
36 | / : imam još familije tamo, ali fale mi prijatelji, naročito oni koju nisu među nama. Kada se okrenete iza sebe i kada biste mogli da uskočite u vremeplov i vratite se, ima li nešto što biste uradili drugačije? – Nisam siguran da bih se bavio muzikom. Glas koji imam može se nazvati božjimdarom i to sam ispoštovao. Ali kada bih krenuo ispočetka, završio bih sigurno školu, možda bih bio sportista. S obzirom na uspešnost, ovo nije ni lak posao, ne možeš uvek funkcionisati kako bi hteo. Nazivali suvas idealnimjunakommladih ljudi, danas su junaci sasvimdrugačiji odvas... – Svako vreme ima svoje junake. Uvek su ljudi koji su na javnoj sceni neka vrsta junaka, svako za ponekoga. Niko nije junak svima. Neko je uspešan sportista, neko glumac, svako ima svoju publiku. Moguće je da su danas drugačije profesije u modi. Uvek postoji mogućnost da se neko dokaže i utiče na ciljnu grupu. Ja ne žalim za onim vremenom. Malo je onih koji kao vi traju decenijama. I sadakaoodšale rasprodate pet Arena. Štamislitedavas izdvajaodostalih? – Čovek ne može sam govoriti o uspehu, neko ko analizira nečiju karijeru bolje bi rekao. Za mene je najvažniji profesionalizam. Treba da voliš publiku, da imaš različit repertoar, da budeš dobar pevač i pre svega prirodna osoba, ono što jesi istinski. Da koncerti budu korektni, kao i odnos prema publici, da pesme budu dovoljno komercijalne, a opet da traju, da ne budu za kratko vreme. Dobro je napraviti pauzu, da te se publika zaželi, a ne da konstantno budeš u javnosti. Kako ste uspeli da za sve ovo vreme ne učinite baš ništa loše ni ružno, da ne budete učesnik skandala i estrade u njenomnajgoremobliku?Čime se branite od iskušenja i zala? – Živim svoj život i nisam od te fele. Skandalimi nisupotrebni za karijeru. Pokušavamda se zaštitim, ali to ne radim namerno, tako se ponaša i moja porodica. Slikao samse samo kad sam morao, jer je to obaveza profesije kojom se bavim. Mogli ste i jošmožeteda imate verovatno svaku ženu kojupoželite. U vreme velike zemlje, can’t always function in thewayyou’dwant. You were dubbed the ideal hero of young people, while today’s heroes are completely di erent to you... - Every periodbrings its heroes. People whoareonthepublicscenearealwayssome sortofhero,eachforsomeone.Nooneisspeci c for everyone. Someone is a successful athlete, someoneanactor,andeveryonehas theirownaudience. It’spossiblethatdi erent professionsare fashionable today.Thereare always opportunities for someone to prove themselvesandimpactonthetargetgroup. I don’t mourn for that time. Therearefewwhoendurefordecades likeyouhave.Andnowyousellout ve Arenasas if in jest.What doyou think sets youapart? - A man can’t talk about his own success, somebodywhoanalysessomeone’scareerwouldexpress itbetter. Professionalism isthemost important thingforme.Youneed to lovetheaudience, tohaveadi erent repertoire, to be a good singer and, above all, a natural person, your true self; for the concerts tobe correct and the attitude towards theaudiencesandthesongstobesu cientlycommercial, yetalsolasting,not tobefora short period of time. And it’s a good idea to take a break, for the audience to desire you, and not to constantly be in the public eye. Howdid youmanage, throughout all this time, to do absolutely nothing wrong or unsightly; to not be part of ascandalandshowbizinitsworstform? How do you defend yourself against temptationand evil? - I livemylifeandI’mnotofthat ilk. Idon’t need scandals for my career. I try to protect myself, but I don’t do so on purpose, that’s also howmy family behaves. I only had my picture taken when I had to, because that’s an obligation of the profession I practise. You could have had, and still probablycouldhave,anywomanyouwant. During the time of the former larger country,whichwomenadoredyouthe most andwhy? - Hahahahaha... such is the profession, I’minapublicplace, likemyothercolleagues, singing love songs, so part of the audience naturallyconnectswiththeperformer. It’sjust a profession; life is something else. How did you manage to remain in a longandhappymarriage?Manywould welcome goodadvice ... - It’s a lottery in life. I met my wife 10 years before our marriage, we got to know each other well, and I got married late so I hadtimetothinkaboutmarriage. It’s important to have respect, loyalty, trust... And the longer we’re together, the more we resemble one another. Youwerethebestpupil, andevenstudent,youwerealreadyastarwhenyou graduated.Whywasschoolimportant to you? - Such was that time, it was preferable to have a college education. Also Today I’d recommend education to everyone. Being educated used to be more important than it is today, and what you will end up doing in life is also a lot todowith the twist of fate. Young people at 18 don’t know what they want todo,whichiswhy I’malways infavour I adore travelling and I feel good on planes. There are always friendly ight attendants who take care to ensure you are satis ed and your ight is passing nicely. I like ying with Air Serbia Obožavam putovanja i dobro mi je u avionu. Tu su uvek ljubazne stjuardese, koje paze da budeš zadovoljan i da ti let lepo protekne. Volim da letim „Er Srbijom“