
Valentine‘s Day » Dan zaljubljenih | 83 SUBOTICA Howmuch we enjoyed just walking around Subotica, its splendid Art Nouveau architecture and beautiful treelined streets. You can see something beautiful and unusual wherever you go in this city. SPITZER CASTLE The architectural gem of the castle of the Spitzer family, which is unfortunately completely unpreserved, is located in the town of Beočin. Its windows, colours, staircase, gallery and vaulted ceilings are breathtaking in spite of their rundown condition. With Zsolnay tiles and colourful murals, we can but imagine what it all looked like in all its glory. We hope that it will manage to be preserved as a monument of culture. BAJSKI CANAL This canal froma fairy tale is situated right on the border between Serbia andCroatia. Surrounded by greenery, swimming in its waters are entire families of swans, while it is filledwithwater lilies. Thewater doesn’t flowbut stands still, thus ensuring that it reflects the sky perfectly. Onemagical and very romantic experiencewas having a picnic on a jetty and bathing as the sun set. Subotica Koliko smo samo uživali u šetnjama Suboticom, njenoj raskošnoj secesijskoj arhitekturi i predivnim drvoredima. Gde god da se zaputite u ovomgradu, možete videti nešto lepo i neobično. Dvorac Špicer Ovaj dragulj arhitekture, dvorac porodice Špicer, nažalost, sasvim neočuvan, nalazi se u Beočinu. Njegovi prozori, boje, stepenište, galerija i svodovi oduzimaju dah uprkos stanju u kome se nalaze. Žolnai keramika i šareni murali, možemo samo da zamislimo kako je sve to izgledalo u svompunomsjaju. Nadamo se da će uspeti da se sačuva kao spomenik kulture. Bajski kanal Ovaj kanal iz bajke nalazi se na samoj granici Srbije i Hrvatske. Okružen je zelenilom, njime krstare čitave porodice labudova, pun je lokvanja i drvenih dokova za kupače. Voda ne teče, već stoji, pa se u njoj savršeno reflektuje nebo. Čarobno i romantično iskustvo bili su piknik na doku i kupanje uz zalazak sunca. FOLLOWERS JOVANA&MILAN @US.TWO.AND.THE.VIEW 10.5k RECIPE FOR AHAPPY COUPLE There is a lot contained in this recipe, but mostly respect, trust, understanding and love. Recept za sreću udvoje Ovaj recept sadrži mnogo toga, ali najviše poštovanja, poverenja, razumevanja i ljubavi.