Decembar 2021

82 | Gedžeti » Gadgets Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Lajfstajl Lifestyle Gedžeti sa kul faktorom / Gadgets with a cool factor GEDŽE T I / GADGE TS Najuzbudljiviji noviteti iz tech sveta u samom finišu 2021. otkrivaju ono što su nam želje i za narednu kalendarsku godinu: život u punoj rezoluciji, brzini i boji / As 2021 reaches its climax, the most exciting new releases from the tech world also reveal our desires for the next calendar year: life at full resolution, speed and colour Beats Fit Pro Beats slušalice imaju kultni status ne samomeđu ljubiteljimamuzike već imeđuonimakoji sedivenjihovom precizno svedenom dizajnu. Sada su svom lajnapu sjajnih modela dodali i Fit Pro – namenjene onima koji vole (i vode) aktivni način života. Postavljajući novi standardzapremijumzvučnegedžete, one se svojom fleksibilnom formom i vrhunskim zvučnimperformansama visoko plasiraju na listi najboljih tehničkihnovitetau2021, izmeđuostalog i faktoromodrživosti, jer je u izradi korišćena reciklirana plastika. BEATS FIT PRO Beats headphones have a cult status, not only among music lovers, but also among those who appreciate their precisely streamlined design. Their line-up of wonderful models has now been boostedwith theadditionof theFitPro model – intended for those who love (and lead) an active lifestyle. Setting a new standard for premium audio gadgets, with their flexible form and superior audio performance, these earbuds rank high on the list of 2021’s top technical innovations, including when it comes to the sustainability factor – because they are produced using recycled plastic. Nikon Z 9 Iako smo svi ovih dana više navikli da fotografišemo telefonom nego da nosimo aparat sa sobom, vizionari u Nikonovom timu znaju da se tržište nije zasitilo moćnih kamera te se fokusiraju na uspostavljanje novih standarda kada je reč o postizanju visoke rezolucije slike u velikoj brzini. U tom duhu nastala je i najnovija mirrorless kamera od 45,7 megapiksela, prva sa EXPEED 7 procesorom razvijenim u ovoj kompaniji, namenjena onima koji beleže svoje avanture u pokretu. NIKON Z 9 Although nowadays we’re all more accustomed to taking photos with a phone than carrying a camera with us, the visionaries of Nikon's team know that themarket for powerful cameras hasn’t been saturated – which is why they are focusing on setting new standards when it comes to high-resolution images at high speed. It is in this spirit that the latest 45.7-megapixel mirrorless camera was created, representing the first to be equipped with the EXPEED 7 processor that was developed by this company, intended for those who record their adventures while on themove.