade Christianity the o cial religion of the Roman Empire. The archaeological site ofMediana (Constantine’s 4th-century residence) features recently renovatedmosaics and other remains from the Roman period. To learnwhyNaissuswas of one of the major stops on the ancient Romans’ Via Militaris, visit the Archaeological Hall. NIŠFORTRESSANDSKULLTOWER Niš Fortress, at the heart of the city, preserves several Ottoman-era architectural beauties, including the Hammam (a lavish Turkish baths converted into a restaurant) andthegorgeous16th-centuryBali-Beg Mosque. Ćele Kula (Skull Tower) is a gruesome yet fascinating sight that tells the story of the struggle for the liberation of Niš in the early 19th century: yes, it was built from real skulls – those of Serbian soldiers – as a warning to anyone considering attempting to rebel against the Ottoman Empire. There aremore ght-for-freedomstories to be found in Niš. The Red Cross ConcentrationCampisoneof fewpreservedNazi concentrationcamps, fromwhichthe rst mass escape in then occupied Europewas organised in1942.The local spirit of liberty also liveson inthememorialparkonnearby Bubanj Hill, where three gigantic concrete sts rise fromthe ground to symbolise the ghtingand su eringofmen, womenand children who were victims of WWII. JAZZ BALKAN STYLE By fusing Serbian folk, Romany and Turkish tunes with various other in uences and genres, Niš has created its unique musical identity that’s nowadays best repinternešeneldžezfestival . Smešteniza zidina tvrđave,Nišvil je širomEvrope prepoznat kao jedanodnajboljihdžez festivala, koji svakog avgusta privlači kako velikane džeza, tako i poznate arenbi , soul, fankiregemuzičaresveta. Ljubitelji pop, rok i elektro zvuka pronaći će svoje omiljeno mesto na brojnimdrugimgradskimfestivalima kaoštosuNisomniailiNaissusFest.A kaododatnapotvrdaprestonicemeraka stoji činjenica da jeNiš rodni grad legendarnogŠabanaBajramovića, koji je širomsveta poznat kao kralj romskemuzike.Niš jetomvrsnompevaču odao počast podizanjem spomenika našetalištuporedNišave,popularnom mestuzaodmaranjeilidruženjesaprijateljima tokom večernjih sati. PRESTONICA DOBRE HRANE Prema jednoj staroj izreci, merak nema cenu! Zbilja, svako ko se zaputi uNišbrzoće seuveriti u to. Upoređenjusaostalimbalkanskimprestonicama i gradovima, gastronomskaponuda Niša je izvanredna i neverovatno povoljna.Uzbrojnešarmantnesrpske kafane,Kazandžijskosokače jenezaobilazna ulica kako za one koji uživaju u hrani, tako i za one koji obožavaju dobar provod. Ako već dobro poznajete omiljene balkanske poslastice – ćevape i pljeskavice, ondanemojtedapropustite daprobatenadalekopoznata rebarca na kajmaku ili se upustiteuavanturuotkrivanjaslasnihbutkicaumotanih u kupus, zapečenih sa domaćomslaninicom. Dodajte na to i veliku porciju šopske ili moravskesalatei zalijtesvehladnimpivom. Ako ste pravi fan bureka, trebalo bi da znate da širom Balkana postoji nekoliko verzija tog omiljenog peciva. Ali onaj burek iz okrugle tepsije, koji potom najčešće biva sečen na četvrtine, ubedljivo je najpopularniji. I za slučaj da to ne znate, nastao je u Nišu u 15. veku! AVANTURE NA NIŠKI NAČIN MeraknijejedinavažnastvaruNišu! Okruženje grada pravi je mali raj za različite vrste aktivnosti na otvorenom. Jelašnička i Sićevačka klisura savršeno sumesto zauživanjeunetaknutojprirodi!Zavisniciodadrenalina mogu da biraju da li žele da se oprobaju u slobodnom penjanju ili paraNekada poznat kao Naissus, glavni grad na jugu Srbije, Niš je rodno mesto cara Konstantina Velikog Once known as Naissus, southern Serbia’s largest city, Niš is the birthplace of Constantine the Great iStock / Creative-Family