
| 5 Dragi putnici, Sezonu praznika uvek odlikuje posebna atmosfera. To je doba godine kada se pale glamurozne novogodišnje dekoracije i niko ne ostaje imun na praznično raspoloženje i euforiju. Sigurni smo da razmišljate o idealnim prazničnim poklonima za najmilije i naš savet je da njima, ali i sebi, darujete jedinu stvar čijom kupovinom postajete bogatiji – putovanje. Pozivamo vas da posetite Beograd i Niš, jer su praznici idealno vreme da uživate u srpskom gostoprimstvu. Mi vredno radimo na tome da u narednih 12 meseci budemo još bolji za vas. Čvrsto uporište i snažan vetar u krila daju nam rezultati ostvareni u godini na izmaku. Sa izuzetno dobrim operativnim rezultatima iz letnje sezone nastavili smo u oktobru i novembru, koji su do sada važili za mesece sa manjim intenzitetom saobraćaja. Možemo se pohvaliti da smo u oktobru ostvarili najbolji rezultat za taj mesec od pokretanja Er Srbije prevezavši 240.696 putnika, što je za 13,37 odsto više u odnosu na isti mesec prošle godine. Osluškujući vaše želje i potrebe, najviše letova obavljamo tokom praznika, i to ka destinacijama za koje ste pokazali najveće interesovanje. Kako je tokom špica zimske sezone, u decembru i januaru, saobraćaj značajno pojačan, savetujemo vam da dolazite na aerodrome ranije. Molimo vas za strpljenje u slučaju stvaranja gužve, kao i da, uvek kada ste u prilici, prednost date starijima, porodicama sa decom i svima kojima je iz nekog razloga teže da čekaju. Mi uvek činimo sve što je u našoj moći da vam iskustvo putovanja učinimo što lakšim i prijatnijim. Zato smo sigurni da će vas obradovati vest da se odnedavno, umesto 36 sati pre leta, putem interneta možete čekirati 48 sati ranije. Za sve koji se raduju aktivnom odmoru i omiljenim zimskim aktivnostima, u ovom broju smo pripremili izbor najatraktivnijih ski-destinacija. Opustite se uz zimske čarolije i vaš omiljeni magazin. Osluškujući vaše želje i potrebe, najveći broj letova obavljamo tokom praznika, i to ka destinacijama za koje ste pokazali najveće interesovanje Dear passengers, . DECEMBAR DECEMBER The holiday season always brings a special atmosphere. It is a time of the yearwhen the lights of glamorousNewYear decorations light up, andnoone is immune to the holidaymood and euphoria.We are certain that you are thinking about ideal holiday presents for your loved ones, and our advice is to give them, and yourselves aswell, the only thing that, whenpurchased, makes you richer – travel. We invite you to visit Belgrade and Niš, because the holidays are an ideal time to enjoy traditional Serbian hospitality. We are working hard on making the next 12 months even better for you. A solid foundation and a strong wind in our sails were provided by the results in the year that’s coming to an end. We have carried on with the exceptionally good operating results from the summer season in October and November, which were previously considered lower tra c intensity months. We are pleased to say that we achieved the best October results this year since Air Serbia was founded, having carried 240,696 guests, which is 13.37 per cent more compared to October last year. By listening to your wishes and needs, we have decided to operate the majority of ights during the holiday, toward destinations in which you have shown the greatest interest for. Since tra c is signi cantly higher during the peak of thewinter season, inDecember and January, we advise you arrive at airports earlier. We kindly ask for your patience in the event of crowds forming and that you, whenever you are able, let througholder persons, familieswith children, and all those for whomwaiting is more di cult for any reason. We are doing everything in our power tomake your travel experiences as easy and enjoyable as possible. Therefore we are certain that you will be happy about the news that, as of recently, instead of 36 hours before the ight, you can check-in online 48 hours earlier. For all those looking forward to an active holiday and their favouritewinter activities, in this issuewe have prepared a selection of themost attractive skiing destinations. Relax with winter magic and your favourite magazine. Bylisteningtoyour wishesandneeds,we havedecidedtooperate themajorityof flights duringtehholiday, towarddestinations in whichyouhaveshown thegreatest interest Uživajte u letu i srećan put, Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija Enjoy your ight and have a nice trip, Yours sincerely, Air Serbia