Decembar 2021

Serbia » Srbija | 85 Po kolu nas prepoznaju u celom svetu, a naš tradicionalni narodni ples upisan je na Uneskovu listu nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa We are recognised for our ‘kolo’ worldwide, and this traditional folk dance has even been inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Serijal će imati 15 epizoda po 25 minuta i snimaće se u 15 gradova širomSrbije The series, which is to be filmed in 15 cities across Serbia, will comprise 15 25-minute episodes Following the great success achieved with his filmTeslaNation, directorŽeljko Mirković beganworkona new documentary, in cooperation with the Kolo ensemble and the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, called Srpsko Kolo [Serbian Circle]. The goal of this film and documentary series is to show the unity of all Serbs through a unique formationof the circle, aswell as the strengthening of unity and faith in a common future. “I noticed that huge space exists topromote, throughadocumentary film, the values that relate toour nation, people and identity. These are values that would be just as understandable to thewholeworldas they are to our people. The strongest evidence for that is the fact that the kolo was accepted as part of UNESCO's intangibleheritage in2017.The worldhas recognisedthevalueof kolo.Thosemagicaldances.By invoking the layers and beauty of the Serbian kolo through the series, viewers will beable tobetter acquaint themselves with this dance and recognise its importance to the long-termpreservation of their own identity”, says director and producer Mirković. Through kolo dances, people’s mentality is expressedmuch better, more easily andunderstandably, because through dance it is easier to feel and express that which words cannot provide and cannot explain. “Folkdances couldbedefinedas rhythmic movements in space with orwithoutmusical accompaniment, like treading, so movements of the body formed the foundations upon which the kolo folkdances emerged. This is a traditional art formcreated inthedistant past,which is eventestifiedtobypictures–sketchesoncave walls. As a propensity to dance is inherited, it is presumed that evenour oldest ancestorspractisedsomekind of kolo, which has been perfected to this day by being passed down from generationtogeneration,” sayschoreographerBorivojeBorkoStojanović. The series, which is to be filmed in 15 cities across Serbia, will comprise1525-minuteepisodes. Ithasalreadybeenpartlyshot inBelgrade, as shownby the images included,while thenext stop isPirot. And that’swhy we’re introducing you to this Serbiancity that’s famous inmanyways…