
| 45 SVIMOJI PORTRETIKOJEJE IZLOŽBA DORE MAR U LONDONSKOMTEJTU DORAMAAREXHIBITIONAT LONDON’STATEMODERN ALL THE PORTRAITS OFME THAT PICASSOPAINTEDARE A LIE Istorija je, nažalost, pamti samo kao Pikasovu muzu, ali Dora Mar je i sama bila neustrašiva umetnica, koja je ušla u muški klub nadrealista i pomogla u nastajanju „Gernike“. Pikaso je jednom rekao da nikada nije mogao da je vidi niti zamisli drugačije nego u suzama. Došlo je vreme da svet otkrije da je Dora bila mnogo više od tih suza Unfortunately, history remembers her only as Picasso’s muse, but Dora Maar was herself a fearless artist who entered the men’s club of Surrealists and helped in the creation of Guernica. Picasso once said he could never see or imagine her other than in tears. The time has come for the world to discover that Dora was much more than those tears PIKASO NASLIKAOSU LAŽ Zaboravite one Pikasove portrete. Evo kako je Dora Mar zaista želela da bude viđena Forget those Picasso portraits - this is how Dora Maar really wanted to be seen Tekst/Words: Miona Kovačević Fotografije/ Photography: Profimedia.rs