
98 | Kipar » Cyprus KIPAR CYPRUS Putevi vina Između neravnih planinskih vrhova i blistave obale turisti koji su za to posebno zainteresovani uživaće u besprekornim pejzažima i padinama prekrivenim vinogradima. Bogata vinska istorija Kipra traje već 6.000 godina. Popularne su ture Vinskim putevima, gde posetioci mogu biti svedoci procesa proizvodnje i probati neka od ovih izvrsnih vina. Brojne su regionalne vinarije koje proizvode nagrađivana vina, a ljubitelji mogu da posete i obnovljene tradicionalne prese i muzeje, koji takođe odražavaju život i običaje u selu. Dugogodišnja tradicija vinarstva na ostrvu polaže pravo na najstarije vino na svetu koje se još uvek proizvodi, a to je slatko desertno vino komandarija, dok se bogati ukus grožđa takođe dobro koristi za stvaranje moćne „vatrene vode“ živanije. Širom Kipra imaćete priliku da isprobate specijalitete prepoznatljive kuhinje koju karakteriše meze, mali tanjiri puni ukusa – od delikatno začinjenog mesa do svežeg povrća i neverovatnih sireva, kao što je čuveni halumi (slani grilovani ovčji sir). WINE ROUTES Between ruggedmountain peaks and the shimmering coast, the special interest tourist will traverse untrampled landscapes and rolling hills coveredwith vineyards. The rich wine producing history of Cyprus has been constantly unfolding for 6,000 years. Tours of the island’sWine Routes are popular and enable visitors to witness the winemaking process and sample some of the excellent produce from the numerous regional wineries producing award-winningwines. Wine enthusiasts can visit restored traditional wine presses andmuseums, which also reflect traditional rural life and customs. The island’s longstanding winemaking tradition can lay claim to the world’s oldest wine that’s still in production: the Commandaria sweet dessert wine, while the overabundance of grapes is also utilised to produce the potent ‘firewater’ spirit of Zivania. All across Cyprus, you’ll have opportunities to taste the island’s distinctive cuisine, which is composed of meze - small plates of everything from flame-grilled, delicately spiced meats, to fresh vegetables and amazing cheeses, such as the famous halloumi (the savoury sheep’s cheese that can be grilled). godina duga je bogata vinska istorija Kipra years long is the rich wine history of Cyprus 6.000