
76 | Priroda » Nature LAJFSTAJ L / L I FESTYLE THE ULT IMATE ARCH I TECTURAL I DEAL Little forest houses as salvation for the soul Howmany times since the beginning of the pandemic have you wondered howwonderful it would be to have a little house somewhere in pristine nature with a picture postcard view? Cottages have started trending, and arranging and decorating them is a genuine mini art of humane architecture For those who invested in their summer cottages on time (or inherited them fromhappier times), this is not merely a dream, and for the lucky few this iconic cabin in the woods is more than just a place where you can spend the night sleeping relatively comfortably after a trip, rather it is a real home created in accordance with the principles of sustainability and humane architecture. The culture of small homes is nothing new. And it has been accelerated by the astronomical cost of renting in urban areas and the global recession of 2009. In parallel with this economic factor, a need that‘s more emotional than existential has emerged in overcrowdedmegalopolises - to relocate away from the hustle and bustle of urban hubs to places with a calming atmosphere. The development of new digital professions and the freelance culture rendered the location from which we work irrelevant long before we switched to working from home during the health crisis – is it not better to work with the view of a stream instead of a neighbouring high-rise building? Last but not least – in the continuous insistence on principles of sustainability and care for the environment, just such small houses provide the owner with the opportunity to be eco-friendly in every aspect. In an architectural sense, the ideal of an optimally designed cabin is nothing new. The most famous example is perhaps the one designed by the legendary Le Corbusier, covering just 16m2 as “The Cabanon”, in which all the postulates of his vision of living, which was far ahead of his time, come together. The iconic elements through which we recognise his work today appear via homages in the world‘s most beautiful and luxurious cabins. Although our assoU pretrpanimmegalopolisima pojavila se jedna više emotivna nego egzistencijalna potreba – da se iz vreve gradskog jezgra premesti u atmosferu koja smiruje A need that's more emotional than existential has emerged in overcrowded megalopolises - to relocate away from the hustle and bustle of urban hubs to places with a calming atmosphere FOTO: iStock / JNNAULT